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Snort is an intrusion prevention system, network monitor, and alert daemon.


USE flags

USE flags for net-analyzer/snort The de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention

+active-response Enables support for automatically sending TCP resets and ICMP unreachable messages to terminate connections. Used with inline deployments.
+flexresp3 Enables support for new flexable response preprocessor for enabling connection tearing for inline deployments. Replaces flexresp and flexresp2.
+gre Enable support for inspecting and processing Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) packet headers. Only needed if you are monitoring GRE tunnels.
+libtirpc Build against net-libs/libtirpc for RPC support
+non-ether-decoders Enable decoding of non-ethernet protocols such as TokenRing, FDDI, IPX, etc.
+perfprofiling Enables support for preprocessor and rule performance profiling using the perfmonitor preprocessor.
+ppm Enables support for setting per rule or per packet latency limits. Helps protect against introducing network latency with inline deployments.
+react Enables support for the react rule keyword. Supports interception, termination, and redirection of HTTP connections.
+threads Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
control-socket Enables Snort's control socket.
debug Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
file-inspect Enables extended file inspection capabilities.
high-availability Enables high-availability state sharing.
inline-init-failopen Enables support to allow traffic to pass (fail-open) through inline deployments while snort is starting and not ready to begin inspecting traffic. If this option is not enabled, network traffic will not pass (fail-closed) until snort has fully started and is ready to perform packet inspection.
large-pcap-64bit Allows Snort to read pcap files that are larger than 2 GB. ONLY VALID FOR 64bit SYSTEMS!
linux-smp-stats Enable accurate statistics reporting through /proc on systems with multiple processors.
open-appid Enable OpenAppID, an open, application-focused detection language and processing module for Snort that enables users to create, share, and implement application detection. Requires dev-lang/luajit.
reload-error-restart Enables support for completely restarting snort if an error is detected during a reload.
selinux  !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
shared-rep Enables the use of shared memory for the Reputation Preprocessor (Only available on Linux systems)
side-channel Enables Snort's side channel.
sourcefire Enables Sourcefire specific build options, which include --enable-perfprofiling and --enable-ppm.


root #emerge --ask snort


Gentoo requires snort users to define the interface being monitored the /etc/conf.d/snort configuration file.

Snort ships with an example config that must be moved and edited:

root #cp /etc/snort/snort.conf.distrib /etc/snort/snort.conf


white_list.rules and black_list.rules file not found

PROBLEM: Unable to open address file /etc/snort/white_list.rules or /etc/snort/black_list.rules, Error: No such file or directory

SOLUTION: create those 2 files in /etc/snort/ or /etc/snort/rules/ directory and change the location appropriately in /etc/snort/snort.conf

FATAL ERROR: Can't initialize DAQ afpacket (-1) -

PROBLEM: Snort daemon fails to load with the error 'FATAL ERROR: Can't initialize DAQ afpacket (-1) -'

SOLUTION: Install the package net-libs/libnetfilter_queue and enable the kernel option CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK_QUEUE, after that in snort.conf change the option config daq: afpacket too config daq: pcap

Boot services


To start snort at boot:

root #rc-update add snort default

To start snort immediately:

root #rc-service snort start

See also

External Resources