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Project:GitHub/Repositories and mirrors

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Repositories in gentoo/ namespace

All organization members are currently permitted to create repositories in gentoo/ namespace. However, is it recommended to use the namespace wisely.

Rule of thumb:

  • If you are establishing a Gentoo-originated project which other Gentoo developers will work on, use the gentoo/ namespace.
  • If you are creating a private project loosely related to Gentoo, think twice before using the namespace,
  • If you are forking an upstream repository to submit a pull request, do not use the namespace.

Please note that GitHub supports transferring the repository to another user/organization if you change your mind later.

Mirrors of repositories

We support automatically mirroring repositories from git.g.o to GitHub (or other external git hostings providing git-over-SSH access).

The mirrors are unidirectional. If you push any changes to the GitHub end (e.g. click the 'merge' button on a pull request), those changes are overwritten (force pushed over) on the next git.g.o commit.

In order to obtain a GitHub mirror of your repository:

  1. Create the desired GitHub repository (either in gentoo/ namespace or on your private account).
  2. Add a push access for the bot:
    • If the repository is in gentoo/ organization, add the Mirror bot team with write access to the repository.
    • If the repository is outside gentoo/, add the gentoo-bot user as a collaborator with write access.
  3. Open a bug requesting git.g.o end setup.