This is Gentoo's testing wiki. It is a non-operational environment and its textual content is outdated.
Please visit our production wiki at
User:Flow/Gentoo as KVM guest
- Using amd64
Follow the Linux (AMD64) Handbook. You should have done these steps:
- Boot from the Installation Medium
- Configure your Network
- Preparing the Disks
- Installing the Gentoo Installation Files
I recommend to skip all non-mandatory steps (setting the timezone, ...) until you can boot from the local disk and ssh into the machine.
If you have a virtual machine with little RAM, make sure to create a swap space or compilations may fail with an out of memory error.
Kernel sources and and configuration
root #
emerge --ask gentoo-sources
Compilation and configuration with genkernel
You can use genkernel in order to have the system running as fast as possible. Kernel tailoring can then be done once the system is able to boot with a genkernel created kernel.
root #
emerge --ask genkernel
Compiling the kernel with modules and creating an initramfs can be done with one single command. Note the --virtio switch to enable virito support in the kernel.
root #
genkernel --virtio all
Note: genkernel's virtio support is not yet fully supported
Manual kernel configuration
This is a deprecated template. Help us update this template!
root #
emerge --ask --autounmask-write sys-boot/grub:2
root #
root #
mkdir /boot/grub2
root #
grub2-install /dev/vda
root #
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg