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Brother networked printer
This document covers the installation of Brother printers.
While this page should be self-sufficient to install a printer, it is recommended to read this page and the Printing page in their entirety before starting the installation.
User feedback
After having applied this guide to the printer, please update the following table so that other users can easily confirm if successful installations have been performed with their printer model or not:
Printer model | Printer driver | Printer? | Scanner? | Remarks |
DCP-J785DW | RPMs from Brother web site | Works! | Works! | Connected by USB |
DCP-750CW | ? | Works! | Works! | No remark |
DCP-1610WE | ? | Works! | TBD | After WPS configuration printer used Zeroconf instead of DHCP! |
DCP-7055W | ? | Works! | Works! | No remark |
DCP-7070DWR | net-print/brother-genml1-bin | Works! | Works! | Printer works through ipp, but not through lpd protocol. Scanner driver: brscan4 |
DCP-J100 | RPMs from Brother website | Works! | Works! | Scanner driver media-gfx/brother-dcpj100-bin from brother-overlay |
DCP-J140W | ? | Works! | Works! | Scanner only works after emerging dev-libs/libusb-compat. Thanks to i92guboj for discovering this and posting it on the Gentoo Forums. |
DCP-J925DW | net-print/brother-dcpj925dw in ulm ebuild repository | Works! | Works! | Scanner driver media-gfx/brscan4 in ulm ebuild repository |
DCP-9020CDW | net-print/brother-dcp9020cdw-bin in brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | Works over network. Scanner driver media-gfx/brother-dcp9020cdw-bin with media-gfx/brother-scan4-bin from brother-overlay |
HL-2240 | ? | Works! | n/a | [1] Not networked printer |
HL-L2340DW | net-print/brother-genml1-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | n/a | No remark |
HL-L2380DW | net-print/brother-genml1-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | n/a | No remark |
MFC-J4410DW | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is at /opt/brother/Printers/mfcj4410dw/lpd/filtermfcj4410dw but scanner not detected by xsane at the moment. | |
MFC-J870DW | net-print/brother-mfcj870dw in ulm overlay | Works! | Works! | Scanner driver media-gfx/brscan4 in ulm overlay |
MFC-J5910DW | ? | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is /usr/lib64/cups/filter/brother_lpdwrapper_mfcj5910dw. Also requires dev-libs/libusb-compat (see section Common Troubles) |
MFC-J6920DW | ? | Works! | Works! | download page, filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/brother_lpdwrapper_mfcj6920dw, scanner config command brsaneconfig4 |
MFC-9320CW | net-print/brother-mfc9320cw-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | No remark |
MFC-9330CDW | net-print/brother-mfc9330cdw-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | Set up a socket based printer (seem to have better luck with it, test pages not working with lpp) |
MFC-9340CDW | net-print/brother-mfc9340cdw-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | |
HL-4570CDW | net-print/brother-hl4570cdw-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | n/a | No remark |
MFC-7460DN | ? | Works! | unknown | No remark |
DCP-7060D, DCP-7065DN, DCP-8080DN, DCP-L2520DW, DCP-L2540DW, HL-2230, HL-2240, HL-2240D, HL-2270DW, HL-2280DW, HL-5370DW/HL-5370DWT, HL-5440D, HL-5450DN, HL-5470DW, HL-6180DW, HL-L2320D, HL-L2360DW, HL-L2380DW, MFC-7360N, MFC-7460DN, MFC-7860DW, MFC-8480DN, MFC-8510DN, MFC-8710DW, MFC-8890DW, MFC-8910DW, MFC-8950DW, MFC-L2700DW, MFC-L2720DW, MFC-L2740DW | net-print/brother-genml1-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | unknown | No remark |
MFC-8950DW | ? | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is at /opt/brother/Printers/MFC8950DW/lpd/filter_MFC8950DW |
MFC-5890CN | ? | Works! | Works! | scanner config command brsaneconfig3 |
MFC-9970CDW | ? | Works! | unknown | |
MFC-9140CDN | ? | Works! | Works! | scanner requires dev-libs/libusb-compat to work (see section Common Troubles) |
MFC-J5620DW | Brother linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1 | Works! | Works! | installs nicely but needed dev-libs/libusb-compat to work. Maybe put a 'brother4' line in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf. Also needs editing of PPD and cups filter files to get duplex double-sided printing to work. |
MFC-J480DW | brother-mfcj480dw driver in andy ebuild repository | Works! | Works! | Scanner driver media-gfx/brscan4 in andy ebuild repository |
MFC-J6710DW | ? | ? | ? | See Printer_mfcj6710dw |
MFC-J6720DW | mfcj6720dwlpr and brscan4 | Works! | Works! | Needs dev-libs/libusb-compat even for network scanning. Did not test USB, only network. |
MFC-9130CW | RPMs from Brother website + brscan4 from brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | Printing is somewhat flaky with the Brother drivers (no landscape mode, bad margins sometimes). The generic CUPS postscript driver is compatible with this printer and doesn't have these issues, but also lacks several configuration settings from the proprietary driver. |
MFC-9120CN | Brother MFC-9120CN CUPS (color) (Official driver from Brother website) | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is at /usr/lib64/cups/filter/brlpdwrappermfc9120cn. Scanner requires dev-libs/libusb-compat even if used over network. Scanner config command is brsaneconfig3. |
MFC-9560CDW | Brother MFC9840CDW Foomatic/Postscript (color, 2-sided printing) | B&W works, color not tested | not tested | Official mfc9560cdw.ppd downloaded from Brother does NOT work, hence using the 9840 Foomatic PPD. |
MFC-9142CDN | Brother MFC-9142CDN CUPS (color, 2-sided printing) (official driver from Brother website) | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is at /usr/lib64/cups/filter/brother_lpdwrapper_mfc9142cdn. Scanner requires dev-libs/libusb-compat even if used over network. Scanner config command is brsaneconfig4. |
HL-3170CDW | Official Brother-hl3170cdw RPM Drivers | Works! | N/A | Right after copying the filter, printer was visible in the GNOME setting's "Printers" section. For printer to work though, remove that printer and install the printer from scratch, selecting the LPD printer option when prompted. |
HL-3180CDW | media-gfx/brother-hl3180cdw-bin from brother-overlay | Works! | Works! | Filter to copy is at /opt/brother/Printers/mfc9320cw/lpd/filtermfc9320cw. Scanner config command is brsaneconfig4. |
MFC-J6510DW | Official Brother-mfc6510dw RPM Drivers | Works! | not tested | No remark |
Make sure net-print/cups is installed:
root #
emerge --ask net-print/cups
The cups service must be started before the driver(s) can be installed.
If OpenRC is used, then the following command can be issued to start the cups service.
root #
/etc/init.d/cupsd start
To have it started automatically at boot time, use rc-update:
root #
rc-update add cupsd default
If systemd is used, then the following command can be issued to start the cups service.
root #
systemctl start cups.service
To have it started automatically at boot time, invoke the following:
root #
systemctl enable cups.service
Installing the drivers
Preferred: Using drivers from ebuild repositories
If the printer is supported by an ebuild in the brother-overlay ebuild repository or some other ebuild repository, the ebuild should be used, as it usually contains all the prerequisites mentioned here. It would allow to skip the section "Alternative: rpm installation".
To enable an ebuild repository, create the proper repos.conf file and emaint sync it as shown here for the brother-overlay ebuild repository:
Adding the brother-overlay ebuild repository[brother-overlay] location = /usr/local/overlay/brother-overlay sync-type = git sync-uri = auto-sync = yes
root #
emaint sync -r brother-overlay && eix-update
Since this ebuild repository uses sync-type = git
the package dev-vcs/git needs to be installed. Alternatively, layman can be used for adding the repository.
From the ebuild repository, install the driver as shown here for Brother's Generic LPR and CUPSwrapper printer driver from the brother-overlay ebuild repository.
root #
emerge --ask net-print/brother-genml1-bin
brother-genml1-bin contains the Generic printer drivers as offered on for a wide range of compatible models (click the Compatible Model link on BrGenML1 Compatible Models):
- Generic LPR printer driver (rpm package) (contains ELF 32-bit LSB executables)
- Generic CUPSwrapper printer driver (rpm package)
The ppd file installed is brother-BrGenML1-cups-en.ppd and the make and model is Brother BrGenML1 for CUPS.
user $
/usr/sbin/lpinfo -m | grep -i brother
brother-BrGenML1-cups-en.ppd Brother BrGenML1 for CUPS
Alternative: rpm installation
As the drivers are available from Brother in the form of an .rpm file, the app-arch/rpm package needs to be installed.
root #
emerge --ask app-arch/rpm
Missing directories
Please create these directories up front; it will save a lot of trouble later:
root #
mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd
root #
mkdir -p /usr/lib64/cups/filter
Downloading the driver from Brother
The drivers for Brother printers are available at Brother solutions' web page.
Search for the correct model name by following the directions given by the pages.
After having chosen the right model, four drivers will be presented for download. Please download the two ones ending in .rpm for LPR driver and cupswrapper driver.
Installing the drivers
Installing the drivers may be a multiple-step process as some needed directories may appear missing on the system.
To install a driver change to the directory where the downloaded .rpm files are located.
Next, issue the following command to see the filenames:
root #
ls -a
. .. dcp750cwcupswrapper-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm dcp750cwlpr-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
Of course the driver names may change according to the model's name. The output of the previous command can be used to copy and paste the filenames in the rpm command to avoid typos when entering them.
First install the LPR driver.
root #
rpm -i --nodeps dcp750cwlpr-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
The installation may give some warnings, telling that some directories are missing. In this case, add the missing directories by hand and re-install the driver with this command:
root #
rpm -i --nodeps --replacepkgs dcp750cwlpr-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
Next install the cupswrapper driver the same way:
root #
rpm -i --nodeps dcp750cwcupswrapper-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
Again, the installation may give some warnings, telling that some directories are missing. Try to add the missing directories by hand and re-install the driver with this command:
root #
rpm -i --nodeps --replacepkgs dcp750cwcupswrapper-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
Do not forget the --replacepkgs option to force the re-installation of all the necessary files.
Copying the filter at the right place
Copy the filter to the right place with the following command:
Have a look at the feedback table at the top of this page to know more about the filter's name.
root #
cp /usr/lib64/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperdcp750cw /usr/libexec/cups/filter/
Installing the printer
Connect the printer to the network
Connect the printer to the network as described in the network section of the printer model's Online User Guide. From this step, the printer's network address can be obtained which is needed for CUPS in the next step. When pointing the browser to the printer's network address it will go to the printer's user interface.
Networked printer detection
CUPS is capable of automatically detecting networked printers. In case it does not work it might be blocked by a firewall. As a workaround, temporarily connect the printer to the computer.
Use CUPS' web interface to install the printer
Using CUPS' web interface http://localhost:631/admin is quite self-explanatory. The Add Printer button will list the networked printer(s) starting at the Discovered Network Printers line.
Use command line to install the printer
The lpinfo command can be used in order to list all connected printers:
root #
lpinfo -v
network ipp network http network socket network https network ipps network lpd network lpd://BRW67890ABCDEF/BINARY_P1
Running lpinfo -l -v will give a more verbose output.
Add the printer with lpadmin using device uri and ppd file:
root #
lpadmin -p Brother_HL-L2340DW -E -v lpd://BRW67890ABCDEF/BINARY_P1 -m brother-BrGenML1-cups-en.ppd
For further options see man 8 lpadmin.
Check the setup with lpstat:
user $
lpstat -d -l -t
no system default destination scheduler is running no system default destination device for Brother_HL-L2340DW: lpd://BRW1008B1372DF2/BINARY_P1 Brother_HL-L2340DW accepting requests since Fri 30 Oct 2015 05:36:25 PM CET printer Brother_HL-L2340DW is idle. enabled since Fri 30 Oct 2015 05:36:25 PM CET Form mounted: Content types: any Printer types: unknown Description: Brother_HL-L2340DW Alerts: none Location: Connection: direct Interface: /etc/cups/ppd/Brother_HL-L2340DW.ppd On fault: no alert After fault: continue Users allowed: (all) Forms allowed: (none) Banner required Charset sets: (none) Default pitch: Default page size: Default port settings:
Don't forget to set the user's default printer
user $
lpstat -a
Brother_HL-L2340D_series accepting requests since Fri 29 May 2015 09:11:30 AM CEST
user $
lpoptions -d Brother_HL-L2340D_series
copies=1 device-uri= finishings=3 job-cancel-after=10800 job-hold-until=no-hold job-priority=50 job-sheets=none,none marker-change-time=1432883490 marker-colors=#000000,none marker-high-levels=100 marker-levels=-1,95 marker-low-levels=16 marker-names='Black\ Toner\ Cartridge,Drum\ Unit' marker-types=toner number-up=1 printer-commands=AutoConfigure,Clean,PrintSelfTestPage printer-info='Brother HL-L2340D series' printer-is-accepting-jobs=true printer-is-shared=false printer-location='Local Printer' printer-make-and-model='Brother BrGenML1 for CUPS ' printer-state=3 printer-state-change-time=1432883490 printer-state-reasons=none printer-type=10522644 printer-uri-supported=ipp://localhost/printers/Brother_HL-L2340D_series
Installing the scanner
Make sure the media-gfx/sane-backends package is installed in order to install the driver for the scanner. As most users will use xsane to scan a document, just emerge it. The media-gfx/sane-backends package will be pulled in as a dependency.
root #
emerge --ask media-gfx/xsane
Installing the driver
Download the driver from the Brother Solutions's download page for the scanner.
Pay attention to the family the printer belongs to. Depending on the family, the right brscan will need to be selected (brscan, brscan2, brscan3 or brscan4) as well as the right architecture (32 bits or 64 bits depending on the system installation).
Change to the directory where the downloaded drivers are, and run the following command:
root #
ls -a
This will show the file names of the downloaded files, allowing for easy copy/paste for the next commands.
Install the drivers using rpm:
root #
rpm -i --nodeps brscan2-0.2.5-1.x86_64.rpm
If xsane was not installed yet, install it, then add
as an option to the previous command to reinstall the driver.Configuring the scanner for network access
This step can be skipped if only local scanning via USB is needed. The necessary drivers are already installed through the brscan RPM package.
Once the driver is correctly installed, use the following command:
root #
brsaneconfig2 -a name=monScanner model=DCP-750CW ip=
brsaneconfig2 should be replaced with the command corresponding to the printer's family (see above), monScanner with any name of personal choice, and DCP-750CW with the printer's model name.
Now check everything is correctly installed:
root #
brsaneconfig2 -q | grep monScanner
0 monScanner "DCP-750CW" I:
Replace monScanner with the name chosen above.
Congratulation! The scanner is now ready for use!
Generic LPR printer driver on amd64 no-multilib
The printer driver uses statically compiled x86 32-bit binaries. To be able to execute them the kernel needs to have the following configuration enabled: IA32_EMULATION.
Further, the binaries from Brother (rawtobr3 and brprintconflsr3) require two 32-bit glibc library files in order to be executed on a 64-bit system. These can be compiled by the user, or — even easier — obtain a pre-compiled version (glibc i686) from or similar site.
To accomplish the latter, first install the rpm utilities:
root #
emerge rpm
Next, create a /usr/local/lib32 directory if it doesn't exist:
root #
mkdir /usr/local/lib32
Move the downloaded rpm file into a temporary directory and convert to a simpler tar file:
root #
rpm2tar glibc-2.25-12.fc26.i686.rpm
Extract the tar file in the temporary directory:
root #
tar -xvf glibc-2.25-12.fc26.i686.tar
A lib/ subdirectory should be created containing the libraries. Copy them to the /usr/local/lib32 directory on the system.
root #
cp lib/* /usr/local/lib32
Under /usr/local/lib32, only the file is needed, but since there may be symlinks, it's easier to copy them all. Run the 'file' command on to ensure it is an ELF 32-bit format. If not, install the correct version:
root #
file /usr/local/lib32/
Finally, copy into the main /usr/local/lib directory.
root #
cp /usr/local/lib32/ /usr/local/lib
Two perl wrapper/filter scripts that are provided with the Brother drivers need to be changed as well to instruct these binaries to load the 32-bit libraries, not the default 64-bit ones. First, locate and edit the two files (replace YOURPRINTER with the printer name provided during the Brother installation script execution):
root #
nano filter_YOURPRINTER
root #
nano brother_lpdwrapper_YOURPRINTER
For instance, for the MFCL2680W printer:
root #
nano /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2680W/lpd/filter_MFCL2680W
root #
nano /opt/brother/Printers/MFCL2680W/cupswrapper/brother_lpdwrapper_MFCL2680W
At the top of each file, below the comment header, add the following line:
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "/usr/local/lib32";
This sets the default library path before the scripts execute the binaries. rawtobr3 processes the print data and brprintconflsr3 processes the page formatting data. Once all of these instructions have been successfully performed, the printer should work as intended!
Text shifted up
Sometimes it happens that the text is shifted up toward the upper border of the page.
To correct this, enter the following command:
root #
brprintconf_dcp750cw -pt A4
Scanner not detected
It may happen that, when xsane is launched, the scanner is not detected. This is probably due to a too recent version of libusb. In order to solve this, it might be necessary to install dev-libs/libusb-compat.
root #
emerge --ask dev-libs/libusb-compat
Contrary to what the name suggests, this may even be required if the scanner is used over the network. It is known to be required for these models even when they are used over the network instead of through a direct USB connection:
- DCP-1610WE
- MFC-9120CN
- MFC-9142CDN
External resources
- Brother solutions, Linux page on
- brother-overlay on
- Using Network Printers Documentation by