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Mosh is a SSH client server that is aware of connectivity problems of the original SSH implementation. Mosh can migrate physical connections and IP addresses while staying connected. Mosh depends on SSH.


USE flags

USE flags for net-misc/mosh Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo

client Build network client
examples Include example scripts
hardened Activate default security enhancements for toolchain (gcc, glibc, binutils)
mosh-hardening Enable compiler and linker options to frustrate memory corruption exploits
nettle Use dev-libs/nettle for some cryptographic functions instead of dev-libs/openssl. With Nettle, some of mosh's own code is used for OCB.
server Build network server
syslog Enable support for syslog
ufw Install net-firewall/ufw rule set
utempter Include libutempter support


Install net-misc/mosh:

root #emerge --ask net-misc/mosh


Mosh requires UTF-8 locales to be set in order to run. To check, run:

user $locale -a

In case it does not return the UTF-8 locale see UTF-8#Setting up UTF-8 with Gentoo Linux.


Each mosh client requires a free and accessible UDP port between 60000 and 61000 on the server to function.



Once the remote host has SSH running, mosh installed, and the UFT8 locale set connection is possible:

user $mosh