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This page is a translated version of the page Kernel and the translation is 56% complete.
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Anche se Gentoo è un sistema operativo libero basato su Linux o FreeBSD e FreeBSD ha il suo kernel, per ragioni pratiche, questa guida riguarda la versione Linux.

The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system and offers an interface for programs to access the hardware. The kernel contains most of the device drivers.


USE flags

Per creare un kernel, è necessario installare prima il codice sorgente del kernel stesso. I sorgenti raccomandati per un sistema desktop sono i sys-kernel/gentoo-sources. Questi sono mantenuti dagli sviluppatori Gentoo, e patchati per sistemare vulnerabilità di sicurezza, problemi funzionali, così come per incrementare la compatibilità con le architetture di sistema rare.

USE flags for sys-kernel/gentoo-sources Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 6.9 kernel tree

build  !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping [make stage1]
experimental Apply experimental patches; for more information, see "".
symlink Force kernel ebuilds to automatically update the /usr/src/linux symlink


Adesso bisogna installare sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:

root #emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-sources

Kernel alternativi

There are various alternative kernel sources in the main Gentoo repository:

Sources overview

Kernel sources overview
Most, if not all, of the kernel sources packages available in Gentoo are detailed in the kernel sources overview article. Navigate there for further knowledge on specific kernel sources available in the main Gentoo repository.

Searching all alternatives

A full list of kernel sources with short descriptions can be found by searching with emerge:

root #emerge --search "%@^sys-kernel/.*sources"


Automatic configuration
genkernel is a tool used to automate the build process of the kernel and initramfs. The goal of genkernel is to help users through the kernel building process.
Manual configuration
Manual configuration enables the user, with some effort, to create a custom-fit kernel configuration.
Gentoo kernel configuration guide
Gentoo's kernel configuration guide.
Kernel security
Instructions for securing the kernel.
Indicazioni per l'aggiornamento di un kernel utilizzando una configurazione esistente.
Indicazioni per rimuovere completamente i vecchi kernel.
Kernel Seeds
Like the option above, Kernels Seeds help the user, with some effort, create a custom-fit kernel configuration using an existing .config as a base.
2.4 to 2.6 Migration
Migration guide from Linux 2.4 to Linux 2.6. Since the Linux kernel codebase has significantly moved past 2.6, these migration steps are no longer relevant, but may be useful for helping administrators understand.

Vedere anche

Risorse esterne

  • - Blog relativo al kernel Linux.
  • - "Un sito per aspiranti sviluppatori del kernel Linux che lavorano per migliorare i kernel e per sviluppatori più esperti disposti a condividere la loro conoscenza."