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Sakaki's EFI Install Guide/Using Your New Gentoo System
In this (final) section, we'll consider a number of miscellaneous (but important) topics regarding your new system. Although this final part of the tutorial has no precise analogue in the Gentoo manual, it logically relates to Chapter 11.
The topics we'll briefly cover are:
- recapping how to boot to Linux from Windows (and vice versa);
- keeping your machine up to date;
- migrating your kernel to the internal hard drive (optional);
- and how to dispense with the USB key entirely (also optional);
- tweaking GNOME; and
- installing a firewall, and other applications; plus
- links to some additional 'mini-guides', that don't fit naturally within the rest of the tutorial, e.g.:
- how to disable the Intel Management Engine on your PC, and;
- how to sandbox the firefox browser with firejail.
Let's go!
Booting into Linux or Windows (Recap)
With the setup you have just carried out, you can easily boot your target PC into either Gentoo Linux or Windows, as desired. Here's a brief recap of how to go about it (with links back to the more detailed explanations in the body of the text, where relevant):
- If you power up the machine without the boot USB key inserted, Windows will always load automatically. You can do this safely even if you hibernated your Linux session last time (assuming you had no Windows partitions mounted in Linux!). Note
If you migrate your kernel to the internal hard drive, however, this trick won't work, and you'll have to use the efibootmgr utility to change your boot order, when you wish to boot to Windows (the use of this software was described earlier).- All your Linux data is ultimately held within an encrypted LUKS partition, and so cannot be 'snooped' by malware running in Windows. Nor can Windows software read your gpg keyfile or kernel, as the boot USB key is not physically present when Windows is running.
- Windows updates etc. should leave the LUKS partition entirely unaffected (and cannot access the boot USB key either, assuming you don't insert it mid-session).
- If you are running Windows, and wish to reboot into Linux instead, be sure to restart the machine from Windows (not shut it down - unless you have disabled hybrid shutdown as was recommended at the start of the tutorial).[1] Insert the boot USB key while the system is closing down prior to the reboot. Then, immediately the machine commences restarting, enter the BIOS (the key combination needed to do this varies from machine to machine, it is F2 on the CF-AX3). If you set one earlier, you'll need to enter your BIOS password at this point. Then, choose
Gentoo Linux (USB Key)
as the highest priority EFI boot entry, save changes and restart (if the BIOS does not immediately recognize the USB key, you may need to do the 'save changes and restart' cycle twice). A more detailed exposition of how to do this on the CF-AX3 was presented earlier in the text. The machine should then restart into Linux as usual.Note
There is some evidence that more modern versions of Windows 10 do not auto-rewrite the EFI boot list. If this is true on your target PC, then the dual-boot process is greatly simplified - just start up your machine with the boot USB key inserted, to run Gentoo, or with it absent, to run Windows.Note
As mentioned previously, there is another way to boot to Linux from Windows, without needing to go through the BIOS, as follows.
While running Windows, hit CtrlAltDelete, then click on the power icon at the bottom right of the screen, and then while holding down Shift, click 'Restart' from the pop-up menu. This will pass you into the Windows boot options menu. Once this comes up (and asks you to 'Choose an option'), click on the 'Use a device' tile. This will show another page, on which you will see a tile entitled 'Gentoo Linux (USB Key)' (and possibly some others). Insert the boot USB key, click the tile, and you should find that the system restarts and that Linux is loaded (and you then get the usual plymouth passphrase screen, etc.).
So far, so good, since this way of working avoids going through the BIOS. However, when you do this, Windows has only really set the (one-time) 'boot next' value in EFI, which means that once you restart again from Gentoo (even with the boot USB key still inserted), Windows will start up. To get around this, you need to set the boot order using the efibootmgr tool in Gentoo, as described previously. This can easily be automated, for convenience.
- Now, if you are running Linux, and then power down the machine, then power it back up with the USB key inserted, it should start up Linux again automatically (you'll have to enter your LUKS keyfile gpg passphrase (the one you created earlier) to gain access of course). It is entirely safe to remove the boot USB key once you get to the GNOME login screen (and indeed, it is recommended that you do so, for security). You can do any work you like under Linux, power the machine down, suspend or hibernate it, without needing to re-insert the boot USB key. Then:
- If you suspend (sleep) the machine from Linux, you can come back out of suspend without needing to re-insert the key (just slide the power button).
- If you hibernate the machine from Linux, insert the boot USB key immediately before powering up again. Upon restart, you'll have to enter the GPG-encrypted LUKS keyfile passphrase, and should then be presented with a GNOME login prompt (as before, you can remove the boot USB key at this point). Log in, and you'll find your desktop the way you left it on hibernation.
- If you power the machine off from Linux, simply remember to insert the USB key before sliding the power key again (otherwise you'll reboot into Windows, as above).
- Similarly, if you have hibernated from Linux, and power back up without re-inserting the boot USB key, your machine will come up in Windows. This isn't a problem (unless you had any of the Windows partitions deliberately mounted in your Linux session!), because you can use Windows as necessary and then, when done, follow the process above to restart back into Linux again (it'll remember that you hibernated, and come back into your old session).
The whole process is easier to do in practice than it is to describe! It has the advantage of not requiring multiple EFI system partitions on the machine's main drive (something which Microsoft specifically cautions is unsupported under Windows[2]), nor a separate bootloader. Furthermore, Windows will sometimes overwrite the EFI boot list anyway, even when a bootloader is used, so taking that approach doesn't necessary buy you anything.[3]
If you would like to use Windows' EFI system partition (the one on the internal drive) to store your kernel (or even dispense with the need for a USB key during boot altogether), instructions for doing so will be provided later in this chapter.
If you should forget the gpg keyfile passphrase, but have setup a fallback passphrase on the LUKS partition earlier in the tutorial, you can use this by renaming the file luks-key.gpg (at the top level on the boot USB key) to luks-key.gpg.old. Then, when prompted for the password on boot (at the 'bunch of keys' prompt), type in your fallback passphrase, and you should be able to gain access. Since the boot key is formatted with FAT32, you should be able to insert it into pretty much any Windows or Linux box to do the rename.
Keeping Your Machine Up to Date
The genup tool makes it easy to keep your machine (kernel and packages) up to date. To perform a full update at any time, first open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one open): press the Windows Key, and type 'terminal', then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Ensure that your boot USB key is inserted (this will be required if there is a kernel upgrade). Then, in this terminal, issue:
koneko ~ #
genup --dispatch-conf --deploy-from-staging
and the update will proceed automatically (the --dispatch-conf option means that, although not running in interactive mode per se, you will be prompted to resolve clashing changes to configuration files, should any arise, and the --deploy-from-staging will copy over any new kernel to the boot USB key, once built). When the process completes (you get the message "All done"), remove the boot USB key again, and close out the terminal.
Should errors occur during the process, here are some hints that may be useful.
First, if the problem has occurred when building a new kernel, try working through the process manually. In the root terminal, issue:
koneko ~ #
cd /usr/src/linux
koneko linux #
make clean
koneko linux #
make olddefconfig
koneko linux #
and note what errors are reported. You can then do an internet search etc. to see how to resolve them.
If, instead, problems occur during the main emerge phase (of userland packages), review the genup output for details. Most often, the issue will be caused by missing USE flags, license permissions or circular dependencies (in all of which cases, emerge will have printed a helpful, self-explanatory message about what to do).
If the problem appears more gnarly that that, see the "Troubleshooting a Failed Build" section earlier for some hints as to how to proceed. Then, when ready, ensure your boot USB key is inserted, and simply issue:
koneko ~ #
genup --dispatch-conf --deploy-from-staging
to try again.
If the output of genup informed you that a new kernel has been built, you should reboot your machine at this point to start using it.
A more detailed overview of genup may be found earlier in the tutorial, together with instructions for using dispatch-conf.
Automating genup (Optional)
To ensure you don't forget updates, you can schedule genup to run automatically (this is entirely optional, of course). One simple approach is to use /etc/cron.daily to have it executed every night (at around 3am on most systems; check /etc/crontab for details[4]).
To set this up, first open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one available): press the Windows Key, and type 'terminal', then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Then issue:
koneko ~ #
nano -w /etc/cron.daily/genup
Then put the following text in the file:
Having genup run automatically#!/bin/bash export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin" genup >/var/log/latest-genup-run.log 2>&1
Save and exit the nano editor, and make the file executable:
koneko ~ #
chmod -v +x /etc/cron.daily/genup
(You can now close out the root terminal if you have no further use for it.)
That's it! Your system will now attempt to update each night, without requiring any input from you. Also, because you have not specified --deploy-from-staging
here, there's no need to have your boot USB key inserted when the process runs (any new kernel will still be built, but then simply retained in the staging area at /boot, until you issue buildkernel --copy-from-staging
, as described shortly).
Although this is automatic, you do need to do a bit of checking periodically that this worked OK (each morning, say). To do this, open a root terminal in GNOME (as just described), and issue:
koneko ~ #
tail --lines=20 /var/log/latest-genup-run.log
If the tail of the log just printed contains text similar to the below:
* genup: Warning: There are configuration file changes pending review!
* genup: Warning: Please run dispatch-conf to interactively resolve them.
then, as instructed, you need to run dispatch-conf; so do so now:
koneko ~ #
See the explanation earlier in this tutorial for how to use dispatch-conf.
Next, if the tail of the log contains text similar to the below:
* An updated kernel has been successfully built in the staging area!
* You can install it to your EFI system partition by issuing:
* buildkernel ----copy-from-staging
then you need to copy it across (it has already been built in the staging area). Insert your boot USB key, then issue:
koneko ~ #
buildkernel --copy-from-staging
When this completes (it shouldn't take long), remove the boot USB key, and close out the root terminal if you have no further use for it (or, alternatively, leave the key inserted and reboot, to start using your new kernel immediately).
If the genup process exited with an error (as shown in /var/log/latest-genup-run.log), refer to the troubleshooting notes above.
Migrating Off the Boot USB Key (Optional)
Up until now, we have been using a boot USB key to hold your (stub EFI) kernel and GPG-encrypted LUKS keyfile. This approach has a number of advantages:
- It let us get around the 'EFI chicken and egg' problem - namely that it is only possible to modify the EFI boot list when already booted under EFI - by exploiting the exception that most UEFI BIOSes will boot specially named EFI images on removable drives. Of course, now we have an EFI system running, this advantage is moot.
- It provides dual factor security - you need both the keyfile and its passphrase to access the LUKS partition. This confers a degree of protection against hardware keyloggers etc., which a 'passphrase only' (or, indeed, 'keyfile only') LUKS approach would lack.
- Similarly, if you physically destroy the USB key and all backups, your LUKS data will be gone forever. Even someone with your GPG passphrase would be unable to recover it. Of course, this is a double-edged sword!
- If the system is booted without the key inserted, it will automatically come up in Windows.
- When Windows is running, malware is unable to see your kernel image (assuming you leave the USB key unplugged) nor can it copy your GPG-encrypted keyfile.
- Similarly, there is no risk of Windows accidentally (during an upgrade, for example) overwriting your kernel, or experiencing problems because your kernel has consumed too much space in the (internal hard drive) EFI system partition.
- You can use a large-capacity USB key, with plenty of room for snapshot backups etc.
Nevertheless, some users may prefer to use their internal hard drive's EFI system partition to store the kernel (retaining the USB key for GPG-encrypted keyfile only, to preserve dual-factor security). Others may like to go even further, and remove the need for the USB key altogether on boot (relying on a passphrase only, Ubuntu-style[5]). While there are six logical possibilities here (and all are simple to achieve via buildkernel --easy-setup
), not all make sense, as the table below demonstrates:
GPG-Encrypted LUKS Keyfile Location | ||||
USB Key | Internal Drive | None (Fallback Passphrase Only) | ||
Kernel Location | USB Key | (Option 1) You have this now:
(Option 2) Pointless:
(Option 3) Pointless:
Internal Drive | (Option 4) Reasonable option:
(Option 5) Pointless:
(Option 6) Maximum convenience option:
Accordingly, instructions are provided below for migration from option 1 (which you have now) to options 4 and 6, below.
These are purely optional, and mutually exclusive, approaches! If the current, USB-based setup (option 1) works fine for you, by all means retain it for day-to-day use.
Using the Internal Drive EFI System Partition for the Kernel (Option 4)
This is a somewhat attractive option. By using the (Windows) EFI system partition to store the kernel, boot times are reduced, and you can perform full upgrades (including any kernel deployment) without having to insert the USB key.
As described earlier however, even in an 'option 1' system, you can perform all but the final copy-kernel-from-staging step (using genup) without having to insert the boot USB key, so this is not a major problem.
However, you may experience issues due to the lack of space in the internal drive EFI system partition, particularly if you have not slimmed down your kernel configuration (as described earlier).
To give some sense of scale about the 'free space' issue:
- the internal drive EFI system partition is 100MB in size (approximately) on the CF-AX3 (and this is common for many Windows installs [6]);
- a 'default' kernel (with encapsulated initramfs, as per the instructions in this tutorial) will be around 160MiB in size (as of Linux 4.14.65);
- the same kernel after the localmodconfig treatment (see earlier) will be about 130MiB;
- if the integral firmware is also reduced (per these earlier notes), its size will fall to around 20-25MiB;
- Windows takes about 20MB on the EFI system partition for its own files; plus you probably need to allow the same again (for updates, backups, installations etc. that Windows may perform);
- if you choose to store the GPG-encrypted LUKS key on the internal system partition as well (not required for either option 4 or 6), that will consume just over 8MiB.
It is not recommended to create a second EFI system partition on your internal drive - while this is allowed under the EFI specifications, according to Microsoft, "such a configuration should not be created and is not supported in Windows".[6]
If there is insufficient space on the target EFI system partition, buildkernel will automatically delete the old backup (if any), and skip the new backup, to save space; so for most systems, kernels that have been localmodconfig and firmware-reduced should fit successfully in an 'option 4' (or 6) configuration (however, remember that without backups, that you won't have a fallback in place should a configuration problem cause issues at boot time).
When using the internal drive EFI system partition, Windows malware can read your kernel (and configuration), although it is protected against tampering by its cryptographic signature (of course, malware with access to the Microsoft private keys could modify your kernel and resign it...).
A final point to bear in mind is that, whenever you wish to restart from Linux to Windows, you will have to change the EFI boot list explicitly, using the efibootmgr tool (the use of which was described previously). You can no longer simply restart the machine without the boot key present (as you can with 'option 1').
With all that in mind, if you still wish to migrate to an 'option 4' configuration, proceed as follows.
As per the above note on sizing, you must have slimmed down your kernel image modules and firmware, as described earlier, in order to be able to use option 4: so, if you haven't done so yet, please do that first, before proceeding.
First, open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one available): press the Windows Key, and type 'terminal', then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Next, use the buildkernel --easy-setup
tool to make the necessary changes to /etc/buildkernel.conf.
You can of course make the necessary changes to /etc/buildkernel.conf with an editor, but using the menu-driven tool reduces the chances for error.
Issue (the following session is an example only; the values output will obviously vary for your machine):
koneko ~ #
buildkernel --easy-setup
* Current configuration (from /etc/buildkernel.conf):
EFI system partition UUID: 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 LUKS root partition UUID: 8111286a-d24e-4ba2-b6af-d0650fab4130 GPG keyfile partition UUID: DEFAULT (=EFI system partition UUID) GPG keyfile (for LUKS): luks-key.gpg EFI boot directory: /EFI/Boot EFI boot file: gentoo.efi Plymouth theme: fade-in Boot-time keymap: jp Init system: systemd
* Please choose an option: 1) Set EFI system partition 6) Set boot-time keymap 2) Set LUKS root partition 7) Set init system 3) Set LUKS key options 8) Exit without saving 4) Set EFI boot file path 9) Save and exit 5) Set boot splash options Your choice: press 1 then Enter * Please choose which EFI system partition to use (or GO BACK): Num Partition UUID Path USB Win Use --- ------------------------------------ ---------- --- --- --- 1) 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 /dev/sdb1 Y N [*] 2) f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 /dev/sda2 N Y [ ] 3) GO BACK Your choice: press 2 then Enter (we want the Windows EFI system partition, from a non-USB drive) * EFI system partition selected as follows: Num Partition UUID Path USB Win Use --- ------------------------------------ ---------- --- --- --- 1) 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 /dev/sdb1 Y N [ ] 2) f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 /dev/sda2 N Y [*] * Previously, KEYFILEPARTUUID was unset, and so implicitly followed * the value of EFIPARTUUID (the EFI system partition). * Now you have changed EFIPARTUUID, you must choose what to do * about the keyfile. * Please choose your desired option: 1) Keep keyfile in previous EFI system partition 2) Move keyfile to new EFI system partition (retain implicit tracking) Your choice: press 1 then Enter (we want to leave the GPG-keyfile on the USB key) * OK, explicitly defining KEYFILEPARTUUID now
* Current configuration (from /etc/buildkernel.conf - MODIFIED):
EFI system partition UUID: f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 LUKS root partition UUID: 8111286a-d24e-4ba2-b6af-d0650fab4130 GPG keyfile partition UUID: 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 GPG keyfile (for LUKS): luks-key.gpg EFI boot directory: /EFI/Boot EFI boot file: gentoo.efi Plymouth theme: fade-in Boot-time keymap: jp Init system: systemd
* Please choose an option: 1) Set EFI system partition 6) Set boot-time keymap 2) Set LUKS root partition 7) Set init system 3) Set LUKS key options 8) Exit without saving 4) Set EFI boot file path 9) Save and exit 5) Set boot splash options Your choice: press 9 then Enter * Configuration saved to /etc/buildkernel.conf. * Be sure to run buildkernel, to rebuild the kernel with the new * settings, before rebooting.
Now rebuild the kernel (it will attempt to save the result to the internal EFI system partition now, not to the boot USB key):
koneko ~ #
This process also creates a new EFI boot entry, entitled
Gentoo Linux (Internal Drive)
, and places it at the top of the EFI boot list for you. Note that, when e.g. using the UEFI BIOS GUI to reboot into Linux, having previously run Windows, you'll need to select this entry, and not the Gentoo Linux (USB Key)
one (which is retained too, for convenience). Similarly, if you switch operating systems using the alternative approach of the Windows 10 (or 8) 'Use a device' menu (as described above), you'll need to click on the the tile entitled Gentoo Linux (Internal Drive)
.Once the build completes (make sure it works successfully, and that you get the prompt All done!
at the end), ensure your USB (boot) key is inserted, and restart your machine (you can do this from within GNOME, by clicking on the 'power' icon (in the top right of the screen), clicking on the 'power' button in the dropdown menu that then appears, and then clicking on the 'Restart' button in the dialog).
The machine should then power cycle (you will be cleanly logged out of GNOME first). When it restarts, as before, you will need to enter your LUKS keyfile gpg passphrase (the one you created earlier), directly at the target machine keyboard to unlock the LUKS partition. You should then be able to log into GNOME as usual.
The (boot) USB key is now only needed for the GPG-encrypted keyfile. As before, the USB key can safely be removed once the GNOME login screen appears. In addition, the previous kernel and backup etc. is still present on the USB key (but unused), and you can delete these manually if you like - as the system now boots using the kernel stored on the internal EFI system partition.
If you use the internal EFI system partition in this manner, you will probably be unable to perform
buildkernel --snapshot-backup
operations, due to lack of space.Completely Removing the Need for a Boot USB Key (Option 6)
This is the most convenient option for everyday use, since no USB key is required at all: the backup LUKS passphrase is prompted for at boot time, and the kernel is contained on the internal drive (Windows) EFI system partition. However, dual-factor security is lost with this approach. It is otherwise similar to option 4 above, so please read through the comments there before continuing.
You must have setup a fallback LUKS keyphrase to use an option 6 boot. Refer to the earlier instructions as to how to do this, if you haven't already done so.
To reiterate one point: under 'option 6' (just as for 'option 4'), whenever you wish to restart from Linux to Windows, you will have to change the EFI boot list explicitly, using the efibootmgr tool (the use of which was described previously). You can no longer simply restart the machine without the boot key present (as you can with 'option 1').
If you still wish to migrate to an 'option 6' configuration, proceed as follows.
As per the above note on sizing, you must have slimmed down your kernel image modules and firmware, as described earlier, in order to be able to use option 6 (just as with option 4): so, if you haven't done so yet, please do that first, before proceeding.
First, open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one available): press the Windows Key, and type 'terminal', then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Next, use the buildkernel --easy-setup
tool to make the necessary changes to /etc/buildkernel.conf.
You can of course make the necessary changes to /etc/buildkernel.conf with an editor, but using the menu-driven tool reduces the chances for error.
Issue (the following session is an example only; the values output will obviously vary for your machine):
koneko ~ #
buildkernel --easy-setup
* Current configuration (from /etc/buildkernel.conf):
EFI system partition UUID: 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 LUKS root partition UUID: 8111286a-d24e-4ba2-b6af-d0650fab4130 GPG keyfile partition UUID: DEFAULT (=EFI system partition UUID) GPG keyfile (for LUKS): luks-key.gpg EFI boot directory: /EFI/Boot EFI boot file: gentoo.efi Plymouth theme: fade-in Boot-time keymap: jp Init system: systemd
* Please choose an option: 1) Set EFI system partition 6) Set boot-time keymap 2) Set LUKS root partition 7) Set init system 3) Set LUKS key options 8) Exit without saving 4) Set EFI boot file path 9) Save and exit 5) Set boot splash options Your choice: press 3 then Enter * Current LUKS key settings: * Using a GPG-encrypted keyfile for LUKS: * KEYFILEPARTUUID unset: assuming GPG keyfile on EFI system partition * Please choose your desired LUKS key setting (or GO BACK): 1) Use GPG-encrypted keyfile on EFI system partition 2) Use GPG-encrypted keyfile on specific USB partition... 3) Use fallback passphrase (no keyfile) 4) GO BACK Your choice: press 3 then Enter * New LUKS key settings: * Using no keyfile, but relying on fallback passphrase for LUKS * Current configuration (from /etc/buildkernel.conf - MODIFIED):
EFI system partition UUID: 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 LUKS root partition UUID: 8111286a-d24e-4ba2-b6af-d0650fab4130 GPG keyfile partition UUID: DEFAULT (=EFI system partition UUID) GPG keyfile (for LUKS): NONE (using fallback passphrase) EFI boot directory: /EFI/Boot EFI boot file: gentoo.efi Plymouth theme: fade-in Boot-time keymap: jp Init system: systemd
* Please choose an option: 1) Set EFI system partition 6) Set boot-time keymap 2) Set LUKS root partition 7) Set init system 3) Set LUKS key options 8) Exit without saving 4) Set EFI boot file path 9) Save and exit 5) Set boot splash options Your choice: press 1 then Enter * Please choose which EFI system partition to use (or GO BACK): Num Partition UUID Path USB Win Use --- ------------------------------------ ---------- --- --- --- 1) 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 /dev/sdb1 Y N [*] 2) f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 /dev/sda2 N Y [ ] 3) GO BACK Your choice: press 2 then Enter (we want the Windows EFI system partition, from a non-USB drive) * EFI system partition selected as follows: Num Partition UUID Path USB Win Use --- ------------------------------------ ---------- --- --- --- 1) 2498f874-ad8f-484e-8aba-81ac1c9665b6 /dev/sdb1 Y N [ ] 2) f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 /dev/sda2 N Y [*]
* Current configuration (from /etc/buildkernel.conf - MODIFIED):
EFI system partition UUID: f236e16c-ca97-4c36-b0d5-4196fa1e9930 LUKS root partition UUID: 8111286a-d24e-4ba2-b6af-d0650fab4130 GPG keyfile partition UUID: DEFAULT (=EFI system partition UUID) GPG keyfile (for LUKS): NONE (using fallback passphrase) EFI boot directory: /EFI/Boot EFI boot file: gentoo.efi Plymouth theme: fade-in Boot-time keymap: jp Init system: systemd
* Please choose an option: 1) Set EFI system partition 6) Set boot-time keymap 2) Set LUKS root partition 7) Set init system 3) Set LUKS key options 8) Exit without saving 4) Set EFI boot file path 9) Save and exit 5) Set boot splash options Your choice: press 9 then Enter * Configuration saved to /etc/buildkernel.conf. * Be sure to run buildkernel, to rebuild the kernel with the new * settings, before rebooting.
Now rebuild the kernel (it will attempt to save the result to the internal EFI system partition now, not to the boot USB key):
koneko ~ #
As with option 4, this process also creates a new EFI boot entry, entitled
Gentoo Linux (Internal Drive)
, and places it at the top of the EFI boot list for you. Note that, when e.g. using the UEFI BIOS GUI to reboot into Linux, having previously run Windows, you'll need to select this entry, and not the Gentoo Linux (USB Key)
one (which is retained too, for convenience). Similarly, if you switch operating systems using the alternative approach of the Window 8 'Use a device' menu (as described above), you'll need to click on the the tile entitled Gentoo Linux (Internal Drive)
.Once the build completes (make sure it works successfully, and that you get the prompt All done!
at the end), remove your USB (boot) key (you won't need it any more!), and restart your machine (you can do this from within GNOME, by clicking on the 'power' icon (in the top right of the screen), clicking on the 'power' button in the dropdown menu that then appears, and then clicking on the 'Restart' button in the dialog).
The machine should then power cycle (you will be cleanly logged out of GNOME first). When it restarts, as before, you will need to enter your LUKS fallback passphrase (the one you created earlier), directly at the target machine keyboard to unlock the LUKS partition. You should then be able to log into GNOME as usual.
The boot USB key can now be recycled if you like - the system now boots using a kernel stored on the internal EFI system partition, and the GPG-encrypted keyfile is not used. Any time you are restarting your machine and are prompted for a LUKS passphrase (at the 'bunch of keys' prompt in Plymouth), be sure to use the LUKS fallback passphrase.
Just as with option 4, if you use the internal EFI system partition in this manner, you will probably be unable to perform
buildkernel --snapshot-backup
operations, due to lack of space.Tweaking GNOME
One of the saving graces of the GNOME 3 shell interface (the desktop GUI) is its extensibility. By using JavaScript-based plug-ins known as shell extensions, you can modify the behaviour of your system considerably (changing the way window placement works, adding things like weather and system performance applets, changing app search options etc.).
The simplest way to get plugins is via the Gnome Tweak Tool application. From within your GNOME desktop, press Windows Key, then type tweak
and press Enter. The tool that appears allows you to change many of the default GNOME behaviours that you may find annoying (such as attached modal dialogs!), add startup applications, etc., so it's well worth browsing through the options.
To install extensions, however, click on the 'Extensions' tab on the left side of the app, and then navigate to the extension you want on the right (simply move the slider to "ON" for any you wish to enable). If you scroll to the bottom of this list, you'll see a link entitled Get more extensions
. Click on this, and a web page will open with a list of downloadable plug-ins. You can search the list for topics of interest. Again, if you want to use a plug-in, simply click on it to open its detail page, move its slider to "ON", and it should download and start running automatically:
Do take care with plug-ins, however, as they are third-party code. Shell extensions on the GNOME website have been reviewed for malware. If you want to write your own extensions, a good place to start is this tutorial. See also this GNOME wiki page.
It may be worth emerging sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility if you want to mount the boot USB key (or internal hard drive EFI system partition) from within GNOME, without resorting to the command line. For clarity, GNOME will by default automount the partitions of removable drives when you insert them, but it will not automount EFI system partitions. The GNOME disk utility provides you with a nice graphical way to do this.
Miscellaneous GNOME Points
The following are a few GNOME setup questions that come up frequently by email (but which don't really fit into the main flow of this guide). For any other GNOME issues, your first point of call should be the website (and failing that, the Gentoo Desktop Environments discussion forum).
Using a Printer in GNOME
Depending on what version of GNOME you have, and which other applications you have installed, you may find that you are initially unable to print from GNOME, and cannot use the 'Printers' control panel.
To enable printing, you need to install the net-print/libgnomecups package, and then start the CUPS service in systemd.
To set this up, first open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one available): press the Windows Key, and type terminal
, then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Then issue:
koneko ~ #
emerge --ask --verbose --noreplace net-print/libgnomecups
... additional output suppressed ... assuming no errors you will see ... Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] <press y, then press Enter> ... additional output suppressed ...
If you already have the package installed as a dependency of something else, it will not be reinstalled (because of the
option), but you will be asked whether to add the package to your @world set; you should answer n in this case.Next, enter:
koneko ~ #
systemctl enable cups
koneko ~ #
systemctl start cups
after which you should be able to go to the 'Printers' control panel, click on the 'plus' icon, and setup your printer. You can also close out the root terminal if you have no further need for it.
Using a VPN in GNOME
To be able to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with NetworkManager in GNOME, you have to install the net-misc/networkmanager-openvpn package.
To do this, open a root terminal (per the instructions above), and then issue:
koneko ~ #
emerge --ask --verbose net-misc/networkmanager-openvpn
... additional output suppressed ... assuming no errors you will see ... Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] <press y, then press Enter> ... additional output suppressed ...
Once this completes, you should now be able to go to the 'Network' control panel, click on the 'plus' icon, and add a new VPN connection. (As before, close out the root terminal now, if you have no further need for it.)
Playing MP4 Videos (using Totem) in GNOME
If you find that you are unable to play MP4 videos using GNOME's default (Totem) media player (and it complains about a missing H264 codec), then you'll need to install the media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav package.
Another symptom, indicating that you may need to install this package, is if you have audio, but no picture, when playing videos on sites like YouTube from within your web browser.
To do this, open a root terminal (per the instructions above), and then issue:
koneko ~ #
emerge --ask --verbose media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav
... additional output suppressed ... assuming no errors you will see ... Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] <press y, then press Enter> ... additional output suppressed ...
Once this completes, the problem should be fixed. (As before, close out the root terminal now, if you have no further need for it.)
You will need to restart any application (Totem, web browser etc.) in order to use the new plug-in, but there is no need to reboot.
Installing Other Applications, Including a Firewall etc.
As currently configured, your machine is not running a firewall - but I'd definitely recommend installing one! Configuring a firewall is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but a good place to start is Chapter 1 of Michael Rash's book Linux Firewalls.[7] The ArchLinux wiki also has some useful information on using iptables (the Linux kernel firewall based on netfilter) under systemd.[8]
If you do choose to use iptables, you'll need to do a
buildkernel --menuconfig
run, and turn on CONFIG_NETFILTER and appropriate sub-options. Michael Rash's book gives a good overview (albeit a little dated now) of which options you may need.Other than that, what you install on your machine is now up to you! It's worth reading this introduction in the Gentoo handbook regarding searching for and installing software. The basic process, of course, is straightforward. Suppose, for example, that you'd like to install the Firefox web browser...
At the time of writing, Firefox will silently auto-download a Gecko Media Plugin binary blob on first use, unless you have the
USE flag unset.[9] As such, you may wish to create an entry in /etc/portage/package.use/firefox to unset this flag, before proceeding.To do this, first, open a root terminal in GNOME (if you don't already have one available): press the Windows Key, and type terminal
, then press Enter. A standard-issue terminal window should open. Become root:
sakaki@koneko ~ $
su --login root
Password: <enter root password>
The password required here is the one you set up earlier in the tutorial (and have used when ssh-ing in).
Next, search for the application. You can use eix to do this: for example:
koneko ~ #
eix firefox
Reviewing eix's output, you can see that the package you want is www-client/firefox. To install it, use the familiar emerge rubric:
koneko ~ #
emerge --ask --verbose www-client/firefox
... additional output suppressed ... assuming no errors you will see ... Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] <press y, then press Enter> ... additional output suppressed ...
If there are any USE flag problems or license issues reported, edit /etc/portage/package.use or /etc/portage/package.license accordingly (see text earlier for a description of these), then try again.
Note that if you are planning to use firefox as your daily web browser, it is well worth sandboxing it for security. A full mini-guide covering this topic is now available (see list, immediately below).
Additional Mini-Guides
Listed below is a short set of 'mini-guides', covering additional set-up topics that may be of interest to some users, but which do not fit within the main flow of the text:
- Extending LUKS to Protect an Additional Drive
- Disabling the Intel Management Engine
- Sandboxing the Firefox Browser with Firejail
- Booting Legacy Images on EFI using kexec
Sayonara ^-^
Well, that's it! You now have a fully operational Gentoo dual-boot system, with systemd and GNOME!
(Click here to go back up to the top-level page.)
As mentioned at the beginning, comments, suggestions and feedback about this guide are welcomed! You can use the "Discussion" tab (of whatever is the most relevant page) for this purpose. On most browsers, you can use ShiftAltt as a shortcut to access this.
- ↑ Windows Secrets: "With Windows 8, 'off' isn't really off"
- ↑ SuperUser Forum: "How many EFI System Partitions (ESP) can a computer have?"
- ↑ ZDNet: "Seven ways to set up multi-booting with Windows 8 and Linux"
- ↑ ServerFault Forum: "When does `cron.daily` run?"
- ↑ EFF: "Privacy in Ubuntu 12.10: Full Disk Encryption"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Microsoft: "Windows and GPT FAQ: Answers about Windows GPT required partitions: EFI System Partition"
- ↑ Rash, Michael Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, and fwsnort No Starch Press, 2007
- ↑ ArchLinux Wiki: "iptables"
- ↑ Gentoo Forums: "Policy question re Firefox binary blob auto-download"
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