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User:Maffblaster/Recommended applications
Hey! You may or may not be interested in learning what applications I recommend in order to have a pleasant Gentoo experience, but something bought you to this page...nonetheless, I hope you find this helpful.
If you think there is either a better tool or an easier way to do the job the tool is supposed to do (see my feedback on each tool) feel free leave a comment on the talk page or message me in #gentoo-wiki. I love learning about new tools and smarter workflows!
World file
When everything is done the world file will look something like this:
maffblaster's world fileThe quick and dirty way of rebuilding the system with all these packages is to updated the @world set after copy/pasting the the above text into the system's world file:
root #
emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse --with-bdeps=y @world
System management
My favorite GENTOO_MIRRORS value for make.conf: rsync://
My favorite repos.conf/gentoo.conf value for sync-uri: rsync://
Gentoo specific
- Build that btrfs, Plymouth-bootsplashed initramfs! - sys-kernel/genkernel-next
- gentoolkit - app-portage/gentoolkit
- repoman - app-portage/repoman
- Contains lspci utility. Use PCI devices? - sys-apps/pciutils
- Contains lsusb utility. Use USB devices? - sys-apps/usbutils
Resource monitoring
- htop - sys-process/htop
- atop - sys-process/atop
- iotop - sys-process/iotop
- pipe viewer - sys-apps/pv
- uptimed is a system uptime logger. It is really only necessary for OpenRC (since these kinds of times are not specifically logged by default), but it will work on systemd as well - app-misc/uptimed
Must-have developer tools
Task management
- A command-line todo list manager. Keep this open in a tmux buffer. - app-misc/task
- The server part of the command-line todo list manager (above). - app-misc/taskd
Version control
- Are there any other VCSs that matter? - dev-vcs/git
- Graphically visualize where you need those changes. - dev-util/meld
- Command-line diff tool - app-misc/icdiff
File management
- My favorite file manger of late - xfce-base/thunar
- Don't forget the archive plugin - xfce-extra/thunar-archive-plugin
- Measure directory sizes in a way better than using simple du - sys-fs/ncdu
- Python development - dev-util/pycharm-community
- Everything else graphical - dev-util/geany
- There's an EditorConfig plugin available: dev-util/editorconfig-geany
- Everything else command-line - app-editors/vim
- Be sure to get the syntax highlighting packages for vim - app-vim/extra-syntax
- Support for EditorConfig files in vim (note this plugin requires vim to be built with the
USE flag enabled in order to function correctly) - app-vim/editorconfig-vim - Run cp -vr /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ ~/.vim to install after emerging.
- Verify plugin is installed...
Embedded work
- Control host and/or user access to a running X server - x11-apps/xhost
- Want to simply and speed up mounting virtual filesystems for all your chroots? Yes, please. - dev-python/pychroot
- Want an old archive format that initramfs still use? Grab cpio. - app-arch/cpio
- Save time on recompiling toolchains and the like - dev-util/ccache
- Build stage tarballs - dev-util/catalyst
Portage development
- View messages that we're printed once upon a time - app-portage/elogv
- eix, an extremely fast package search tool - app-portage/eix
- q applets (fastest Portage database search ever!) - app-portage/portage-utils
- Sign those ebuilds! - app-crypt/gnupg
- Get the overlays - app-portage/layman
- Design how you want it to work, or at least how you think it should work, then build it - app-office/dia
- wgetpaste - app-text/wgetpaste
Ideal setup
- btrfs: the best filesystem created (so far). Enable it kernel side too and use it for everything (except your EFI partition!) - sys-fs/btrfs-progs
- Preserve your eyeballs - x11-misc/redshift
- zip archives - app-arch/zip
- unzip - app-arch/unzip
- rar archives - app-arch/unar
- lrz archives - app-arch/lrzip
- Find files with extreme speed - sys-apps/mlocate
- Securely mount filesystems across the net - sys-fs/sshfs
- Download large files in a bandwidth sensitive way - net-misc/zsync
- What's on your network (graphical version)? - net-analyzer/wireshark
- What's on your network (cmdline version)? - net-analyzer/nmap
- Viewing raw data: app-editors/hexedit
- Primary browser - www-client/chromium
- Secondary browser - www-client/firefox
- Command-line browser - www-client/links
- IRC (you only need one good one!) - net-irc/weechat
- VOIP client - media-sound/mumble
- Mail client - mail-client/mutt
- Encoding tools - app-arch/sharutils
The best video player ever created - media-video/vlc