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VPN Services
VPN services are offered by several companies. They allow users to protect their privacy and security while using the Internet. Guides to using various service providers on Gentoo are below.
Private Internet Access
The following will auto-start openvpn upon boot:
- Buy a subscription and log in
root #
echo "net-vpn/openvpn passwordsave examples" >> /etc/portage/package.use # optional
root #
emerge --ask openvpn
- Go to and locate the "PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS Username and Password"
- Generate Username/Password if they are not there
- In the next step, replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the located or generated ones.
root #
cd /etc/openvpn
root #
echo "USERNAME" >> login.conf
root #
echo "PASSWORD" >> login.conf
- Download the privateinternetaccess configurations and certificates.
root #
mkdir -p pia
root #
cd pia
root #
root #
cp US\ East.ovpn ../openvpn.conf # replace with your desired region
root #
cd ..
root #
ln -s pia/ca.rsa.2048.crt
root #
ln -s pia/crl.rsa.2048.pem
- Modify the configuration file and permissions.
root #
echo "auth-nocache" >> openvpn.conf
root #
echo "auth-user-pass login.conf" >> openvpn.conf
root #
chmod 600 openvpn.conf login.conf pia/*
root #
chmod 700 pia
- Start the service and add to default runlevel.
root #
/etc/init.d/openvpn start
root #
rc-update add openvpn # don't use this line if you don't want openvpn upon boot
If Openvpn doesn't connect you would want to add's DNS servers to your /etc/resolv.conf.head file. Create '/etc/resolv.conf.head' file if it doesn't already exist, edit the file by adding the two DNS servers:
nameserver nameserver
Go to's to make sure you entered the correct DNS servers:
- Click on 'Client Support Tab' and scroll down to 'DNS leak protection' section
Save and Reboot.
The above setup requires that root has write permission on /etc/resolv.conf. To make sure this is the case run
root #
lsattr /etc/resolv.conf
If the output looks like this
root #
lsattr /etc/resolv.conf
----i---------e---- /etc/resolv.conf
than, since "i" means that the file has the immutable bit, not even the root can write on it. To change that just run
root #
chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf
and reboot.