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Gentoo Linux alpha 手册:使用Gentoo
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
欢迎使用 Portage
Portage 系统是 Gentoo 在软件管理方面最显著的创新之一。由于 Portage 的高度灵活性和数量庞大的功能,它时常被誉为 Linux 下最好的软件管理工具。
Portage 是用 Python 和 Bash 两种语言编写的。因为它们都是脚本语言所以用户可以直接阅读它的代码。
大多数用户通过 emerge 来调用 Portage。本章的内容不是复述 emerge 的 man page。要了解 emerge 的所有可用选项,请查阅 emerge 的 man page:
user $
man emerge
Gentoo 软件仓库
当 Gentoo 的文档介绍关于某个软件包的时候,这意味着 Gentoo 的用户们可以在 Gentoo 的软件仓库里找到它。ebuild 是一种包含了所有 Portage 维护软件(比如安装,搜索,查询等等)所需信息的文件,而 Gentoo 的软件仓库是它们的一个集合。这些 ebuild 文件默认储存在 /usr/portage。
Portage 的对于软件的行为都是基于本地的 ebuild。为了能收到新的软件包,安全更新等等,时常更新本地 ebuild 是一件很重要的事情。
更新 Gentoo 软件仓库
Gentoo 的软件仓库通常使用 rsync 进行同步,rsync 是一个快速的文件增量传输工具。要使用它很简单,Portage 的命令行前端 emerge 提供了一个调用 rsync 的方法:
root #
emerge --sync
有时一些防火墙会干扰 rsync 与镜像们的连接。在这时,我们可以使用 emerge-webrsync 来自动下载和安装 Portage 树的快照版本:
root #
使用 emerge-webrsync 的另一个好处是可以只安装由 Gentoo release engineering 团队的 GPG 密钥签名过的快照。与此有关的详细信息可以在 fetching validated Gentoo repository snapshots 找到
有很多方法可以在 Gentoo 的软件仓库寻找软件。其中之一是使用 emerge 本身。在默认情况下 emerge --search 会返回所有符合搜索条件的包名。
举个例子,找出所有名字里含有 “pdf” 的包:
user $
emerge --search pdf
如果要根据描述进行搜索,可以使用 --searchdesc
(或 -S
user $
emerge --searchdesc pdf
* net-print/cups-pdf Latest version available: 1.5.2 Latest version installed: [Not Installed] Size of downloaded files: 15 kB Homepage: Description: Provides a virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files. License: GPL-2
当你找到了软件包的名字,安装它只需要简单得使用 emerge。举个例子,如果要安装 gnumeric:
root #
emerge --ask app-office/gnumeric
由于很多软件依赖其它的软件,在安装该软件的同时很可能还会安装它的一些以来。不要担心,Portage 可以很好得处理依赖关系。如果要知道 Portage 会安装什么软件,可以在命令中加入 --pretend
root #
emerge --pretend gnumeric
在安装软件期间,Portage将从Internet下载必要的源代码(如果需要),并将其默认存储在 /usr/portage/distfiles/中。 之后,它将解压缩,编译和安装包。 要让Portage仅下载源代码而不安装软件,请添加--fetchonly
root #
emerge --fetchonly gnumeric
的USE标记决定了软件包中的自带文档是否会被安装。您可以通过 emerge -vp category/包,名命令来检查是否存在doc
USE 标志:
root #
emerge -vp media-libs/alsa-lib
These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.1.3::gentoo USE="python -alisp -debug -doc" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
最好的启用 doc
USE 的方式是在 /etc/portage/package.use里对想要启用的包单独启用,这样你就能只获得你想要的软件文档。了解更多信息请阅读 USE flags chapter。
user $
ls -l /usr/share/doc/alsa-lib-1.1.3
total 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3098 Mar 9 15:36 asoundrc.txt.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 672 Mar 9 15:36 ChangeLog.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1083 Mar 9 15:36 NOTES.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220 Mar 9 15:36 TODO.bz2
列出已安装文档文件的更可靠方法是使用 equery 的 --filter
选项。 equery 用于查询Portage的数据库,并作为 app-portage/gentoolkit 包的一部分:
user $
equery files --filter=doc alsa-lib
* Searching for alsa-lib in media-libs ... * Contents of media-libs/alsa-lib-1.1.3: /usr/share/doc/alsa-lib-1.1.3/ChangeLog.bz2 /usr/share/doc/alsa-lib-1.1.3/NOTES.bz2 /usr/share/doc/alsa-lib-1.1.3/TODO.bz2 /usr/share/doc/alsa-lib-1.1.3/asoundrc.txt.bz2
选项可与其他规则一起使用,以查看许多其他类型文件的安装位置。可以在 equery 的手册中查看其他功能: man 1 equery。
当您想把一个软件包从系统中移除的时候,使用 emerge --unmerge命令。命令执行完成后,Portage将会移除此软件包安装到您系统中的所有文件,除了那些在安装软件后您修改过的配置文件。保留这些修改过的配置文件是为了便于您今后再次使用它。
root #
emerge --unmerge gnumeric
当您从系统中移除一个软件包时,之前那些为了满足其依赖关系而被自动安装的软件包将会被保留在系统中。要使Portage找到现在可以删除的所有依赖项,可以使用 --depclean
要保持您的系统在最佳状态(更不用说安装那些最新的安全更新),您需要定期的更新您的系统。由于Portage只能检查本地已有文件,因此您首先应该更新您的Portage树。当您的Portage树更新后,您可以用 emerge --update @world命令来更新系统。在下一个例子里,我们还会使用 --ask
选项来控制Portage显示它要更新的软件包列表, 并让您决定是否继续更新。
root #
emerge --update --ask @world
Portage将搜索已安装的程序的新版本。 但是,它只会验证安装的应用程序在/var/lib/portage/world- 中列出的应用程序的版本 - 它不会检查它们的依赖关系。要更新这些包的依赖关系,请添加 --deep
root #
emerge --update --deep @world
但是,这并不意味着更新所有的包:在编译和构建程序的过程中需要系统上的一些依赖程序,但是一旦安装了这些软件,就不再需要这些依赖。 Portage调用那些“构建依赖”。 要在更新这些内容,请添加--with-bdeps=y
root #
emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @world
root #
emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse @world
Gentoo中的一些软件包并没有包含任何实际的内容,而只是用来安装一系列软件包的集合。例如,kde-plasma/plasma-meta 包就是一个包含了一系列与Plasma相关的互相依赖的软件包的集合,您可以通过安装它来在系统中搭建起一个完整的KDE Plasma 桌面环境。
如果您试图从系统中移除一个这样的软件包的集合体,只是单纯地使用 emerge --unmerge 命令并不能完成您的要求,原因在于这些包的依赖关系仍然保留在系统中。
不用担心,Portage也提供了移除孤立依赖的软件包的功能,但由于软件包间的依赖关系是动态的,您首先需要充分地更新您的整个系统,包括更改USE标记设定而导致的变化。在这之后您可以运行emerge --depclean来移除那些完全没有被其他包依赖的软件包。移除之后你需要重新编译那些曾经与刚刚移除的这些包动态连接过的应用程序,因为实际上这些程序不需要那些包。
root #
emerge --update --deep --newuse @world
root #
emerge --depclean
root #
revdep-rebuild工具由 app-portage/gentoolkit 包提供;使用前别忘了首先安装它:
root #
emerge --ask app-portage/gentoolkit
从Portage版本2.1.7开始,可以根据其授权协议接受或拒绝安装软件。 portage 树中的所有包在其ebuild中包含一个LICENSE选项。 运行emerge --search package/category 将显示软件包的许可证。
控制允许的许可证的变量称为ACCEPT_LICENSE,可以在/etc/portage/make.conf文件中设置。 在下一个示例中,将显示他的默认值:
使用此配置,在安装期间需要进行人机交互以接受其EULA的软件包将无法安装。 不带EULA的软件包将可安装。
可以在ACCEPT_LICENSE中全局设置t ACCEPT_LICENSE,或者在/etc/portage/package.license 文进行配置。
举个例子,要允许www-client/google-chrome 包的google-chrome的授权协议, 把下面的内容添加到 /etc/portage/package.license:
www-client/google-chrome google-chrome
这允许安装www-client/google-chrome 程序包,但禁止安装www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins 程序包,即使它具有相同的 授权协议。
授权协议存储在 /usr/portage/licenses/ ,授权协议组在/usr/portage/profiles/license_groups 里面。CAPITAL字母中每行的第一个条目是许可证组的名称,之后的每个条目都是单独的许可证。
在 ACCEPT_LICENSE 变量中定义的许可证组前缀为@
符号。 如果要设置成只允许安装自由软件和文档,要完成此操作:删除所有当前接受的许可证(使用(using -*
只接受自由软件或文档ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE"
在这种情况下,“free”主要由 FSF 和 OSI 定义。 任何其许可证不符合这些要求的软件包将无法在系统上安装。
简介 =
通过使用Portage,一个软件的不同版本可以共存于一个系统中。其他发行版倾向于直接在软件包名字中包含版本号(例如freetype 和 freetype2),Gentoo的Portage使用一种我们称之为SLOT'的技术来实现这种并存。一个ebuild为它自身的版本声明了一个确切的SLOT。具有不同SLOT的同一软件的Ebuild可以共存于同一个系统中。例如,上例中那个freetype包就拥有不同的ebuilds,里面分别有 SLOT="1" 和SLOT="2"的标志
[blocks B ] mail-mta/ssmtp (is blocking mail-mta/postfix-2.2.2-r1)
!!! Error: the mail-mta/postfix package conflicts with another package. !!! both can't be installed on the same system together. !!! Please use 'emerge --pretend' to determine blockers.
Ebuilds文件中包含了特定的字段,里面为Portage提供了此软件的各种依赖关系的信息。总计有两种可能的依赖关系:一种是编译依赖,在 DEPEND 区域进行声明;另一种是“运行时”依赖,在 DEPEND 区域中进行声明。如果上述两种依赖关系中任何一个明确指明某个实体或者虚拟包(译注:可能已安装和正要安装)与要安装的包不相容的时候,就会阻挡软件的安装。
也有可能两个需要安装的包互相阻挡。这种少见的情况下,您应该明确自己为什么需要同时安装它们。绝大多数时候您只需要安装它们之中的一个就可以了。如果不是这样,请您到 Gentoo's bugtracking system 中提交一个bug。
!!! all ebuilds that could satisfy "bootsplash" have been masked.
!!! possible candidates are: - gnome-base/gnome-2.8.0_pre1 (masked by: ~x86 keyword) - lm-sensors/lm-sensors-2.8.7 (masked by: -sparc keyword) - sys-libs/glibc- (masked by: -* keyword) - dev-util/cvsd-1.0.2 (masked by: missing keyword) - games-fps/unreal-tournament-451 (masked by: package.mask) - sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r11 (masked by: profile) - net-im/skype- (masked by: skype-eula license(s))
Reason for mask | Description |
~arch keyword | 这个软件没有经过充分的测试,不能进入稳定分支,请等待一段时间后在尝试使用它。 |
-arch keyword or -* keyword | 这个软件不能工作在您机器的体系结构中。如果您确信它能工作那么请到我们的bugzilla网站提交一个bug报告。 |
missing keyword | 这个软件还没有在您机器的体系结构中进行过测试。您可以咨询相应体系结构移植小组是否能对它进行测试,或者您自己为他们进行这样的测试并将您得到的结论提交到我们的bugzilla网站。 |
package.mask | 这个软件被认为是损坏的,不稳定的或者有更严重的问题,它被故意标识为“不应使用”。 |
profile | 这个软件不适用于您的profile。安装这样的应用软件可能会破坏您的系统,或者只是不能与您使用的profile相兼容。 |
license | 这个包的许可证的ACCEPT_LICENSE值不正确。 通过设置许可证或正确的许可证组来允许其许可证:/etc/portage/make.conf或 /etc/portage/package.license |
The following USE changes are necessary to proceed: #required by app-text/happypackage-2.0, required by happypackage (argument) >=app-text/feelings-1.0.0 test
emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy "app-text/feelings[test]". !!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request: - app-text/feelings-1.0.0 (Change USE: +test) (dependency required by "app-text/happypackage-2.0" [ebuild]) (dependency required by "happypackage" [argument])
当请求安装包时,发生这种警告或错误,这不仅取决于另一个包,而且还要求该包使用特定的USE标志(或一组USE标志)构建。 在给定的示例中,包应用文本/感觉需要使用 USE="test"构建,但此系统上未设置此USE标志。
要解决这个问题, 到/etc/portage/make.conf编辑里面的USE标志, 或者去/etc/portage/package.use设置一个特殊的包.
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">=sys-devel/gcc-3.4.2-r4". !!! Problem with ebuild sys-devel/gcc-3.4.2-r2 !!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.
[ Results for search key : listen ] [ Applications found : 2 ] * dev-tinyos/listen [ Masked ] Latest version available: 1.1.15 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 10,032 kB Homepage: Description: Raw listen for TinyOS License: BSD * media-sound/listen [ Masked ] Latest version available: 0.6.3 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 859 kB Homepage: Description: A Music player and management for GNOME License: GPL-2 !!! The short ebuild name "listen" is ambiguous. Please specify !!! one of the above fully-qualified ebuild names instead.
!!! Error: circular dependencies: ebuild / net-print/cups-1.1.15-r2 depends on ebuild / app-text/ghostscript-7.05.3-r1 ebuild / app-text/ghostscript-7.05.3-r1 depends on ebuild / net-print/cups-1.1.15-r2
两个(或多个)您想安装的包由于循环依赖而不能安装。这很可能源于Portage树中的bug。请等一段时间后重新sync再尝试安装。您也可以去 Bugzilla 看看是否已经有此问题的报告,或者提交一个关于它的报告。
!!! Fetch failed for sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r5, continuing... (...) !!! Some fetch errors were encountered. Please see above for details.
!!! Trying to unmerge package(s) in system profile. 'sys-apps/portage' !!! This could be damaging to your system.
>>> checking ebuild checksums !!! Digest verification failed:
这是Portage树中出现了错误的迹象,通常是由于将ebuild提交到Gentoo ebuild存储库时出错造成的。
当digest校验失败的时候,请不要尝试自己去为此软件包重新产生digest。使用ebuild foo manifest 并不能修复问题,反而很可能会使问题变得更糟。
取而代之的应该是等待一至两个小时以便让软件仓库安定下来。一般来说错误很有可能马上就会被注意到,但是修复程序可能需要一点时间来逐步扫描rsync镜像。当您等待的时候,到Bugzilla或者#gentoo (IRC)看看是否已经有人报告了这个问题。如果没有,那就为那个损坏的ebuild提交一个bug报告吧。
修复错误后,重新同步Gentoo ebuild仓库以获取修复的digest。
值得注意的是:不要每天多次同步Gentoo ebuild repository 仓库。正如(当您运行emerge --sync时)Gentoo官方网络礼节策略所指出的那样,那些短时间内过于频繁进行多次sync的用户将会被更新服务器软封禁一段时间,一再不遵守这一政策的滥用者可能会被硬封禁。除非绝对必要,否则通常最好等待24小时再进行同步,因为这样您不会使Gentoo的rsync镜像服务器过载而影响其他用户的正常使用。
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
让我们看一个特殊示例:关键字 kde
。如果你的 USE 变量里面没有这个关键字,所有具有可选KDE支持的包在编译时都 不会 编译KDE支持。所有具有可选KDE依赖关系的包在安装时都 不会 (做为一个依赖关系而)安装KDE库。如果你设定了kde关键字,这些包在安装时都 会 编译KDE支持,而且KDE库也 会 (作为一个依赖关系而)被安装。
- 全局USE标志适用范围是整个系统,可以被许多包使用。这就是大多数人眼里的USE标志。当前可用的全局USE标志列表可以在网上 main site 或者本机的/usr/portage/profiles/use.desc 文件里找到。
- 局部USE标志只被单个包用来做该包特有的决定。 当前可用的局部USE标志列表可以在网上 main site当前可用的局部USE标志列表可以在本机的/usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc文件里找到。
就像前面提到的,所有USE标志都声明在 USE 变量里面。为了让用户能方便地查找和选择USE标志,我们提供了一份默认的USE设定。这些设定是我们觉得Gentoo用户通常都要用到的USE标志的集合。这个默认设置在make.defaults 文件──你的profile声明。
你的系统使用的profile是符号链接 /etc/portage/make.profile 所指向的目录。每个profile叠加于某个更大的profile之上,最终的结果是这些profile的并集。初始profile是base profile(/usr/portage/profiles/base)。
要查看当前正在使用的USE标志(全部),请使用 emerge --info:
root #
emerge --info | grep ^USE
USE="a52 aac acpi alsa branding cairo cdr dbus dts ..."
就像你看到的那样,这个变量已经包括了非常多的关键字。不要通过修改make.defaults 文件里的 USE 变量来满足你的需要:在升级Portage的时候,这个文件将会被覆盖。
要改变这个默认设置,你需要在 USE 变量里添加或移去关键字。这是通过在/etc/portage/make.conf里定义USE全局变量来实现的。在这个变量里,添加你需要的额外的USE标志,或者移去你不需要的USE标志。后者可通过在标记前面加个负号 (-
例如,要移除对 KDE 和 QT 的支持,并添加对 LDAP 的支持,可以在/etc/portage/make.conf里声明USE如下:
Updating USE in make.confUSE="-kde -qt4 -qt5 ldap"
Sometimes users want to declare a certain USE flag for one (or a couple) of applications but not system-wide. To accomplish this, edit /etc/portage/package.use. package.use is typically a single file, however it can also be a directory filled with children files; see the tip below and then man 5 portage for more information on how to use this convention. The following examples assume package.use is a single file.
For instance, to only have Blu-ray support for the VLC media player package:
Enabling Blu-ray support for VLCmedia-video/vlc bluray
If package.use is pre-existing as a directory (opposed to a single file), packages can have their local USE flags modified by simply creating files under the package.use/ directory. Any file naming convention can work, however it is wise to implement a coherent naming scheme. One convention is to simply use the package name as the title for the child file. For example, setting the
USE flag locally for the media-video/vlc package can be performed as follows:root #
echo "media-video/vlc bluray" >> /etc/portage/package.use/vlc
禁用 PHP 对 bzip2 的支持dev-lang/php -bzip2
有时,你只想暂时改变一个USE设置。你可以仅仅把USE 变量声明成一个环境变量,而不必两次修改/etc/portage/make.conf 。但是要记住,当你重新emerge或者升级这个程序的时候(不管是单独地还是作为系统升级的一部分),你的修改会被重置。
The following example temporarily removes the pulseaudio
value from the USE variable during the installation of SeaMonkey:
root #
USE="-pulseaudio" emerge www-client/seamonkey
当然,在什么设置优先于USE设置有一定的优先级。 USE设置的优先级,按优先级排序(第一优先级最低):
- make.defaults 里面的USE默认设定
- 用户在/etc/portage/make.conf里面的USE默认设定
- 用户在 /etc/portage/package.use里面的USE默认设定
- 用户作为环境变量的USE设定
运行 emerge --info可以看到Portage识别的最终的USE设定。它会列出Portage使用的所有相关变量(包括 USE 变量)。
root #
emerge --info
如果你已经修改了你的USE标志,而且你想用新的USE标志更新你的系统,可以使用emerge的 --newuse
root #
emerge --update --deep --newuse @world
运行emerge --depclean是一项危险的操作,必须小心。请反复检查要删除的包的列表里确定没有你仍然需要的包。下面这个例子里,我们添加了
选项来root #
emerge -p --depclean
root #
和 --verbose
为选项执行 emerge来查看:
root #
emerge --pretend --verbose www-client/seamonkey
These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] www-client/seamonkey-2.48_beta1::gentoo USE="calendar chatzilla crypt dbus gmp-autoupdate ipc jemalloc pulseaudio roaming skia startup-notification -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -debug -gtk3 -jack -minimal (-neon) (-selinux) (-system-cairo) -system-harfbuzz -system-icu -system-jpeg -system-libevent -system-libvpx -system-sqlite {-test} -wifi" L10N="-ca -cs -de -en-GB -es-AR -es-ES -fi -fr -gl -hu -it -ja -lt -nb -nl -pl -pt-PT -ru -sk -sv -tr -uk -zh-CN -zh-TW" 216,860 KiB Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 216,860 KiB
emerge 并不是做这件事的唯一工具。事实上,我们有一个专门的包信息工具叫equery,它属于app-portage/gentoolkit。
root #
emerge --ask app-portage/gentoolkit
现在以为参数执行 equery 来查看指定包的USE标志。例如:gnumeric包:
user $
equery --nocolor uses =gnumeric-1.12.31
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation] [ : I - package is installed with flag ] [ Colors : set, unset ] * Found these USE flags for app-office/gnumeric-1.12.31: U I + + introspection : Add support for GObject based introspection - - libgda : Enable database support through gnome-extra/libgda. - - perl : Enable perl plugin loader. + + python : Enable python plugin loader. + + python_targets_python2_7 : Build with Python 2.7
一些ebuild需要或禁止USE标志的某些组合才能正常工作。 这通过放置在 REQUIRED_USE,用一组条件来表示。 此条件确保所有功能和依赖性都已完成,并且构建将成功并按预期执行。 如果任何一个不符合,emerge会提醒你,并要求你解决这个问题。
Example | Description |
REQUIRED_USE="foo? ( bar )"
如果 foo 被设定, 则必须设定bar 。
REQUIRED_USE="foo? ( !bar )"
如果 foo 被设定, 则必须不设定 bar 。
REQUIRED_USE="foo? ( || ( bar baz ) )"
如果 foo 被设定, 则必须设定 bar 或baz 。
REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( foo bar baz )"
foo bar 或baz 中必须有一个被设定
REQUIRED_USE="|| ( foo bar baz )"
foo bar 或 baz 中至少有一个被设定。
REQUIRED_USE="?? ( foo bar baz )"
foo bar 或 baz 中必须同时被设定多个USE
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
为了打开或者关闭某一Portage特性您需要编辑 /etc/portage/make.conf中的 FEATURES变量,这个变量包含不同的特性关键字,用空格分开。在一些情况下您可能还需要额外的安装被这个特性所依赖的工具。
user $
man make.conf
查看 FEATURES 的默认设置,运行emerge --info并且查找FEATURES变量或者用grep 显示它:
user $
emerge --info | grep ^FEATURES=
distcc 是一个分布式编译程序,可以把编译任务分配给同一网络中的不同机器,这些机器的配置不必完全相同。distcc客户端发送所有必须的信息给所有可利用的distcc服务器(运行distccd的机器)。这样它们每一个都能为客户端编译一部分源码。所获得的效果就是更短的编译时间。
您可以在Gentoo Distcc文档里找到更多的关于Distcc的信息(包括如何让它在Gentoo上工作)。
安装 distcc
Distcc使用一个图形化监视器来监视您的机器发送出去的编译工作。请把 USE=gnome
或 USE=gtk
root #
emerge --ask sys-devel/distcc
将 distcc
添加到/etc/portage/make.conf.中的 FEATURES </ var>变量中。 接下来,编辑MAKEOPTS变量,并增加系统允许的并行构建的数量。 一个已知的方法是填写 -jN
现在运行 distcc-config并输入已有的DistCC服务器。作为一个简单例子,我们假设已有的DistCC服务器是192.168.1.102(当前主机)、和192.168.1.104(两个远端服务器):
root #
distcc-config --set-hosts ""
root #
rc-update add distccd default
root #
/etc/init.d/distccd start
ccache是一个快速编译器缓存。 无论何时编译应用程序,它都将缓存中间结果,以便每当重新编译相同的程序时,编译时间大大减少。 第一次运行ccache时,它会比正常编译慢得多。 但是后续的重新编译应该更快。 ccache只有在相同的应用程序将被重新编译多次(或相同应用程序的升级频繁发生)时才有用; 因此它通常只对软件开发人员有用。
已知ccache会导致大量的编译失败。 有时ccache会保留旧代码对象或损坏的文件,这可能导致无法破损的源码。 如果发生这种情况(例如"File not recognized: File truncated"出现在构建日志中),请尝试重新编译ccache导致错误的应用程序 (
到/etc/portage/make.conf) 安装 ccache
root #
emerge --ask dev-util/ccache
激活Portage ccache 支持
打开 /etc/portage/make.conf并添加ccache
开启 Portage ccache 支持FEATURES="ccache" CCACHE_SIZE="2G"
root #
CCACHE_DIR="/var/tmp/ccache" ccache -s
不过,如果您运行 ccache ,它使用的默认目录是${HOME}/.ccache/。这就是为什么当您查询(Portage)ccache统计数据的时候您需要设定 CCACHE_DIR参数的原因。
如果您需要在非Portage编译中使用ccache,添加 /usr/lib/ccache/bin/到您 PATH参数里靠前的位置(在/usr/bin之前)。这一点可以通过编辑在您用户主目录中的~/.bash_profile文件来实现。使用~/.bash_profile是定义 PATH参数的一个方式
设置 ccache 路径 PATHPATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin:${PATH}"
如果某个包已经被安装在您的系统上,您可以用quickpkg来创建一个预编译包。也可以用带有 --buildpkg
如果您希望Portage为您所安装的每一个单独的包创建预编译包,在 FEATURES 中添加buildpkg
预编译包的更多扩展支持可以用catalyst得到。关于catalyst的更多信息请参阅Catalyst FAQ。
尽管Gentoo并不提供,但是您可以自己建立一个“中心仓库”来存放预编译包。如果您希望使用这个仓库,您需要设定PORTAGE_BINHOST参数使Portage能够知道它。例如,如果预编译包在 ftp://buildhost/gentoo 上:
添加 PORTAGE_BINHOSTPORTAGE_BINHOST="ftp://buildhost/gentoo"
当您需要安装预编译包的时候,在emerge命令后的 --getbinpkg
选项旁加入 --usepkg
root #
emerge --usepkg --getbinpkg gnumeric
user $
man emerge
如果预构建的软件要分发给其他人,请确保这样做是被允许的。 检查上游软件包的分发要求。 例如,对于在GNU GPL协议下发布的软件,源代码必须与二进制文件一起提供。
如果构建的二进制程序不可分发,则Ebuild可以在其RESTRICT 变量中定义 bindist
限制。 有时,此限制取决于一个或多个USE标志。
默认情况下,Portage将不会屏蔽任何包,因为有限制。 这可以通过在/etc/portage/make.conf中设置ACCEPT_RESTRICT变量来全局更改。 例如,要掩盖具有bindist
只接受预编译包ACCEPT_RESTRICT="* -bindist"
变量。 例如, --accept-restrict=-bindist
还可以考虑在分发包时设置ACCEPT_LICENSE变量。 请参阅 授权许可。
每个 用户完全有责任遵守软件许可条款和每个用户国家的法律。 ebuilds(RESTRICT或LICENSE)定义的元数据变量可以为禁止预编译文件分发提供指导。但是Portage的输出或Gentoo开发人员的回答 不是 法律声明,不应该依赖他们。 谨慎遵守您的当地的法律。
Portage is normally run as the root user. Setting FEATURES="userfetch"
will allow Portage to drop root privileges while fetching package sources and run with user/group permissions of portage:portage. This is a small security improvement.
If userfetch
is set in FEATURES be sure to change the owner of all the files beneath /usr/portage using the chown command with root privileges:
root #
chown --recursive --verbose portage:portage /usr/portage
管理员可以选择使用由Gentoo基础结构发布的加密验证的快照更新本地Gentoo ebuild 软件仓库。 这确保没有流氓的rsync镜像将不必要的代码或包添加到系统下载的软件仓库。
以下是更新的设置和使用方法 emerge-webrsync或者使用sync repos.conf。
Gentoo发布的OpenPGP密钥现在可作为二进制密钥环使用。 这些可以通过 app-crypt/gentoo-keys 包安装:
root #
emerge --ask app-crypt/gentoo-keys
将把keyring 安装到/var/lib/gentoo/gkeys/keyrings/gentoo/release 。
开启Portage的 GPG 支持FEATURES="webrsync-gpg" PORTAGE_GPG_DIR="/var/lib/gentoo/gkeys/keyrings/gentoo/release"
确定 sync-uri 的值[DEFAULT] main-repo = gentoo [gentoo] # Disable synchronization by clearing the values or setting auto-sync = no # Do not set value of the variables in this configuration file using quotes ('' or "")! # For portage-2.2.18 use 'websync' # For portage-2.2.19 and greater use 'webrsync' (websync was renamed to webrsync) sync-type = webrsync sync-uri = auto-sync = yes
确保安装了 app-crypt/gnupg:
root #
emerge --ask app-crypt/gnupg
使用 gpg 验证密钥环中的密钥是否是正确的密钥
root #
gpg --homedir /var/lib/gentoo/gkeys/keyrings/gentoo/release --with-fingerprint --list-keys
验证钥匙的指纹 those listed on the official Gentoo release engineering project page.
如果任何在 app-crypt/gentoo-keys 中已安装的key 到期了, 运行 app-crypt/gkeys 中的 gkeys 从key 服务器刷新key :
root #
emerge --ask app-crypt/gkeys
root #
gkeys refresh-key -C gentoo
对每个要信任的密钥重复以下命令。 (将密钥ID替换为您想要信任的所需密钥的“0x ...”。)
root #
gpg --homedir /var/lib/gentoo/gkeys/keyrings/gentoo/release --edit-key 0xDB6B8C1F96D8BF6D trust
系统现在设置为仅使用OpenPGP/gpg 验证的快照进行同步。
只需以下命令之一即可同步。 点击Portage's sync wiki article 查看更多信息.
root #
emerge --sync
root #
emaint sync -a
root #
emaint sync --repo gentoo
root #
Verify distfiles
To re-verify the integrity and (potentially) re-download previously removed/corrupted distfiles for all currently installed packages, run:
root #
emerge --ask --fetchonly --emptytree @world
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Booting the system
This process then makes sure that all filesystems (defined in /etc/fstab) are mounted and ready to be used. Then it executes several scripts located in /etc/init.d/, which will start the services needed in order to have a successfully booted system.
Finally, when all scripts are executed, init activates the terminals (in most cases just the virtual consoles which are hidden beneath Alt+F1, Alt+F2, etc.) attaching a special process called agetty to it. This process will then make sure users are able to log on through these terminals by running login.
Now init doesn't just execute the scripts in /etc/init.d/ randomly. Even more, it doesn't run all scripts in /etc/init.d/, only the scripts it is told to execute. It decides which scripts to execute by looking into /etc/runlevels/.
First, init runs all scripts from /etc/init.d/ that have symbolic links inside /etc/runlevels/boot/. Usually, it will start the scripts in alphabetical order, but some scripts have dependency information in them, telling the system that another script must be run before they can be started.
When all /etc/runlevels/boot/ referenced scripts are executed, init continues with running the scripts that have a symbolic link to them in /etc/runlevels/default/. Again, it will use the alphabetical order to decide what script to run first, unless a script has dependency information in it, in which case the order is changed to provide a valid start-up sequence. The latter is also the reason why commands used during the installation of Gentoo Linux used default
, as in rc-update add sshd default.
How init works
Of course init doesn't decide all that by itself. It needs a configuration file that specifies what actions need to be taken. This configuration file is /etc/inittab.
Remember the boot sequence that was just described - init's first action is to mount all file systems. This is defined in the following line from /etc/inittab:
Initialization commandsi::sysinit:/sbin/openrc sysinit
This line tells init that it must run /sbin/openrc sysinit to initialize the system. The /sbin/openrc script takes care of the initialization, so one might say that init doesn't do much - it delegates the task of initializing the system to another process.
Second, init executed all scripts that had symbolic links in /etc/runlevels/boot/. This is defined in the following line:
Boot command invocationrc::bootwait:/sbin/openrc boot
Again the openrc script performs the necessary tasks. Note that the option given to openrc (boot) is the same as the subdirectory of /etc/runlevels/ that is used.
Now init checks its configuration file to see what runlevel it should run. To decide this, it reads the following line from /etc/inittab:
Default runlevel selectionid:3:initdefault:
In this case (which the majority of Gentoo users will use), the runlevel id is 3. Using this information, init checks what it must run to start runlevel 3:
Runlevel definitionsl0:0:wait:/sbin/openrc shutdown l1:S1:wait:/sbin/openrc single l2:2:wait:/sbin/openrc nonetwork l3:3:wait:/sbin/openrc default l4:4:wait:/sbin/openrc default l5:5:wait:/sbin/openrc default l6:6:wait:/sbin/openrc reboot
The line that defines level 3, again, uses the openrc script to start the services (now with argument default
). Again note that the argument of openrc is the same as the subdirectory from /etc/runlevels/.
When openrc has finished, init decides what virtual consoles it should activate and what commands need to be run at each console:
Terminal definitionsc1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty1 linux c2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux c3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux c4:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty4 linux c5:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux c6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
Available runlevels
In a previous section, we saw that init uses a numbering scheme to decide what runlevel it should activate. A runlevel is a state in which the system is running and contains a collection of scripts (runlevel scripts or initscripts) that must be executed when entering or leaving a runlevel.
In Gentoo, there are seven runlevels defined: three internal runlevels, and four user-defined runlevels. The internal runlevels are called sysinit, shutdown and reboot and do exactly what their names imply: initialize the system, powering off the system, and rebooting the system.
The user-defined runlevels are those with an accompanying /etc/runlevels/ subdirectory: boot, default, nonetwork and single. The boot runlevel starts all system-necessary services which all other runlevels use. The remaining three runlevels differ in what services they start: default is used for day-to-day operations, nonetwork is used in case no network connectivity is required, and single is used when the system needs to be fixed.
Working with initscripts
The scripts that the openrc process starts are called init scripts. Each script in /etc/init.d/ can be executed with the arguments start
, stop
, restart
, zap
, status
, ineed
, iuse
, iwant
, needsme
, usesme
, or wantsme
To start, stop, or restart a service (and all depending services), the start
, stop
, and restart
arguments should be used:
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix start
Only the services that need the given service are stopped or restarted. The other depending services (those that use the service but don't need it) are left untouched.
To stop a service, but not the services that depend on it, use the --nodeps
option together with the stop
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix --nodeps stop
To see what status a service has (started, stopped, ...) use the status
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix status
If the status information shows that the service is running, but in reality it is not, then reset the status information to "stopped" with the zap
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix zap
To also ask what dependencies the service has, use iwant
, iuse
or ineed
. With ineed
it is possible to see the services that are really necessary for the correct functioning of the service. iwant
or iuse
, on the other hand, shows the services that can be used by the service, but are not necessary for the correct functioning.
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix ineed
Similarly, it is possible to ask what services require the service (needsme
) or can use it (usesme
or wantsme
root #
/etc/init.d/postfix needsme
Updating runlevels
Gentoo's init system uses a dependency-tree to decide what service needs to be started first. As this is a tedious task that we wouldn't want our users to have to do manually, we have created tools that ease the administration of the runlevels and init scripts.
With rc-update it is possible to add and remove init scripts to a runlevel. The rc-update tool will then automatically ask the script to rebuild the dependency tree.
Adding and removing services
In earlier instructions, init scripts have already been added to the "default" runlevel. What "default" means has been explained earlier in this document. Next to the runlevel, the rc-update script requires a second argument that defines the action: add
, del
, or show
To add or remove an init script, just give rc-update the add
or del
argument, followed by the init script and the runlevel. For instance:
root #
rc-update del postfix default
The rc-update -v show command will show all the available init scripts and list at which runlevels they will execute:
root #
rc-update -v show
It is also possible to run rc-update show (without -v
) to just view enabled init scripts and their runlevels.
Configuring services
Why additional configuration is needed
Init scripts can be quite complex. It is therefore not really desirable to have the users edit the init script directly, as it would make it more error-prone. It is however important to be able to configure such a service. For instance, users might want to give more options to the service itself.
A second reason to have this configuration outside the init script is to be able to update the init scripts without the fear that the user's configuration changes will be undone.
conf.d directory
Gentoo provides an easy way to configure such a service: every init script that can be configured has a file in /etc/conf.d/. For instance, the apache2 initscript (called /etc/init.d/apache2) has a configuration file called /etc/conf.d/apache2, which can contain the options to give to the Apache 2 server when it is started:
Example options for apache2 init scriptAPACHE2_OPTS="-D PHP5"
Such a configuration file contains only variables (just like /etc/portage/make.conf does), making it very easy to configure services. It also allows us to provide more information about the variables (as comments).
Writing initscripts
Is it necessary?
No, writing an init script is usually not necessary as Gentoo provides ready-to-use init scripts for all provided services. However, some users might have installed a service without using Portage, in which case they will most likely have to create an init script.
Do not use the init script provided by the service if it isn't explicitly written for Gentoo: Gentoo's init scripts are not compatible with the init scripts used by other distributions! That is, unless the other distribution is using OpenRC!
The basic layout of an init script is shown below.
#!/sbin/openrc-run depend() { # (Dependency information) } start() { # (Commands necessary to start the service) } stop() { # (Commands necessary to stop the service) }
#!/sbin/openrc-run command=/usr/bin/foo command_args="${foo_args} --bar" pidfile=/var/run/ name="FooBar Daemon" description="FooBar is a daemon that drinks" extra_started_commands="drink" description_drink="Opens mouth and reflexively swallows" depend() { # (Dependency information) } start_pre() { # (Commands necessary to prepare to start the service) # Ensure that our dirs are correct checkpath --directory --owner foo:foo --mode 0775 \ /var/run/foo /var/cache/foo } stop_post() { # (Commands necessary to clean up after the service) # Clean any spills rm -rf /var/cache/foo/* } drink() { ebegin "Starting to drink" ${command} --drink beer eend $? "Failed to drink any beer :(" }
Every init script requires the start()
function or command
variable to be defined. All other sections are optional.
There are three dependency-alike settings that can be defined which influence the start-up or sequencing of init scripts: want
, use
and need
. Next to these, there are also two order-influencing methods called before
and after
. These last two are no dependencies per se - they do not make the original init script fail if the selected one isn't scheduled to start (or fails to start).
- The
settings informs the init system that this script uses functionality offered by the selected script, but does not directly depend on it. A good example would beuse logger
oruse dns
. If those services are available, they will be put in good use, but if the system does not have a logger or DNS server the services will still work. If the services exist, then they are started before the script that uses them. - The
setting is similar touse
with one exception.use
only considers services which were added to an init level.want
will try to start any available service even if not added to an init level. - The
setting is a hard dependency. It means that the script that is needing another script will not start before the other script is launched successfully. Also, if that other script is restarted, then this one will be restarted as well. - When using
, then the given script is launched before the selected one if the selected one is part of the init level. So an init script xdm that definesbefore alsasound
will start before the alsasound script, but only if alsasound is scheduled to start as well in the same init level. If alsasound is not scheduled to start too, then this particular setting has no effect and xdm will be started when the init system deems it most appropriate. - Similarly,
informs the init system that the given script should be launched after the selected one if the selected one is part of the init level. If not, then the setting has no effect and the script will be launched by the init system when it deems it most appropriate.
It should be clear from the above that need
is the only "true" dependency setting as it affects if the script will be started or not. All the others are merely pointers towards the init system to clarify in which order scripts can be (or should be) launched.
Now, look at many of Gentoo's available init scripts and notice that some have dependencies on things that are no init scripts. These "things" we call virtuals.
A virtual dependency is a dependency that a service provides, but that is not provided solely by that service. An init script can depend on a system logger, but there are many system loggers available (metalogd, syslog-ng, sysklogd, ...). As the script cannot need every single one of them (no sensible system has all these system loggers installed and running) we made sure that all these services provide a virtual dependency.
For instance, take a look at the postfix dependency information:
Dependency information of the postfix servicedepend() { need net use logger dns provide mta }
As can be seen, the postfix service:
- Requires the (virtual) net dependency (which is provided by, for instance, /etc/init.d/net.eth0).
- Uses the (virtual) logger dependency (which is provided by, for instance, /etc/init.d/syslog-ng).
- Uses the (virtual) dns dependency (which is provided by, for instance, /etc/init.d/named).
- Provides the (virtual) mta dependency (which is common for all mail servers).
Controlling the order
As described in the previous section, it is possible to tell the init system what order it should use for starting (or stopping) scripts. This ordering is handled both through the dependency settings use and need, but also through the order settings before and after. As we have described these earlier already, let's take a look at the portmap service as an example of such init script.
Dependency information of the portmap servicedepend() { need net before inetd before xinetd }
It is possible to use the "*" glob to catch all services in the same runlevel, although this isn't advisable.
depend() { before * }
If the service must write to local disks, it should need localmount. If it places anything in /var/run/ such as a pidfile, then it should start after bootmisc:
depend() { need localmount after bootmisc }
Standard functions
Next to the depend()
functionality, it is also necessary to define the start()
function. This one contains all the commands necessary to initialize the service. It is advisable to use the ebegin
and eend
functions to inform the user about what is happening:
start() { if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ]; then # Do something in case a restart requires more than stop, start fi ebegin "Starting my_service" start-stop-daemon --start --exec /path/to/my_service \ --pidfile /path/to/my_pidfile eend $? }
Both --exec
and --pidfile
should be used in start and stop functions. If the service does not create a pidfile, then use --make-pidfile
if possible, though it is recommended to test this to be sure. Otherwise, don't use pidfiles. It is also possible to add --quiet
to the start-stop-daemon options, but this is not recommended unless the service is extremely verbose. Using --quiet
may hinder debugging if the service fails to start.
Another notable setting used in the above example is to check the contents of the RC_CMD variable. Unlike the previous init script system, the newer OpenRC system does not support script-specific restart functionality. Instead, the script needs to check the contents of the RC_CMD variable to see if a function (be it start()
or stop()
) is called as part of a restart or not.
Make sure that
actually calls a service and not just a shell script that launches services and exits - that's what the init script is supposed to do.For more examples of the start()
function, please read the source code of the available init scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory.
Another function that can (but does not have to) be defined is stop()
. The init system is intelligent enough to fill in this function by itself if start-stop-daemon is used.
stop() { ebegin "Stopping my_service" start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /path/to/my_service \ --pidfile /path/to/my_pidfile eend $? }
If the service runs some other script (for example, Bash, Python, or Perl), and this script later changes names (for example, to foo), then it is necessary to add --name
to start-stop-daemon. This must specify the name that the script will be changed to. In this example, a service starts, which changes names to foo:
start() { ebegin "Starting my_script" start-stop-daemon --start --exec /path/to/my_script \ --pidfile /path/to/my_pidfile --name foo eend $? }
start-stop-daemon has an excellent man page available if more information is needed:
user $
man start-stop-daemon
Gentoo's init script syntax is based on the POSIX Shell so people are free to use sh-compatible constructs inside their init scripts. Keep other constructs, like bash-specific ones, out of the init scripts to ensure that the scripts remain functional regardless of the change Gentoo might do on its init system.
Adding custom options
If the initscript needs to support more options than the ones we have already encountered, then add the option to one of the following variables, and create a function with the same name as the option. For instance, to support an option called restartdelay
- extra_commands - Command is available with the service in any state
- extra_started_commands - Command is available when the service is started
- extra_stopped_commands - Command is available when the service is stopped
extra_started_commands="restartdelay" restartdelay() { stop sleep 3 # Wait 3 seconds before starting again start }
function cannot be overridden in OpenRC!Service configuration variables
In order to support configuration files in /etc/conf.d/, no specifics need to be implemented: when the init script is executed, the following files are automatically sourced (i.e. the variables are available to use):
- /etc/conf.d/YOUR_INIT_SCRIPT
- /etc/conf.d/basic
- /etc/rc.conf
Also, if the init script provides a virtual dependency (such as net), the file associated with that dependency (such as /etc/conf.d/net) will be sourced too.
Changing runlevel behavior
Who might benefit
Many laptop users know the situation: at home they need to start net.eth0, but they don't want to start net.eth0 while on the road (as there is no network available). With Gentoo the runlevel behaviour can be altered at will.
For instance, a second "default" runlevel can be created which can be booted that has other init scripts assigned to it. At boottime, the user can then select what default runlevel to use.
Using softlevel
First of all, create the runlevel directory for the second "default" runlevel. As an example we create the offline runlevel:
root #
mkdir /etc/runlevels/offline
Add the necessary init scripts to the newly created runlevel. For instance, to have an exact copy of the current default runlevel but without net.eth0:
root #
cd /etc/runlevels/default
root #
for service in *; do rc-update add $service offline; done
root #
rc-update del net.eth0 offline
root #
rc-update show offline
(Partial sample Output) acpid | offline domainname | offline local | offline net.eth0 |
Even though net.eth0 has been removed from the offline runlevel, udev might want to attempt to start any devices it detects and launch the appropriate services, a functionality that is called hotplugging. By default, Gentoo does not enable hotplugging.
To enable hotplugging, but only for a selected set of scripts, use the rc_hotplug variable in /etc/rc.conf:
Enable hotplugging of the WLAN interfacerc_hotplug="net.wlan !net.*"
For more information on device initiated services, please see the comments inside /etc/rc.conf.
Edit the bootloader configuration and add a new entry for the offline runlevel. In that entry, add softlevel=offline
as a boot parameter.
Using bootlevel
Using bootlevel is completely analogous to softlevel. The only difference here is that a second "boot" runlevel is defined instead of a second "default" runlevel.
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Variable | Description |
PATH | 这个变量包含了一系列由冒号分隔开的目录,系统就从这些目录里寻找可执行文件。如果你输入的可执行文件(例如 ls, rc-update或者 emerge)不在这些目录中,系统就无法执行它(除非你输入这个命令的完整路径,如/bin/ls)。 |
ROOTPATH | 这个变量的功能和 PATH相同,但它只罗列出超级用户(root)键入命令时所需检查的目录。 |
LDPATH | 这个变量包含了一系列用冒号隔开的目录,动态链接器将在这些目录里查找库文件。 |
MANPATH | 这个变量包含了一系列用冒号隔开的目录,命令 man 会在这些目录里搜索man页面。 |
INFODIR | 这个变量包含了一系列用冒号隔开的目录,命令 info 将在这些目录里搜索info页面。 |
PAGER | 这个变量包含了浏览文件内容的程序的路径,比如(less 或者 more) |
EDITOR | 这个变量包含了修改文件内容的程序(文件编辑器)的路径(比如 nano 或 vi). |
KDEDIRS | 这个变量包含了一系列用冒号隔开的目录,里面放的是KDE相关的资料。 |
CONFIG_PROTECT | 这个变量包含了一系列用空格隔开的目录,它们在更新的时候会被Portage保护起来。 |
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK | 这个变量包含了一系列用空格隔开的目录,它们在更新的时候不会被Portage保护起来。 |
PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/games/bin" ROOTPATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" LDPATH="/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2.3" MANPATH="/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man" INFODIR="/usr/share/info:/usr/local/share/info" PAGER="/usr/bin/less" EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim" KDEDIRS="/usr" CONFIG_PROTECT="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /opt/tomcat/conf \ /usr/kde/3.1/share/config /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ \ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/ /usr/share/config" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf"
Gentoo采用了/etc/env.d/目录来集中定义全局变量。在这个目录里,你会发现很多类似 00basic, 05gcc等等这样的文件,它们包含了文件名中提到的应用程序需要的变量。
举个例子,当你安装 gcc时,一个名为 05gcc 的文件就会被ebuild所创建,里面包含了如下一些变量:
GCC默认的环境变量PATH="/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.2" ROOTPATH="/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.2" MANPATH="/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/man" INFOPATH="/usr/share/gcc-data/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/info" CC="gcc" CXX="g++" LDPATH="/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2.3"
比如,当你更新完gcc 的时候, /etc/env.d/05gcc也会被同时更新,而不需要你手工来完成。
这不仅对Portage有益,作为用户,你也是受益者。有时候你需要设置某个系统范围的环境变量。我们拿http_proxy变量来做例子,为了避免http_proxy 搞乱,你只要新建一个文件/etc/env.d/99local然后添加你的定义:
/etc/env.d/ 中的好几个文件都定义了PATH变量。这并没有错:当你运行env-update的时候,它会在更新环境变量之前把这些定义都追加到PATH里,因此对于软件包(或者用户)来说将会很容易地设置他们自己的环境变量,而不影响到现有变量的值。
env-update 脚本会根据 /etc/env.d/ 里文件的字母顺序来附加变量的值。这些文件名必须要以两位数字开头。
00basic 99kde-env 99local +-------------+----------------+-------------+ PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/kde/3.2/bin:/usr/local/bin"
可以通过将变量名添加到 COLON_SEPARATED or SPACE_SEPARATED (也在 /etc/env.d/ 文件)。
当你运行 env-update的时候,它会在文件/etc/profile.env 里(会被/etc/profile使用)创建所有的环境变量。它也会从变量 LDPATH 中获取信息用来建立/etc/。这些完成以后,它将运行 ldconfig来重建动态链接器需要的文件/etc/。
root #
env-update && source /etc/profile
上面的命令只会更新你当前终端里的环境变量、新控制台以及它们的子程序。因此,假如你正在X11里工作,你要么在每一个你打开的终端里输入source /etc/profile ,要么重新启动X,这样所有新的终端才能引用到新的变量。如果你使用了登录管理器,登陆成root然后输入 /etc/init.d/xdm 。如果不是这样,你需要注销然后重新登录回X这样才能产生使用新变量值的子程序。
(此处$BAR 是另外一个变量)是不允许的。本地变量的定义
你并不是一直都想定义全局变量。比如你想把/home/my_user/bin和当前目录(你当前所在的目录)添加到PATH 变量中,但又不想让其他用户的PATH变量中也有这个。如果你想定义一个本地变量,可以使用 ~/.bashrc 或者~/.bash_profile:
在~/.bashrc中扩展PATH做为本地使用# A colon followed by no directory is treated as the current working directory PATH="${PATH}:/home/my_user/bin:"
有时候甚至需要更加严格的定义。你可能要使用一个你临时创建的目录里面的程序,而又不想输入它的路径或者为此短时间内内修改 ~/.bashrc。
在这种情况下,你只需要在当前会话中使用export来定义 PATH 变量。只要你不注销,PATH变量将保持这个临时的设置。
root #
export PATH="${PATH}:/home/my_user/tmp/usr/bin"
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