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Zero-day bump requests

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Suppose that you've eagerly been following an upstream project's schedule, and when you check their homepage, guess what? They just released a new version a few minutes ago! Most users would immediately rush over to Gentoo's Bugzilla to report the new version is available; please bump the existing version and add it to the Gentoo ebuild repository. These requests are called zero-day (or 0-day) bump requests, as they are made the same day that a new version is released. Please avoid them.

Please wait at least 48 hours (2 full days) before reporting a new release on Gentoo's Bugzilla. Also, you must check Bugzilla before posting a request to make sure that someone else has not already done the work, or that the Gentoo ebuild maintainers have not already dealt with the new version.

Why wait at least 48 hours?

  1. It is quite rude to demand that Gentoo developers drop everything they are doing just to add a new release that came out 15 minutes ago. Your zero-day bump request could (and probably should) be marked as INVALID or LATER, as developers have plenty of pressing issues to keep them busy.
  2. Developers are usually aware of pending new releases well in advance of users, as they must follow upstream quite closely. Many times they are aware a new version is on its way. In many cases, they will have already opened a bug, or might even already added it to the Gentoo ebuild repository as a masked package. Some software is released periodically (the Linux kernel, Thunderbird, Firefox, and GCC) and the maintainers know very well about new releases. However, it requires considerable effort to prepare and test these version bumps. The only chance to accelerate the process is trying to help them.
  3. 48 hours is a short time: Assume the Gentoo developer knows about release from the first second, downloads the latest version right after work, makes some tests, has to fix something on the next day before uploading to the ebuild repository.
  4. The Gentoo mirrors take up to 24 hours to synchronize: this is half the amount of time that should be passed anyway! Take this into consideration. Watching the commit log and syncing the ebuild repository via git is better method of staying on the bleeding edge.