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Signal Desktop

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Signal Desktop is a messaging application geared towards privacy. It is endorsed by Edward Snowden.



Install net-im/signal-desktop-bin:

root #emerge --ask net-im/signal-desktop-bin


Failed to map segment from shared object

It is possible to get the following error when starting signal-desktop if /tmp has been mounted with the noexec mount option:

Uncaught error or unhandled promise rejection: Error: /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.xxxxxx: failed to map segment from shared object

To solve the issue remount /tmp without the execution restriction:

root #mount -o remount,exec /tmp

In order to make the change persist across reboots, it will also be needed to remove the option from /etc/fstab.


Uninstall Signal Desktop by issuing:

root #emerge --ask --depclean net-im/signal-desktop-bin