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Embedded Handbook/Boards/Intel Edison
Gentoo for Edison
Intel Edison
is a tiny computer-on-module offered by Intel as a development system for wearable devices and Internet of Things devices.
Pre-made Image
Gentoo-edison-170104.tar.gz md5sum: 3f956280ba52de26fe95705e884e83c4
Image password
User: root
password: edison
Features list
- working wifi
- Portage
- squashfs Gentoo repository
Image Install
Download the Gentoo image on your local pc.
root #
tar -xvzf Gentoo-edison-*.tar.gz
root #
cd GentootoFlash
connect and flash the Intel edison.
This will delete all your previous data.
root #
Using U-Boot target: edison-blankcdc Now waiting for dfu device 8087:0a99 Please plug and reboot the board Flashing IFWI Download [=========================] 100% 4194304 bytes Download [=========================] 100% 4194304 bytes Flashing U-Boot Download [=========================] 100% 245760 bytes Flashing U-Boot Environment Download [=========================] 100% 65536 bytes Flashing U-Boot Environment Backup Download [=========================] 100% 65536 bytes Rebooting to apply partition changes Now waiting for dfu device 8087:0a99 Flashing boot partition (kernel) Download [=========================] 100% 5980160 bytes Flashing rootfs, (it can take up to 10 minutes... Please be patient) Download [=========================] 100% 1610612736 bytes Rebooting U-boot & Kernel System Flash Success... Your board needs to reboot to complete the flashing procedure, please do not unplug it for 2 minutes.
Configure Wifi
symlink wlan0
root #
cd /etc/init.d/
root #
ln -s net.lo net.wlan0
root #
rc-config add net.wlan0 default
create /etc/conf.d/net file
# Set the dns_domain_lo variable to the selected domain name dns_domain_lo="homenetwork" modules_wlan0="wpa_supplicant" wpa_supplicant_wlan0="-Dnl80211" config_wlan0="dhcp"
Cross compile preparation
root #
emerge --ask crossdev
root #
crossdev i686-pc-linux-gnu
Copy package to Intel Edison:
root #
scp -r /usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/packages root@
Install in Intel Edison:
root #
emerge --ask --oneshot --usepkgonly <package atom>
Squashfs Gentoo repository
mount squashfs or use sd-card
root #
mount /portage.squash /usr/portage/
Kernel multi-boot
increase the Edison boot partition
root #
mount /dev/mmcblk0p7 /mnt/boot/
root #
mkdir /tmp/boot
root #
mv /mnt/boot/* /tmp/boot
root #
umount /mnt/boot
root #
mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p7
root #
mount /mnt/boot
root #
cp /tmp/boot/* /boot
let's add a new kernel in the /mnt/boot folder for example vmlinuz_01 and vmlinuz_02
multi boot with u-boot for start vmlinuz_01
boot > setenv load_kernel fatload mmc 0:7 ${loadaddr} vmlinuz_01
boot > boot
Intel Edison Board Software Package v2.2
Install from source
For support contact: