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Talk status
This discussion is done.

Could you please make this sentence a little bit clearer. I have trouble understanding it, and as a result, translating it into my own language ? "then hit enter like 5 times to generate your key move the client ~/.ssh/ to the server user your logging in as ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Many thanks for this and for the rest.

This section you are referring to has been rewritten Needle (talk) 10:41, 2 December 2013 (UTC)
thanks needle, that was just rough notes to generate connectivity when many variables were unknown. 666threesixes666 (talk) 07:59, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

sshfs-fuse & sftp

Talk status
This discussion is done.

sshfs-fuse & sftp examples need to be documented. this articles severely lacking with out it. 666threesixes666 (talk) 07:59, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

Feel free to document them. --Maffblaster (talk) 08:48, 11 January 2017 (UTC)


Maybe it will be usefull to add information about sshpass and how to use it with sshfs? --Gragory (talk) 15:59, 22 April 2015 (UTC)

Article title

Talk status
This discussion is done.

This article mainly deals with OpenSSH, however there are other SSH implementations out there. The title should be moved to OpenSSH.

ng0 (talk) 11:32, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

Agreed, this wiki does not name article after protocols but like the package name. This article should be moved to OpenSSH. I would have moved this article to OpenSSH but I do not know about the translation implications Needle (talk) 12:36, 3 June 2016 (UTC)\
I understand the dilemma. With that being said, what other implementations of SSH are available in Gentoo? I don't know a lot about them. Do those other SSH implementations have their own articles (yet)? If not, then it probably doesn't matter as much having OpenSSH in this article, since it's the one that's included in the @system set and therefore the one that's included on every system by default. --Maffblaster (talk) 17:47, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
I did not put "Gentoo" in my sentence for a reason. There are other ssh implementations out there, I am not aware of the ones available in Gentoo, a short eix ssh and search on should help.
There's lsh, however not (yet) in gentoo. If nothing else is available currently the softwares name the article talks about is still OpenSSH. If it were generic (I'm not an ssh expert to judge this) and the top wouldn't explicitly mentions OpenSSH, I would agree.
An OpenSSH article can still say "this is the default ssh implementation available in gentoo". A bad comparison, but I think to use one major big application to describe a protocol while other applications - not yet available in the wiki - might differ which use the same protocol is bad. To prevent a collision in the future or possible irritations.
ng0 (talk) 18:00, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
Since the term "SSH" is still basically synonymous with "OpenSSH", I don't mind OpenSSH being used to describe the primary and default way of using SSH utilities on a Gentoo system. Having OpenSSH in the body of this article is easier for our users because the concept of SSH is still tightly associated to OpenSSH (although it's becoming less so with LibreSSH and perhaps other implementations). I mean, if we wanted to go all out, we could mention dev-python/paramiko and other SSH protocol libraries, but I think if we did that we'd be losing what most wiki users are coming here for, which I believe is to be instructed and educated on using SSH utilities on their Gentoo system(s). If the article only described the SSH protocol, there's not a lot that would be useful for our users, in my opinion.
If one of you guys would like to do the work in migrating things, I have no issues against making this "SSH" article a meta article linking to OpenSSH, LibreSSH, lsh, and some other implementations. However, before that is done, I'd like to see those other articles available and well written here on the wiki so that our users would know how to use them as replacements for OpenSSH. I guess my question to you above was somewhat rhetorical because I don't see LibreSSH integration into Gentoo (yet). Even the developers don't have a way of migrating to it as a drop-in replacement. Last I checked Anthony G. Basile (blueness) was working on it. There was also sincerity to my question, because I wasn't sure if one of you was working on guides to help our users with other implementations.
To offer a solution, until we have better replacements for SSH available for our users in Gentoo, we're better off having a redirect from an article titled "OpenSSH" to this "SSH" article, since it is really the only implementation easily available for our users. Thoughts? Bad solution? Good solution (for now)? Kind regards, --Maffblaster (talk) 18:52, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
This (linking OpenSSH to SSH) is a solution which works for me. And as it is common known and so far no other articles and implementations are available in gentoo portage, the metapage sounds like a solution one could come back to once it is necessary. That's in my opinion when at least lsh and libressh (first time I heard of it) are added and available. ng0 (talk) 19:35, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
I know the discussion is closed. However, From my point of view, doing a forwarder is not a solution, it is a workaround. Problem is all articles in this particular wiki are named after packagenames, like OpenNTPD, lie rsyslog. etc. and the point is there is no SSH package in the portage. SSH is just the protocol. Just moved NFS to nfs-utils. I'd like this article to be moved to OpenSSH, then all pages remain consistent, All over the wiki. I should have moved this article to OpenSSH 3 years ago. It's my opinion. No need to discuss a closed topic. This entry is for the log. Needle (talk) 11:49, 6 June 2016 (UTC)