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Packages for 3d printing.  +
The Gentoo ALSA Project maintains packages released by ALSA upstream.  +
The AMD64 Project is devoted to providing stable, secure and up-to-date releases of Gentoo for the AMD64 and EM64T processor families.  +
The Gentoo/AMD64 AT Project is devoted to help the developers with time-consuming testing.  +
The ARM Development Project is devoted to keeping Gentoo in good shape on the ARM architecture.  +
The ARM64 project is devoted to getting and keeping Gentoo in good shape on the ARM AArch64 architecture.  +
The Gentoo Accessibility Project provides a way for Gentoo developers in various teams to coordinate efforts to make Gentoo more accessible to users who have disabilities.  +
This project provides support for Ada compilers and libraries in Portage. At present a gnat compiler is provided: gnat-gpl by AdaCore.  +
The Gentoo/Alpha Arch Team is devoted to keeping Gentoo in good shape on the Alpha architecture.  +
Gentoo on Android aims to provide desktop experience on Android mobile devices. This project deploys Gentoo Prefix, a variant of Gentoo that installs in a directory prefix, along with Android, sharing the same Linux kernel.  +
The Antivirus Project maintains antivirus-related packages.  +
The Apache project is responsible for maintaining the Apache httpd server in Gentoo, and many of its modules. We also maintain a build infrastructure so that other modules may be easily added in a standard way to Apache.  +
The Artwork project manages Gentoo artwork and related assets. This includes wallpapers, logos, themes, icons sets, etc.  +
The Astronomy Project handles astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology related activities in Gentoo.  +
The Gentoo Linux Security Audit Project is focused upon auditing packages for security issues. The aim of the project is to audit as many of the packages available through Gentoo Linux stable Portage tree as possible for potential flaws.  +
Maintains BSD userspace and some BSD-origin packages  +
The Base System Project provides an umbrella project for keeping the system tools, libraries, compilers and layout consistent for all the various architectures under Gentoo Linux.  +
The Biology Project handles all biology related activities in Gentoo.  +
The Gentoo Bug Wranglers project controls, describes the tasks to be carried out and goals to be achieved for everyone who wrangles bugs on Gentoo's bug tracker.  +
The Gentoo Bug Cleaners project aims to clean up the oldest bugs in Bugzilla.  +