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This page is a translated version of the page Network management using DHCPCD and the translation is 100% complete.
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本文基于发布在Gentoo论坛的帖子 并解释了如何使用dhcpcd进行完整的网络堆栈管理。


确保 dhcpcd 已经安装。接下来,将它添加到默认运行级别并启动服务:

root #rc-update add dhcpcd default
root #/etc/init.d/dhcpcd start

此设置偏离了Gentoo手册中的默认网络说明。 它具有在有线和无线网络接口之间提供自动切换的优点。


For wireless use wpa_supplicant. Either

安装 hook :

root #cp /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/10-wpa_supplicant /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks
root #/etc/init.d/dhcpcd restart
Do not add wpa_supplicant to any runlevel if using the hook.

To use the wpa_supplicant approach, see the wpa_supplicant's Gentoo wiki page.


Stop dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant, then start dhcpcd with debugging enabled and in the foreground to see dhcpcd starting the connection.

root #/etc/init.d/dhcpcd stop
root #killall wpa_supplicant
root #dhcpcd -dB
dhcpcd[23772]: version 6.4.5 starting
dhcpcd[23772]: udev: starting
dhcpcd[23772]: dev: loaded udev


In case the network interface card should be configured with a static IP address, type it into the graphical user interface. Without the graphical user interface, entries can also be manually added to /etc/dhcpcd.conf as described in Dhcpcd#Static_IP_addresses.

从 Gentoo net.* 脚本迁移

When migrating from Gentoo's net.* scripts it is essential to remove the net.* scripts from the runlevels.

user $rc-config list | grep 'wpa_supplicant\|dhcpcd\|net.'
  net.wlp8s0                default
  dhcpcd                    default

Any match starting with net. must not have a runlevel assigned. In the above example, net.wlp8s0 needs to be removed.

root #rc-update del net.wlp8s0
root #/etc/init.d/net.wlp8s0 stop

Once the network setup works well, it is possible to completely remove the old Gentoo net.* scripts. To do so, disable the netifrc useflag, re-emerge OpenRC and finally unmerge net-misc/netifrc:

root #echo 'sys-apps/openrc -netifrc' >> /etc/portage/package.use
root #emerge --ask --newuse --oneshot sys-apps/openrc
root #emerge --ask --depclean net-misc/netifrc


root #rm /etc/conf.d/net
root #rm /etc/init.d/net.*


Manipulating network dependent services by dhcpcd is no longer supported since openrc-0.16.4.


A dhcpcd graphical user interface is provided by net-misc/dhcpcd-ui.

