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Wacom tablets, touchscreens.

System configuration

KERNEL Kernel config
Device drivers --->
   HID support --->
      HID bus support --->
         Special HID drivers --->
            <*> Wacom Intuos/Graphire tablet support (USB)

You probably need this option for tablet to function properly even if you don't have Intuos/Graphire tablet as it says in the description.

Some tablet models may also require these options:

KERNEL Additional config
Device drivers --->
   Input device support --->
      [*] Tablets --->
         <*> Wacom protocol 4 serial tablet support--->
      [*] Touchscreens --->
         <*> Wacom W8001 penabled serial touchscreen
         <*> Wacom Tablet support (I2C)

After kernel is configured, update your INPUT_DEVICES Portage variable:

FILE /etc/portage/make.confSet INPUT_DEVICES

After setting the INPUT_DEVICES variable remember to update the system using the following command so the changes take effect:

root #emerge --ask --changed-use --deep @world

You should also create Xorg config file so that Xorg knows which driver should be used for the tablet. Example:

FILE /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/42-libinput.conf
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "Tablet"
        Driver "wacom"
        MatchIsTablet "on"

Xinput2 multitouch

The default setting of the wacom xinput driver has "gesture emulation".

If we disable it, true multitouch events will be emitted instead and can be used e.g. with Firefox.

Section "InputClass"
	Identifier "Wacom class"
	MatchProduct "Wacom|WACOM|Hanwang|PTK-540WL|ISDv4|ISD-V4|ISDV4"
	MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"

	Driver "wacom"
	Option "Gesture" "off"