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I am Luttztfz. I try to contribute to Gentoo as much as possible, although my time is very limited. I use computers solely as a hobby.

My Gentoo history

I use Gentoo since around 2001 or so. Although I had started with the now famous S.u.S.E. Linux 4.2 which I bought on a couple of CDs and installed it on my Intel 80486-DX50, I didn't know what to do with it at first. It had thousands of packages and I was completely overwhelmed. Coming from easy and managable DOS, I just guess I was confused. Or it was too early.

I again started to use Linux at the end of the 1990ies, but then it was the easy-to-use Mandrake Linux - the Ubuntu of its time! I soon transitioned to openSUSE since it was the successor of S.u.S.E Linux and it was from Germany. (My native language is German, so…)

I got the hint to use Gentoo from a friend. He said that it was the best way to get to know the PC system one uses and Linux at the same time. He was right. I used it on my Intel Pentium III-800 for a very long time, and on my Power Mac G4 MDD-Dual1.42 thereafter. It was the best time I ever had, given I also had enough spare time back then! After that I had a short experience on a Power Mac G5-DC2.0 which had a lot of issues, like accelerated graphics not working, and I then got my AMD Phenom II X6 1090T box. On this machine I used Gentoo for 5 years or so, until it died unexpectedly in 2015. I was not ready to buy a new box then and decided to wait for AMDs Zen architecture which was announced for the end of 2016 at that time.

I had a couple of interim computers. And since Gentoo takes a lot of time to install, I gave Debian GNU/Linux a try. I like it very much and honestly think that Debian is a solid and well designed distribution. As a former Gentoo user I had to go with at least testing to get reasonably recent package versions. I think that Debian is the better Ubuntu.

Since Mai 2017 I now have again a Linux box on a Ryzen 7 1800X PC. And of course it has to run Gentoo again!

Current systems

  • ZenMachine
    • ASUS Prime X370-Pro (AM4)
    • AMD Ryzen 7 1800X (boxed, without heat sink/fan)
    • Thermalright Macho Rev. B (versions sold after January 2017 were normally already prepared for AM4)
    • 32GB DDR4-3000 DIMM Kit, CORSAIR Vengeance LPX red 2×16GB
    • Intel SSD 600p 1TB, M.2 2280, PCIe 3.0 ×4


If a Gentoo developer or maintainer is in need of testing something on this particular hardware, feel free to send a private message and I will gladly help if time permits.

Cheers, Luttztfz