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uMurmur is a minimalistic server for Mumble designed to run on embedded systems (DD-WRT or OpenWRT) or older PC hardware. It does not include the QT framework, which makes it a much smaller package and lighter on system resources.
USE flags
Install uMurmur via:
root #
emerge --ask media-sound/umurmur
For the most up to date details on configuration visit the configuration article on uMurmur's GitHub page.
In short, configuration is as follows.
- /etc/conf.d/umurmurd - File that controls what options are passed to the umurmurd daemon upon starting or restarting.
- /etc/umurmur/umurmur.conf - Primary configuration file. Used to set channel names, IP addresses, group names, password, etc.
Modify the primary configuration file as desired. Be sure to set a password if the service should be private:
password = "mysecretpassword";
After configuration is in a working state, start the server:
root #
rc-service umurmurd start
To have the daemon start each time the system boots add it to the default runlevel:
root #
rc-update add umurmurd default
To restart the service:
root #
rc-service umurmurd restart
For systemd users, run the following command to start the daemon:
root #
systemctl start umurmurd.service
To have the daemon start on system boot issue:
root #
systemctl enable umurmurd.service
To restart the service:
root #
systemctl restart umurmurd.service
See also
- Mumble - An open source, cross platform, low-latency, high quality voice over IP (VoIP) suite.
- Skype - A closed source VoIP client for windows