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User talk:Udeved

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mkinitcpio source and licensing issues

Hi, thanks for starting an article on mkinitcpio. It seems like you have largely copied the existing article from the Arch wiki. Their contents are licensed under the GNU free documentation license while we use a Creative Commons-based one. To my knowledge they are not compatible. Also, you have not attributed the source which would be a breach of license anyway. Please start over with your own contents on the topic. If you cannot expend the effort to do that, let me know and I'll remove the article. Should you not get around to fix this within a week, I'll have to remove it as well to avoid any licensing issues. Thanks! —a3li 21:11, 1 July 2012 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for your input. I can quickly alter the main page, to only contain my own article.

However, a reference to the archwiki has been made at the bottom.