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Gentoo AMD64 Handbook

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This page is a translated version of the page Handbook:AMD64 and the translation is 100% complete.

AMD64 Handbook
About the installation
Choosing the media
Configuring the network
Preparing the disks
Installing stage3
Installing base system
Configuring the kernel
Configuring the system
Installing tools
Configuring the bootloader
Working with Gentoo
Portage introduction
USE flags
Portage features
Initscript system
Environment variables
Working with Portage
Files and directories
Mixing software branches
Additional tools
Custom package repository
Advanced features
Network configuration
Getting started
Advanced configuration
Modular networking
Adding functionality
Dynamic management

This is the Gentoo Handbook, an effort to centralize Gentoo Linux information. This Handbook contains the installation instructions for an Internet-based installation and basic instructions about working with Portage, Gentoo's package manager.

Instalace Gentoo

V této části se čtenář dozví, jak nainstalovat do systému Gentoo.

O instalaci Gentoo Linuxu
Tato kapitola je úvodem k metodám instalace popsaným v této příručce.
Výběr správného instalačního média
Gentoo je možné instalovat různými způsoby. V této kapitole bude vysvětleno jak instalovat Gentoo s použitím minimálního instalačního CD.
Konfigurace sítě
Abyste mohli stahovat nejnovější zdrojové kódy, musíte nastavit síť.
Příprava disků
Abyste mohli nainstalovat Gentoo, je potřeba vytvořit příslušné oddíly. Tato kapitola popisuje jak rozdělit disk pro pozdější použití.
Instalace instalačních souborů Gentoo
Instalace Gentoo probíhá pomocí archivu se stage3. V této kapitole popisujeme jak rozbalit archiv se stage3 a nastavit Portage.
Instalace základního systému Gentoo
Po nainstalovaní a nakonfigurování stage3 se nastaví základní systém tak, aby bylo k dispozici nezbytně nutné prostředí.
Nastavení jádra Linux
Jádro Linux je srdcem každé distribuce. Tato kapitola vysvětluje jak jádro nakonfigurovat.
Nastavení systému
Je potřeba upravit některé důležité konfigurační soubory. V této kapitole se nachází přehled těchto souborů a je vysvětleno jak postupovat.
Instalace systémových nástrojů
V této kapitole vybereme a nainstalujeme některé důležité nástroje.
Nastavení zavaděče
V této kapitole nainstalujeme a nastavíme správný zavaděč.
Dokončení instalace
Instalace je téměř hotová. V této kapitole jsou zachyceny poslední dokončovací úpravy.

Práce s Gentoo

A Portage introduction
This chapter explains simple steps readers must understand to maintain the software on their system.
USE flags
USE flags are a very important aspect of Gentoo. In this chapter, readers learn to work with USE flags and understand how USE flags interact with their system.
Portage features
Discover the features Portage has, such as support for distributed compiling, ccache, and more.
Init script system
Gentoo uses a special initscript format which, amongst other features, allows dependency-driven decisions and virtual initscripts. This chapter explains all these aspects and explains how to deal with these scripts.
Environment variables
With Gentoo environment variables can be easily managed. This chapter explains how to do that, and also describes frequently used variables.

Práce s Portage

Files and directories
To know Portage in-depth, first learn where it stores its files and data.
Portage is completely configurable through various variables that can be set in the configuration file or as environment variable.
Mixing software branches
Gentoo provides software separated in several branches, depending on stability and architectural support. "Mixing Software Branches" explains how these branches can be configured and how to override this separation individually.
Additional tools
Portage comes with a few extra tools that might make the Gentoo experience even better. Read on to discover how to use dispatch-conf and other tools.
Custom package repository
This chapter gives some tips and tricks on how to use a custom package repository, how to synchronize only the categories necessary, inject packages, and more.
Advanced features
As times goes by, Portage evolves and matures further and further. Additional features are continuously being put in - many of these are only of use by more advanced users. This chapter will go into more detail of these specific features.

Nastavení sítě v Gentoo

Getting started
A guide to quickly get the network interface up and running in most common environments.
Advanced configuration
Here we learn about how the configuration works - this is prerequisite knowledge before continuing with modular networking.
Modular networking
Learn how to choose different DHCP clients, setting up bonding, bridging, VLANs, and more.
Configuring Gentoo for wireless networks
Adding functionality
Adventurous users can add their own functions to the networking tools.
Dynamic management
For laptop users or people who move their computer around different networks.

This page is based on a document formerly found on our main website
The following people contributed to the original document: Grant Goodyear, Roy Marples, Daniel Robbins, Chris Houser, Jerry Alexandratos, Seemant Kulleen, Tavis Ormandy, Jason Huebel, Guy Martin, Pieter Van den Abeele, Joe Kallar, John P. Davis, Pierre-Henri Jondot, Eric Stockbridge, Rajiv Mangliani, Jungmin Seo, Stoyan Zhekov, Jared Hudson, Colin Morey, Jorge Paolo, Carl Anderson, Jon Portnoy, Zack Gilburd, Jack Morgan, Benny Chuang, Erwin, Joshua Kinard, Tobias Scherbaum, Xavier Neys, Joshua Saddler, Gerald J. Normandin Jr., Donnie Berkholz, Ken Nowack, Lars Weiler
They are listed here because wiki history does not allow for any external attribution. If you edit the wiki article, please do not add yourself here; your contributions are recorded on each article's associated history page.

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