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This guide shows you how to proceed with the post installation setup of Jffnms, a network management and monitoring system, and how to monitor your systems with it.
Jffnms Basics
Jffnms is a network management and monitoring system. It allows you to grab information from many different kinds of hosts and protocols. With this guide, we aim to show you how to get Jffnms properly installed and have your systems monitored by this amazing tool.
Initial Setup
Choosing your USE flags
The Jffnms ebuild has the following USE flags available:
USE Flags for Jffnms | Description |
Uses Mysql to store Jffnms data |
Uses PostgreSQL to store Jffnms data |
Adds support for snmp, which enables jffnms to gather data from other hosts. |
USE flags for PHP
Being written in PHP, Jffnms is heavily dependent on PHP USE flags. In order to install Jffnms successfully, you are required to have your PHP package installed with (at least) the following USE flags:
USE Flags for PHP | Description |
Adds support for media-libs/gd (to generate graphics on the fly) |
Adds support for Web Distributed Data eXchange |
Adds support for tcp/ip sockets |
Adds persistent session support |
Adds support for the Standard PHP Library |
Enable CLI SAPI |
Just like any package in Portage, jffnms can be installed with emerge
root #
emerge jffnms
Jffnms should be installed in /opt/jffnms/.
Configuring Apache 2
This very basic configuration procedure for Apache does not cover all aspects of setting up a web server.
Sometimes you will want to run Jffnms on your local computer instead of a remote server. If this is your case, it is very likely that you don't have an apache setup running. Don't worry about installing apache though, Portage has already done that for you. Nevertheless, you still have to configure and test apache, which (luckily) is pretty straightforward. Start by adding Apache to your default runlevel:
root #
rc-update add apache2 default
If you haven't done it yet, it's time to start apache2:
root #
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
Finally, point your browser at http://localhost/ and you should be presented with a home page about your newly installed Apache 2. Now that we know that Apache is up and running, we can proceed to the mod_php configuration. Fire up your favorite text editor, open /etc/conf.d/apache2 and add -D PHP5
the APACHE2_OPTS variable.
After that, you should create a symlink to the Jffnms install directory in your Apache document root dir. In Gentoo, by default, Apache uses /var/www/localhost/htdocs as document root. So, you should do the following:
root #
cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs && ln -s /opt/jffnms/
Configuring PHP
Now that Apache is running, it is time to configure PHP. Jffnms requires that you set some variables in php.ini in order to run. The php.ini file is usually located in /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini . You have to set these variables to the following values:
register_globals = On register_argc_argv = On error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE allow_url_fopen = On include_path = ".:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/PEAR" short_open_tag = On
Database setup
Please note again that this a very basic configuration procedure for any database system and does not cover all aspects of setting up such systems.
Jffnms allows you to use either PostgreSQL or MySQL as its database. Here we'll show you how to create the database and necessary tables where Jffnms will store its data. It's important to note that it isn't necessary to have a database running locally to run Jffnms and except for the fact that you need to run this commands on the remote host, the procedure is the same.
Setting up PostgreSQL
If you already have a PostgreSQL database up and running, you can proceed to the #use-pg .
You should add PostgreSQL to your default runlevel so it's started each time you boot your computer. Make sure to change ${SLOT}
to your PostgreSQL slot, such as 9.1 or 9.2.
root #
rc-update add postgresql-${SLOT} default
Now you must setup the PostgreSQL database. Make sure to change ${VERSION}
to your PostgreSQL version, such as 9.0.9 or 9.1.5.
root #
emerge --config postgresql-server-${VERSION}
Now start PostgreSQL:
root #
/etc/init.d/postgresql-${SLOT} start
Using PostgreSQL as database
Once you have your PostgreSQL set up and running, you have to create a Jffnms user and a database to store host data.
user $
psql template1 postgres
create user jffnms password 'jfnms' createdb;
\connect template1 jffnms
create database jffnms;
Finally, you need to create all the tables where data will be stored:
user $
psql jffnms jffnms < /opt/jffnms/docs/jffnms-0.9.3.pgsql
Once you have run those steps, the PostgreSQL database configuration for Jffnms should be ok.
Using MySQL as database
Installing and configuring a MySQL database is not covered in this guide. Please see our MySQL Startup Guide.
In case you want to run Jffnms with MySQL, you'll first need to create a database and a MySQL user. After that, create your MySQL table:
user $
mysql -u jffnms -pjffnms jffnms < /opt/jffnms/docs/jffnms-0.9.3.mysql
UDP Port Monitoring and discovery
This section covers setting up and running suid programs, so it may not be adequate for systems where security is too much an issue.
If you want UDP port monitoring and discovery, you need to set nmap
and fping
as a SUID programs. This may give you security hole in case there's a bug in one of them. To set them as a SUID you can run the following commands:
root #
chmod +s /usr/bin/nmap ; chmod a+x /usr/bin/nmap
root #
chmod +s /usr/sbin/fping ; chmod a+x /usr/sbin/fping
Configuring Jffnms
Configuring the poller process
The poller process is responsible for gathering data from hosts. In order to collect this data at regular intervals, it must be added to crontab.
root #
crontab -u jffnms /opt/jffnms/docs/unix/crontab
root #
crontab -e -u jffnms
Final setup
By now, Jffnms should be correctly installed on your system. You still need, however, to configure Jffnms. Luckily, Jffnms provides us with an easy to use web page where it's possible to configure access to database, user access as well as check if the current host configuration suffices Jffnms needs. You can access this web interface through the following URL: http://localhost/jffnms/admin/setup.php . You can login to your new installation by using the username and password admin
. You should visit Jffnms's home page for details on how to properly configure it.
Though Jffnms is a wonderful application, it is a bit hard to get it up and running. So if you run into problems with Jffnms, there are some places where you can look for help:
- Jffnms Installation Manual
- Jffnms Manual
- Gentoo Forums
- PostgreSQL 9 Documentation
- MySQL Documentation
This page is based on a document formerly found on our main website
The following people contributed to the original document: angusyoung
They are listed here because wiki history does not allow for any external attribution. If you edit the wiki article, please do not add yourself here; your contributions are recorded on each article's associated history page.