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Talk status
This discussion is done.

Let's formulate some kind of policy for this page. I propose the following:

This page should be a portal style page, giving a short introduction to sys-apps/portage proper. It should then give links branching off into other parts of the wiki, such as overlay, eix, useful portage tools, configuration stuff, and so on, with maybe a short explanation. Then links to the Handbook and other relevant documentation.

Please suggest any other possible improvements. — yngwin (wiki admin) (talk) 08:27, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

I am actually going to fill in a lot of information regarding Portage itself and the commands that come as a part of the Portage. I've also been working on instructions to (re)-install Portage in the event that it is corrupted or removed. I visited (via editing) most of the wiki pages and have not found instructions for (re)-installation. Hopefully I'm not shooting anyone in the foot; I truly do think this article needs to be buffed quite a bit to be up-to-par for users who are new to Gentoo. :) --Maffblaster (talk) 23:54, 8 October 2015 (UTC)