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I could not get this to work using install-amd64-minimal-20150416.iso as the base image. The initrd will load but it fails to find the root block device. --Hyperion2010 (talk) 23:47, 23 April 2015 (UTC)

Hi, Hyperion2010, thanks for creating an account and commenting! I'm unable to investigate this at the moment, but I will put it on my list of things do to. Did you follow the guide's instructions on properly formatting the USB drive to use FAT16 for drives smaller than 4GB or FAT32 for drives larger than 4GB? For further support you can check on the Forums or going the #gentoo channel on --Maffblaster (talk) 00:12, 24 April 2015 (UTC)
It was at 16gig drive formatted with mkfs.vfat. --Hyperion2010 (talk) 00:31, 24 April 2015 (UTC)
It is probably best to discuss this in the forums, and if a solution is found it can be mentioned in the wiki article. --Chithanh (talk) 08:12, 24 April 2015 (UTC)

I just wanted to confirm that the manual installation steps do not work for me either when using the AMD64 live DVD image. I suspect the image contents changed since this was written. I don't have time to document and test an alternative but we should probably put a note on the page that this method may not work until it gets updated. Blondie101010 (talk) 06:06, 17 September 2017 (UTC)