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Nagios offers complete monitoring and alerting for servers, switches, applications, and services.
Web server
Decide which web server will be to used and set it up:
Once finished return here to and continue reading.
USE flags
Set the proper USE flags for Nagios before it emerging it:
USE flags for net-analyzer/nagios-core Nagios core - monitoring daemon, web GUI, and documentation
enable web interface |
Add Apache2 support |
use the classic web theme |
install www-servers/lighttpd config |
Pulls in related vim syntax scripts |
Do not forget to enable the right USE flags for Nagios plugins (net-analyzer/nagios-plugins).
Finally install net-analyzer/nagios:
root #
emerge --ask net-analyzer/nagios
Enable the Nagios module for Apache:
Since Nagios requires PHP for its web interface, it may needed to be enabled as well if it has not been previously. One way is to simply add -D PHP5
and edit /etc/php/apache2-php<YOUR_PHP_VERSION>/php.ini This should be fine unless PHP is needed for purposes other than hosting Nagios.
If using Apache 2.4 (which is still marked unstable as of April 2015) the /etc/apache2/modules.d/99_nagios3.conf file may need to be modified to fit the new authorization directives of Apache 2.4.
Remember to add the apache
user to group nagios
root #
usermod -a -G nagios apache
Restart the Apache service to have it recognize the group change:
root #
rc-service apache2 restart
Enable the Nagios configuration for Lighttpd:
include "nagios.conf"
Configure authentication. More information on how to set this up can be found in the Lighttpd documentation.
$HTTP["url"] =~ "nagios" { auth.backend ="plain" # The password is stored as plain text as user:password in... auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/etc/nagios/passwd" # this file auth.require = ( "" => ( "method" => "digest", "realm" => "nagios", "require" => "user=nagiosadmin" ) ) setenv.add-environment = ( "REMOTE_USER" => "user" ) }
Restart the Lighttpd service:
root #
rc-service lighttpd restart
See the Nginx guide before continuing if you don't have it already setup.
Emerge www-servers/spawn-fcgi and www-misc/fcgiwrap:
root #
emerge --ask www-servers/spawn-fcgi www-misc/fcgiwrap
Next, create an init script for a spawn-fcgi instance dedicated to nagios:
root #
ln -s /etc/init.d/spawn-fcgi /etc/init.d/spawn-fcgi.nagios
root #
cp /etc/conf.d/spawn-fcgi /etc/conf.d/spawn-fcgi.nagios
Then, configure our spawn-fcgi instance to launch fcgiwrap and listen on a unix socket:
# edit these variables: FCGI_SOCKET=/run/fcgiwrap.nagios.socket FCGI_USER=nagios FCGI_GROUP=nginx FCGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-M 0660" FCGI_PORT= # must be empty for the socket to work FCGI_PROGRAM=/usr/sbin/fcgiwrap
Don't forget to add spawn-fcgi.nagios to the default runlevel and start it:
root #
rc-update add spawn-fcgi.nagios default
root #
rc-service spawn-fcgi.nagios start
You may need to change the owner of the /var/nagios folder, so fcgiwrap can access it:
root #
chown nagios:nagios /var/nagios
Nginx can now be configured to serve our nagios instance. Here's an example configuration snippet for nginx, assuming you have defined a php upstream:
location /nagios { alias /usr/share/nagios/htdocs; location ~ \.php$ { # Filter out arbitrary code execution location ~ \..*/.*\.php$ {return 404;} fastcgi_pass php; include fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; } location /nagios/cgi-bin/ { root /usr/lib/; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param AUTH_USER nagiosadmin; fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER nagiosadmin; if ($uri ~ "\.cgi$"){ fastcgi_pass unix:/run/fcgiwrap.nagios.socket-1; } } }
Add the user name(s) to the nagios
group, whom are allowed access to the Nagios service:
root #
gpasswd -a <USER_NAME> nagios
Once done, completely sign out from all shells and re-login for the update to apply.
Boot service
Start Nagios:
root #
rc-service nagios start
To start Nagios at boot time, add it the default runlevel:
root #
rc-update add nagios default
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost/nagios