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Gentoo Linux alpha 手册:使用Portage
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
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配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Since many configuration directives differ between architectures, Portage also has default configuration files which are part of the system profile. This profile is pointed to by the /etc/portage/make.profile symlink; Portage's configurations are set in the make.defaults files of the profile and all parent profiles. We'll explain more about profiles and the /etc/portage/make.profile directory later on.
如果打算改变配置变量,不要变更/usr/share/portage/config/make.globals 或者make.defaults。而应该修改/etc/portage/make.conf,它比前面的几个文件有更高的优先级。你会发现还有一个/usr/share/portage/config/make.conf.example文件。顾名思义,它仅仅是一个例子而已——Portage并不读取这个文件。
我们已经见到过 /etc/portage/make.profile 目录了。不过,这并不是一个真正的目录,而是一个指向/usr/portage/profiles/ 的符号链接,默认情况下是一个位于/usr/portage/profiles里的目录,虽然你也可以在其他地方创建自己的profile并指向他们。这个符号链接指向的profile就是你的系统所使用的。
当你需要变更Portage安装软件的行为时,你需要做的就是编辑 /etc/portage/ 中的文件。我们强烈建议你使用/etc/portage/ 中的文件而不是通过修改环境变量来变更这些行为!
在 /etc/portage/目录中,你可以创建下列文档:
- package.mask它列出了你永远不希望Portage安装的软件包。
- package.unmask 它列出了本来Gentoo的开发者不建议安装的,但是你希望能安装的软件包。
- package.accept_keywords 它列出了还未被确认适合你的系统或架构,但是你希望能安装的软件包。
- package.use它列出了你希望某些特定软件包使用的而不是整个系统使用的USE标记。
这些并不需要一定是文件;它们也可以是有包含单个软件包信息文件的目录。更多关于 /etc/portage/目录的信息及你能创建的文件的完整列表可以在Portage的手册页中找到:
user $
man portage
user $
man portage
user $
man make.conf
Gentoo ebuild 软件仓库
Gentoo ebuild repository 的默认位置是/usr/portage。这由缺省的 repos.conf 文件定义,位于 /usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf。 要修改默认值,请将此文件复制到 /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf 并更改 location 设置。 当将Gentoo ebuild 存储库存储在别处(通过更改此变量)时,不要忘记相应地更改/etc/portage/make.profile 符号链接。
如果你改变了/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf里面的location变量,你可能也需要改变下面几个变量,因为它们不会知道location变量的改变。这是Portage处理这些变量的方式导致的:PKGDIR, DISTDIR, and RPMDIR。
虽然Portage并不默认使用预编译的二进制包,但却对其有多方面的支持。当你要求Portage使用预编译的二进制包时,它就会在/usr/portage/packages.中寻找它们。这个位置是通过 PKGDIR 变量定义的。
程序的源代码默认保存于/usr/portage/distfiles。这个位置是通过DISTDIR 变量定义的。
Portage 数据库
Portage的临时文件默认保存在/var/tmp/。这是通过 PORTAGE_TMPDIR变量定义的。
Portage为每一个它所安装的软件包在/var/tmp/portage/里创建特定的编译目录。这一位置是在 portage/ 中已添加的 PORTAGE_TMPDIR 变量定义。
Portage能为每一个ebuild建立日志文件,但只有当 PORT_LOGDIR变量设定的位置是portage可写的才行。默认情况下,这个变量没有设定。如果你没有设定 PORT_LOGDIR,你就不会收到当前日志系统报告的任何编译日志,然而你可能收到一些来自新的elog机制的日志。
如果你定义了PORT_LOGDIR并且你也使用 elog,你就将收到编译日志以及elog保存的任何日志,就像下文解释的一样。
- PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES: 这是你设置什么信息被记入日志的地方。你可以使用任何用空格分隔的info、warn、error、log和qa的组合。
- info: 记录下ebuild打印的 "einfo" 信息
- warn: 记录下ebuild打印的"ewarn" 信息
- error: 记录下ebuild打印的 "eerror"信息
- log: 记录下ebuild打印的 "elog"信息
- qa: 记录下ebuild打印的 "QA Notice"信息
- PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM: PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM:这是用来选择处理日志信息的模块的。如果留空,则日志记录就被取消。你可以使用任何用空格分隔开的save、custom、syslog、mail、save_summary和mail_summary的组合。你必须至少选择一个模块以使用elog。
- save: 表示将每一个软件包的日志保存在$PORT_LOGDIR/elog中,或者是在$PORT_LOGDIR/没有配置的情况下保存在/var/log/portage/elog 目录下面。
- custom: 将所有的信息传递给用户在$PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND中定义的命令,这将在随后讨论。
- syslog: 把所有的信息发送给已安装的系统日志软件。
- mail:把所有的信息传递给用户在$PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI中定义的邮件服务器;这将在随后讨论。这一elog的邮件特性需要>=portage-2.1.1。
- save_summary: 和save类似,不过它把所有的信息保存在$PORT_LOGDIR/elog/summary.log里,或者/var/log/portage/elog/summary.log里,如果$PORT_LOGDIR没有定义的话。
- mail_summary: 和mail类似,不过它会在emerge结束时把所有的信息在一个邮件里发送出去。.
- PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND: 这个仅仅在custom模块被激活时使用。在这里你指定一个命令来处理日志信息。注意,你可以利用两个变量:${PACKAGE}是软件包的名字和版本,而${LOGFILE}是日志文件的绝对路径。这里是一个可能的用法:
PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND="/path/to/logger -p '\${PACKAGE}' -f '\${LOGFILE}'"
- PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI:这包含了mail模块的设定,如地址、用户、密码、邮件服务器、端口。默认配置是 “root@localhost localhost” 这里是一个使用smtp服务器的例子,基于用户名和密码认证并使用特定端口(默认端口是25):
PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI="user@some.domain username:password@smtp.some.domain:995"
- PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILFROM: 允许你配置日志邮件的"from" 地址;如果没有配置的话,默认是"Portage" 。
- PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT: 允许你为日志邮件生成一个主题行。注意你可以使用两个变量:${PACKAGE}将会显示软件包的名子和版本,而${HOST}则是运行Portage的主机的FQDN。
PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT="package \${PACKAGE} was merged on \${HOST} with some messages"
Alpha Handbook |
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安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Portage configuration
As noted previously, Portage is configurable through many variables which should be defined in /etc/portage/make.conf or one of the subdirectories of /etc/portage/. Please refer to the make.conf and portage man pages for more and complete information:
user $
man make.conf
user $
man portage
Build-specific options
Configure and compiler options
When Portage builds applications, it passes the contents of the following variables to the compiler and configure script:
- Define the desired compiler flags for C and C++ compiling.
- Defines the build host information for the application's configure script
- Passed to the make command and is usually set to define the amount of parallelism used during the compilation. More information about the make options can be found in the make man page.
The USE variable is also used during configure and compilations but has been explained in great detail in previous chapters.
Merge options
When Portage has merged a newer version of a certain software title, it will remove the obsoleted files of the older version from the system. Portage gives the user a 5 second delay before unmerging the older version. These 5 seconds are defined by the CLEAN_DELAY variable.
It is possible to tell emerge to use certain options every time it is run by setting EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS. Some useful options would be --ask
, --verbose
, --tree
, and so on.
Configuration file protection
Portage protected locations
Portage overwrites files provided by newer versions of a software title if the files aren't stored in a protected location. These protected locations are defined by the CONFIG_PROTECT variable and are generally configuration file locations. The directory listing is space-delimited.
A file that would be written in such a protected location is renamed and the user is warned about the presence of a newer version of the (presumable) configuration file.
To find out about the current CONFIG_PROTECT setting, use the emerge --info output:
user $
emerge --info | grep 'CONFIG_PROTECT='
More information about Portage's configuration file protection is available in the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge manpage:
user $
man emerge
Excluding directories
To 'unprotect' certain subdirectories of protected locations users can use the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable.
Download options
Server locations
When the requested information or data is not available on the system, Portage will retrieve it from the Internet. The server locations for the various information and data channels are defined by the following variables:
- Defines a list of server locations which contain source code (distfiles).
- Defines a particular server location containing prebuilt packages for the system.
A third setting involves the location of the rsync server which users use to update their local Gentoo repository. This is defined in the /etc/portage/repos.conf file (or a file inside that directory if it is defined as a directory):
- sync-type
- Defines the type of server and defaults to
. - sync-uri
- Defines a particular server which Portage uses to fetch the Gentoo repository.
The GENTOO_MIRRORS, sync-type, and sync-uri variables can be set automatically through the mirrorselect application. Of course, app-portage/mirrorselect needs to be installed first before it can be used. For more information, see mirrorselect's online help:
root #
mirrorselect --help
If the environment requires the use of a proxy server, then the http_proxy, ftp_proxy, and RSYNC_PROXY variables can be declared.
Fetch commands
When Portage needs to fetch source code, it uses wget by default. This can be changed through the FETCHCOMMAND variable.
Portage is able to resume partially downloaded source code. It uses wget by default, but this can be altered through the RESUMECOMMAND variable.
Make sure that the FETCHCOMMAND and RESUMECOMMAND store the source code in the correct location. Inside the variables the \${URI} and \${DISTDIR} variables can be used to point to the source code location and distfiles location respectively.
It is also possible to define protocol-specific handlers with FETCHCOMMAND_HTTP, FETCHCOMMAND_FTP, RESUMECOMMAND_HTTP, RESUMECOMMAND_FTP, and so on.
Rsync settings
It is not possible to alter the rsync command used by Portage to update the Gentoo repository, but it is possible to set some variables related to the rsync command:
- Sets a number of default variables used during sync, each space-separated. These shouldn't be changed unless you know exactly what you're doing. Note that certain absolutely required options will always be used even if PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS is empty.
- Used to set additional options when syncing. Each option should be space separated:
- This defines the number of seconds an rsync connection can idle before rsync sees the connection as timed-out. This variable defaults to
but dialup users or individuals with slow computers might want to set this to300
or higher. --exclude-from=/etc/portage/rsync_excludes
- This points to a file listing the packages and/or categories rsync should ignore during the update process. In this case, it points to /etc/portage/rsync_excludes.
- Reduces output to the screen.
- Prints a complete filelist.
- Displays a progress meter for each file.
- Defines how many times rsync should try connecting to the mirror pointed to by the SYNC variable before bailing out. This variable defaults to
For more information on these options and others, please read man rsync.
Gentoo configuration
Branch selection
It is possible to change the default branch with the ACCEPT_KEYWORDS variable. It defaults to the architecture's stable branch. More information on Gentoo's branches can be found in the next chapter.
Portage features
It is possible to activate certain portage features through the FEATURES variable. The Portage features have been discussed in previous chapters.
Portage behavior
Resource management
With the PORTAGE_NICENESS variable users can augment or reduce the nice value portage runs with. The PORTAGE_NICENESS value is added to the current nice value.
For more information about nice values, see the nice man page:
user $
man nice
Output behavior
The NOCOLOR variable, which defaults to false
, defines if Portage should disable the use of colored output.
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Gentoo提供了一个 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS变量来定义您系统所使用的软件分支。默认情况下,系统会选择您的体系结构的稳定软件分支alpha。
如果您想用最新版本的软件,您可以考虑转向使用测试分支。要让Portage转而使用测试分支的软件,您只需在您的体系结构名称前加上一个 ~符号。
例如,要选择针对 alpha 体系结构的测试分支,请修改 /etc/portage/make.conf 文件并设定如下内容:
混合使用稳定和测试分支gnumeric application例子app-office/gnumeric
如果您希望Portage使用测试分支中某软件的特定版本,但后续版本不再这么做,你可以在package.accept_keywords 里加入相应的版本号来实现这个目的。在此情况下您必须使用 = 运算符。您也可以通过使用<=,<,>或>=运算符来指定一个要使用的版本范围。
The Gentoo developers do not support the use of unmasking packages. Please exercise due caution when doing so. Support requests related to package.unmask and/or package.mask might not be answered.
When a package has been masked by the Gentoo developers, yet despite the reason mentioned in the package.mask file (situated in /usr/portage/profiles/ by default) a user still wants to use this package, then add the desired version (usually this will be the exact same line from the package.mask file in the profile) to the /etc/portage/package.unmask file (or in a file in that directory if it is a directory).
For instance, if =net-mail/hotwayd-0.8
is masked, then it can be unmasked by adding the exact same line in the package.unmask location:
如果 /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask 中的条目包含一系列软件包版本,则只需要取消屏蔽实际需要的版本即可。 请阅读上一节以了解如何指定版本。
For instance, to prevent Portage from installing kernel sources newer than gentoo-sources-4.9.16, add the following line at the package.mask location:
Mask gentoo-sources 高于 的版本>sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
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准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
dispatch-conf是一个帮助合并 ._cfg0000_<name>的工具。 ._cfg0000_<name>是由Portage在它要覆盖被CONFIG_PROTECT变量所保护的某个目录里的文件时建立的。
使用 dispatch-conf,能够在合并配置文件并升级更新的同时保持所有更新记录。 dispatch-conf以RCS版本管理系统或是补丁的方式来保存配置文件间的差别。这意味着如果你在升级配置文件犯下错误时,你可以随时退回到你的配置文件的之前版本。
使用 dispatch-conf,,你可以保持配置文件原来的样子,或者使用新的配置文件,你还可以编辑当前文件或交互式地合并更新。除此之外, dispatch-conf,还有一些很棒的特性:
- 可以自动合并仅有注释变更的文件;
- 可自动合并仅有空白符数量的不同的文件;
root #
当运行 dispatch-conf的时候,程序会带你把每个改变了的配置文件挨个过一边。按 u来用新配置文件更新(替换)现在的配置文件,然后继续处理下一个。按w来删除新配置文件,然后继续处理下一个。当处理完所有的配置文件之后, dispatch-conf就会退出。你也可以随时按q 来退出。
user $
man dispatch-conf
你也可以使用 etc-update来合并配置文件。它不像dispatch-conf那样简单易用,功能也少,但是它也能提供交互式合并功能并且能自动合并一些简单的改变。
不过,和dispatch-conf不同的是, etc-update不保留你的配置文件的旧版本。一旦你更新了文件,旧版本就永远丢失了。所以要非常小心,因为使用etc-update 与使用 dispatch-conf 相比明显的不安全。
root #
Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number. (-1 to exit) (-3 to auto merge all remaining files) (-5 to auto-merge AND not use 'mv -i'):
, etc-update将直接退出且不执行任何变更。如果你输入-3
或者 -5
Beginning of differences between /etc/pear.conf and /etc/._cfg0000_pear.conf [...] End of differences between /etc/pear.conf and /etc/._cfg0000_pear.conf (1) Replace original with update (2) Delete update, keeping original as is (3) Interactively merge original with update (4) Show differences again
ed: Edit then use both versions, each decorated with a header. eb: Edit then use both versions. el: Edit then use the left version. er: Edit then use the right version. e: Edit a new version. l: Use the left version. r: Use the right version. s: Silently include common lines. v: Verbosely include common lines. q: Quit.
root #
quickpkg curl orage procps
Alpha Handbook |
安装 |
关于安装 |
选择安装媒介 |
配置网络 |
准备磁盘 |
安装stage3 |
安装基本系统 |
配置Linux内核 |
配置系统 |
安装系统工具 |
配置系统引导程序Bootloader |
收尾安装工作 |
使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
额外的工具 |
定制Portage树 |
高级特性 |
网络配置 |
入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
无线 |
添加功能 |
动态管理 |
Using a subset of the Gentoo repository
Excluding packages and categories
It is possible to selectively update certain categories/packages and ignore the other categories/packages. This can be achieved by having rsync exclude categories/packages during the emerge --sync step.
Define the name of the file that contains the exclude patterns in the PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS variable in /etc/portage/make.conf:
Defining the exclude filePORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS="--exclude-from=/etc/portage/rsync_excludes"
Excluding all gamesgames-*/*
Note however that this may lead to dependency issues since new, allowed packages might depend on new but excluded packages.
Adding unofficial ebuilds
Defining a custom repository
It is possible to ask Portage to use ebuilds that are not officially available through the Gentoo repository. Create a new directory (for instance /usr/local/portage) in which to store the 3rd-party ebuilds. Use the same directory structure as the official Gentoo repository!
root #
mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/{metadata,profiles}
root #
chown -R portage:portage /usr/local/portage
Next, pick a sensible name for the repository. The next example uses "localrepo" as the name:
root #
echo 'localrepo' > /usr/local/portage/profiles/repo_name
Tell Portage that the repository master is the main Gentoo repository, and that the repository should not be automatically synchronized (as it is not backed by an rsync server, git mirror or other repository source):
masters = gentoo auto-sync = false
Finally, enable the repository on the local system by creating a repository configuration file inside /etc/portage/repos.conf, informing Portage where the local repository can be found:
[localrepo] location = /usr/local/portage
Working with several overlays
For the power users who develop on several overlays, test packages before they hit the Gentoo repository or just want to use unofficial ebuilds from various sources, the app-portage/layman package brings layman, a tool to help users keep the overlay repositories up to date.
Alternatively, install app-eselect/eselect-repository to utilize the native synchronization in Portage. See also Eselect/Repository
Adding repositories is simple with this tool.
For instance, to enable the hardened-development overlay:
root #
eselect repository enable hardened-development
Updating of overlays added with this methods happens naturally with:
root #
emerge --sync
First install and configure layman as shown in the Overlays User Guide, and add the desired repositories with layman -a.
For instance, to enable the hardened-development overlay:
root #
layman -a hardened-development
Regardless of how many repositories are used through layman, all the repositories can be updated with the following command:
root #
layman -S
For more information on working with overlays, please read man layman and the previously linked layman/overlay users' guide.
Non-Portage maintained software
Using Portage with self-maintained software
Sometimes users want to configure, install and maintain software individually without having Portage automate the process, even though Portage can provide the software titles. Known cases are kernel sources and Nvidia drivers. It is possible to configure Portage so it knows that a certain package is manually installed on the system (and thus take this information into account when calculating dependencies). This process is called injecting and is supported by Portage through the /etc/portage/profile/package.provided file.
For instance, to inform Portage about gentoo-sources-4.9.16 which has been installed manually, add the following line to /etc/portage/profile/package.provided:
Marking gentoo-sources-4.9.16 as manually installedsys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.9.16
This is a file that uses versions without an
Alpha Handbook |
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使用Gentoo |
Portage介绍 |
USE标记 |
Portage功能特性 |
初始化脚本(Initscript)系统 |
环境变量 |
使用Portage |
文件和目录 |
变量 |
混合使用不同的软件分支 |
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定制Portage树 |
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入门 |
高级配置 |
模块化网络 |
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添加功能 |
动态管理 |
For most users, the information received thus far is sufficient for all their Linux operations. But Portage is capable of much more; many of its features are for advanced users or only applicable in specific corner cases. Still, that would not be an excuse not to document them.
Of course, with lots of flexibility comes a huge list of potential cases. It will not be possible to document them all here. Instead, we hope to focus on some generic issues which can then be bended to fit personal needs. More tweaks and tips can be found all over the Gentoo Wiki.
Most, if not all of these additional features can be easily found by digging through the manual pages that Portage provides:
user $
man portage
user $
man make.conf
Finally, know that these are advanced features which, if not worked with correctly, can make debugging and troubleshooting very difficult. Make sure to mention these when hitting a bug and opening a bug report.
Per-package environment variables
使用 /etc/portage/env
By default, package builds will use the environment variables defined in /etc/portage/make.conf, such as CFLAGS, MAKEOPTS and more. In some cases though, it might be beneficial to provide different variables for specific packages. To do so, Portage supports the use of /etc/portage/env and /etc/portage/package.env.
The /etc/portage/package.env file contains the list of packages for which deviating environment variables are needed as well as a specific identifier that tells Portage which changes to make. The identifier name is free format, and Portage will look for the variables in the /etc/portage/env/IDENTIFIER file.
Example: Using debugging for specific packages
As an example, we enable debugging for the media-video/mplayer package.
First of all, set the debugging variables in a file called /etc/portage/env/debug-cflags. The name is arbitrarily chosen, but of course reflects the reason of the deviation to make it more obvious later why a deviation was put in.
Specific variables for debuggingCFLAGS="-O2 -ggdb -pipe" FEATURES="${FEATURES} nostrip"
Next, we tag the media-video/mplayer package to use this content:
Using debug-cflags for the mplayer packagemedia-video/mplayer debug-cflags
Hooking in the emerge process
Using /etc/portage/bashrc and affiliated files
When Portage works with ebuilds, it uses a bash environment in which it calls the various build functions (like src_prepare
, src_configure
, pkg_postinst
, etc.). But Portage also allows users to set up a specific bash environment.
The advantage of using a specific bash environment is that it allows users to hook in the emerge process during each step it performs. This can be done for every emerge (through /etc/portage/bashrc) or by using per-package environments (through /etc/portage/env as discussed earlier).
To hook in the process, the bash environment can listen to the variables EBUILD_PHASE, CATEGORY as well as the variables that are always available during ebuild development (such as P, PF, ...). Based on the values of these variables, additional steps/functions can then be executed.
Example: Updating the file database
In this example, we'll use /etc/portage/bashrc to call some file database applications to ensure their databases are up to date with the system. The applications used in the example are aide (an intrusion detection tool) and updatedb (to use with mlocate), but these are meant as examples. Do not consider this as a guide for AIDE ;-)
To use /etc/portage/bashrc for this case, we need to "hook" in the postrm
(after removal of files) and postinst
(after installation of files) functions, because that is when the files on the file system have been changed.
Hooking into the postinst and postrm phasesif [ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "postinst" ] || [ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "postrm" ]; then echo ":: Calling aide --update to update its database" aide --update echo ":: Calling updatedb to update its database" updatedb fi
Executing tasks after --sync
Using /etc/portage/postsync.d location
Until now we've talked about hooking into the ebuild processes. However, Portage also has another important function: updating the Gentoo repository. In order to run tasks after updating the Gentoo repository, put a script inside /etc/portage/postsync.d and make sure it is marked as executable.
Example: Running eix-update
If eix-sync was not used to update the tree, then it is still possible to update the eix database after running emerge --sync (or emerge-webrsync) by putting a symlink to /usr/bin/eix called eix-update in /etc/portage/postsync.d.
root #
ln -s /usr/bin/eix /etc/portage/postsync.d/eix-update
If a different name would be chosen, then it needs to be a script that calls /usr/bin/eix-update instead. The eix binary looks at how it has been called to find out which function it has to execute. If a symlink would be created that points to eix yet isn't called eix-update, it will not run correctly.
Overriding profile settings
Using /etc/portage/profile
By default, Gentoo uses the settings contained in the profile pointed to by /etc/portage/make.profile (a symbolic link to the right profile directory). These profiles define both specific settings as well as inherit settings from other profiles (through their parent file).
By using /etc/portage/profile, users can override profile settings such as packages (what packages are considered to be part of the system set), forced use flags and more.
Example: Adding nfs-utils to the system set
When using an NFS-based file systems for rather critical file systems, it might be necessary to mark net-fs/nfs-utils as a system package, causing Portage to heavily warn administrators if they would attempt to unmerge it.
To accomplish that, we add the package to /etc/portage/profile/packages, prepended with a *
Marking nfs-utils as a system package*net-fs/nfs-utils
Applying non-standard patches
Using epatch_user
function is applicable to EAPIs less than or equal to 5, see the eapply_user
function for EAPIs greater than or equal to 6.To manage several ebuilds in a similar manner, ebuild developers use eclasses (which are shell libraries) that define commonly used functions. One of these eclasses is epatch.eclass which offers a helpful function called epatch_user
The epatch_user
function applies source code patches that are found in /etc/portage/patches/<category>/<package>[-<version>[-<revision>]], whatever directory is found first. Sadly, not all ebuilds automatically call this function so just putting a patch in this location might not always work.
Luckily, with the information provided earlier in this chapter, users can call this function by hooking into, for instance, the prepare phase. The function can be called as many times as necessary - it will only apply the patches once.
Example: Applying patches to Firefox
The www-client/firefox package is one of the many that already call epatch_user
from within the ebuild, so there is no need to override anything specific.
If for some reason (for instance because a developer provided a patch and asked to check if it fixes the bug reported) patching Firefox is wanted, all that is needed is to put the patch in /etc/portage/patches/www-client/firefox (probably best to use the full name and version so that the patch does not interfere with later versions) and rebuild Firefox.
Warning: Display title "Gentoo Linux alpha 手册:使用Portage" overrides earlier display title "手册:Alpha/全部/使用Portage".