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Network management using DHCPCD/OpenRC message

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Gentoo provides several tools for managing network connections. If you have emerged OpenRc without network support, i.e. with both USE flags netifrc and newnet disabled, you might need to set up a network manager such as net-misc/netifrc, net-misc/dhcpcd, net-misc/wicd, net-misc/NetworkManager, or net-misc/badvpn. Or, you have the option of emerging openrc with the newnet use flag and configuring /etc/conf.d/network and /etc/conf.d/staticroute if you only use static interfaces.[1]

The easiest to use is dhcpcd. It has perfect integration for wpa_supplicant and automatically switches between wired and wireless connections. In case of using dhcpcd as network manager, the USE flags netifrc and newnet may be deactivated in OpenRC.

FILE /etc/portage/package.useDisabling netifrc and newnet
sys-apps/openrc -netifrc -newnet

Gentoo's standard however for network management is using Gentoo net.* scripts aka netifrc.
