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Property:Has Requirements

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Passion, want to be more involved in Gentoo, use CJK packages, some bash knowledge is preferred.  +
Being a Gentoo developer who wants to join the project. Moderate knowledge of upstream project. Being a committer of the upstream project would be a huge plus.  +
If you are running Chromium or working with V8, and are willing to spend some time helping Gentoo, feel free to apply.  +
Using cinnamon and interested in maintaining the ebuilds and following upstream development of the project.  +
Experience with Electronics software on Linux, ideally Gentoo.  +
Experience with kernel and embedded systems  +
Strong interest in security matters and good knowledge of written English. A professional security background is not required at all.  +
Good python skills and or gpg key creation, verification knowledge  +
Candidates must be familiar with Bugzilla and Gentoo tree structure.  +
Running MATE, familiarity with Bugzilla, preferably with editbugs permissions on Bugzilla, preferably with an IRC account for communication purposes.  +
Gentoo developer in good standing, ebuild experience, preferably running MATE  +
Knowledge of math software and/or Gentoo.  +
Experience with PHP on Gentoo.  +
Good python and/or bash skills. Either prior knowledge of portage's internals or the desire to learn more detail about package management and its coding. The desire to continue to improve the quality of its code.  +
Free time Familiar with Gentoo development affairs and QA tools Good social and community skills  +
Experience with ruby on Linux, ideally Gentoo. Knowledge of C and ruby. Experience with patching software.  +
Experience with ruby on Linux, ideally Gentoo. Knowledge of the gem repository system and its supporting software and experience with building ruby software using setup.rb and its many incarnations.  +
Either good knowledge of or willingness to learn (without much help on our end): * Ruby packaging in Gentoo (ruby-fakegem.eclass in particular). * ElasticSearch maintenance and upgrades. * Basic Ruby with the necessary libraries (good enough to be able to do at least minor fixes to existing code).  +
Very good knowledge of the WAF build system (python) as well as good knowledge of the samba environment. Basic ebuild knowledge is a fundamental requirement. Good contacts to upstream would be nice to have.  +
Knowledge of numerical libraries, building and packaging skills  +