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sshguard is an intrusion prevention system that parses server logs, determines malicious activity, and uses the system firewall to block the IP addresses of malicious connections. sshguard is written in C so it does not tax an interpreter.
How it works
sshguard is a simple daemon that continuously tracks one or more log files. It parses the log events that daemons send out in case of failed login attempts and then blocks any further attempts from those connections by updating the system's firewall.
Unlike what the name implies, sshguard does not only parse SSH logs. It also supports many mail systems as well as a few FTP ones. A full listing of supported services can be found on the website.
Install app-admin/sshguard:
root #
emerge --ask app-admin/sshguard
Also make sure that net-firewall/iptables is installed and used as the system firewall. At the time of writing, sshguard does not yet support net-firewall/nftables.
root #
emerge --ask net-firewall/iptables
More information about using and configuring IPtables can also be found on the IPtables article.
Preparing the firewall
When sshguard blocks any malicious users (by blocking their IP addresses), it will use the sshguard chain.
Prepare the chain, and make sure it is also triggered when new incoming connections are detected:
root #
iptables -N sshguard
root #
iptables -A INPUT -j sshguard
Watching logfiles
The basic idea behind sshguard is that the administrator passes on the log file(s) to watch as options to the application - there is no native sshguard configuration file.
On Gentoo, the options can be best configured in the /etc/sshguard.conf file:
Configuring sshguard to read /var/log/messages and /var/log/auth.log# Full path to backend executable (required, no default) BACKEND="/usr/libexec/sshg-fw-iptables" # Space-separated list of log files to monitor. (optional, no default) FILES="/var/log/messages /var/log/auth.log" # How many problematic attempts trigger a block THRESHOLD=10 # Blocks last at least 24 hours (60480 seconds) BLOCKTIME=60480 # Track IP addresses for 24 hours (60480 seconds) DETECTION_TIME=60480 # IPv6 subnet size to block. Defaults to a single address, CIDR notation. (optional, default to 128) IPV6_SUBNET=64 # IPv4 subnet size to block. Defaults to a single address, CIDR notation. (optional, default to 32) IPV4_SUBNET=24 # Full path to PID file (optional, no default) PID_FILE=/run/
Make sure that the log files are accessible for the runtime user that sshguard uses.
Have sshguard be started by default by adding it to the default runlevel, and then start it:
root #
rc-update add sshguard default
root #
rc-service sshguard start
Blacklisting hosts
With the blacklisting option after a number of abuses the IP address of the attacker or a IP subnet will be blocked permanently. The blacklist will be loaded at each startup and extended with new entries during operation. sshguard inserts a new address after it exceeded a threshold of abuses.
Blacklisted addresses are never scheduled to be released (allowed) again.
To enable blacklisting, create an appropriate directory and file:
root #
mkdir -p /var/lib/sshguard
root #
touch /var/lib/sshguard/blacklist.db
While defining a blacklist it is important to exclude trusted IP networks and hosts in a whitelist.
To enable whitelisting, create an appropriate directory and file:
root #
mkdir -p /etc/sshguard
root #
touch /etc/sshguard/whitelist
The whitelist has to include the loopback interface, and should have at least 1 IP trusted network f.e.
Whitelisting trusted networks127.0.0.0/8 ::1/128
The entry has to be adjusted to fit the own needs.
Add the BLACKLIST_FILE and WHITELIST_FILE file to the configuration:
Configuring sshguard to blacklist abusersBACKEND="/usr/libexec/sshg-fw-iptables" FILES="/var/log/auth.log" THRESHOLD=10 BLOCK_TIME=43200 DETECTION_TIME=604800 IPV4_SUBNET=24 IPV6_SUBNET=64 PID_FILE=/run/ # Add following lines BLACKLIST_FILE=10:/var/lib/sshguard/blacklist.db WHITELIST_FILE=/etc/sshguard/whitelist
Restart the sshguard daemon to have the changes take effect:
root #
/etc/init.d/sshguard restart
File '/var/log/auth.log' vanished while adding!
When starting up, sshguard reports the following error:
Sep 23 03:39:11 sshguard[64933]: File '/var/log/auth.log' vanished while adding!
Such an error (the file path itself can be different) occurs when the target file is not available on the system. Make sure that it is created, or update the sshguard configuration to not add it for monitoring.
On a syslog-ng system with OpenRC, the following addition to syslog-ng.conf can suffice:
creating auth.log filelog { source(src); destination(messages); }; log { source(src); destination(console_all); }; destination authlog {file("/var/log/auth.log"); }; filter f_auth { facility(auth); }; filter f_authpriv { facility(auth, authpriv); }; log { source(src); filter(f_authpriv); destination(authlog); };
Reload the configuration for the changes to take effect:
root #
rc-service syslog-ng reload
See also
- Iptables - An article on installing and configuring the iptables firewall on Gentoo.
External resources
The sshguard documentation provides all the information needed to further tune the application.