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User:Maffblaster/Drafts/File POSIX Capabilities

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Many filesystems available in the Linux kernel have POSIX file capabilities; these must be enabled on a per-filesystem basis:

KERNEL Enabling POSIX file capabilities
File systems  --->
   <*> Second extended fs support
      [*] Ext2 extended attributes
         [*] Ext2 POSIX Access Control Lists
   <*> The Extended 3 (ext3) filesystem
      [*]   Ext3 POSIX Access Control Lists
   -*- The Extended 4 (ext4) filesystem
      -*-   Ext4 POSIX Access Control Lists
   <*> Reiserfs support 
      [*] ReiserFS extended attributes
         [*] ReiserFS POSIX Access Control Lists
   <*> JFS filesystem support
      [*] JFS POSIX Access Control Lists
   <*> XFS filesystem support
      [*] XFS POSIX ACL support
   <*> Btrfs filesystem support
      [*] Btrfs POSIX Access Control Lists
   <*> F2FS filesystem support
   Pseudo filesystems  --->
      -*- Tmpfs virtual memory file system support (former shm fs)
         [*] Tmpfs POSIX Access Control Lists


To manage capabilities, install the traditional user space tools package:

root #emerge --ask sys-libs/libcap

Additional software

A RedHat developer has created an additional set of user space tools that can be installed via the following package:

root #emerge --ask sys-libs/libcap-ng

See also

External resources