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Mumble is an open source, cross platform, low-latency, high quality voice over IP (VoIP) client. Mumble uses a client/server architecture and is primarily used by gamers, but can be used for any VoIP purpose.



Many laptops have built-in USB microphones (almost always paired with USB web cameras). The kernel needs the SND_USB_AUDIO option enabled to support USB audio (input) devices.

KERNEL Enable support for USB microphones (SND_USB_AUDIO)
Device Drivers -->
   Sound card support -->
      Advanced Linux Sound Architecture -->
         USB sound devices -->
            <*> USB Audio/MIDI driver

USE flags

Cannot load package information. Is the atom media-sound/mumble correct?


Install Mumble:

root #emerge --ask media-sound/mumble



Uninstall Mumble by issuing:

root #emerge --ask --depclean media-sound/mumble

See also

  • Murmur - The server component of Mumble.
  • uMurmur - A minimalistic Mumble server for embedded systems.
  • Skype - A closed source VoIP client for windows