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Project:X86/Stabiliation exceptions

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List of packages/teams that may stabilise themselves


Some packages need a special setup or hardware to be tested properly. As the architecture teams can add no real additional testing, some maintainers or teams may be allowed to mark packages stable themselves under the following conditions:

  • The prerequisites of stabilisation policy still apply.
  • The architecture must be available in hardware to have at least a compile test.
  • Several USE flag combinations must be compiled.
  • Basic operation should be tested on the actual hardware.

Permissions can be requested by anyone with a good reason on the x86 alias. We will discuss it and give our ok/denial.

Package list

Package Herd Maintainer/Team Comments
app-accessibility/brltty accessibility
app-accessibility/speakup accessibility
app-doc/* any maintainer As long as no executables are installed
sys-apps/man-pages* any maintainer As long as no executables are installed
media-fonts/* any maintainer As long as no executables are installed
media-fonts/* x11 Only those maintained by the X11 team
sys-libs/timezone-data toolchain
sys-kernel/openvz-sources pva,vserver
sys-kernel/{gentoo,vanilla}-sources kernel Minor stabilisation updates can be marked stable as soon as an architecture team has marked one version of that series stable
sys-kernel/hardened-sources hardened
sys-apps/gradm hardened
vdr vdr Special hardware/setups and lots of small packages
x11-misc/util-macros x11
x11-themes/claws-mail-themes net-mail, fauli


We would like to thank the following authors and editors for their contributions to this guide:

  • Christian Faulhammer