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GitHub Pull Requests

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Workflow of a user contribution. The green arrows show the path of contribution. Grey arrows are optional, possible access directions.

Step 0 variant a: User configures the local repository

Clone the github mirror of the Gentoo repository under the remote name "upstream".

user $git clone -o upstream

Fork the Gentoo repository on GitHub and then add it under the remote name "github" to your local repository.

Github fork.png
user $git remote add github <UrlOfYourFork.git>

Step 0 variant b: using git as the main portage tree

This setup is not fully functional since the plain developer repository as obtained from github lacks the metadata generated for the official tree.
root #mkdir /etc/portage/repos.conf/
root #vim /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf

Add the following to the file:

   location = /usr/portage
   sync-type = git
   sync-uri =
   auto-sync = yes
   sync-user = portage:portage
root #vim /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/99-user-dev-perms

Add the following, changing <dev_user_name>.

   find /usr/portage/ -type d -exec setfacl -m u:$USER_NAME:rwx {} \;
   find /usr/portage/ -type f -exec setfacl -m u:$USER_NAME:rw {} \;
   find /usr/portage/.git -type d -exec setfacl -m u:$USER_NAME:rwx {} \;
   find /usr/portage/.git -type f -exec setfacl -m u:$USER_NAME:rw {} \;
root #chmod +x /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/99-user-dev-perms

Then sync the tree.

root #emerge --sync

Fork the Gentoo repository on GitHub and then add it under the remote name "github" to your local repository.

Github fork.png

Add your remote fork you created under the remote name "github" to your local repository.

Step 1: set up the repo's config

user $cd <overlay_path>
user $git remote add github <YOURURLHERE>
user $git config --local "Your Full Name"
user $git config --local "example@domain.tld"
user $git config --local pull.ff only
user $git config --local pull.rebase preserve
user $git config --local push.default simple

Step 2: GPG Configuration

user $vim ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

Add the following:

   keyserver hkps://
   keyserver-options ca-cert-file=/usr/share/gnupg/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem
   keyserver-options no-honor-keyserver-url
   cert-digest-algo SHA512
   default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed

Now to generate the key:

user $gpg --full-generate-key
   Select the algorithm
   Set the key size
   Specify how long the key should be valid (No more then 5 years)
   Confirm the information is correct
   Set your name
   set your email
   Set your passphrase, and confirm it.

It might take some time if you've chosen a high bit length key.

Upload your key to the keyserver.

user $gpg --keyserver --send-key example@domain.tld

To get your GPG key run this command. It should be the top line (starting with pub). If you have more than one key with the UID you will need to select the correct key yourself (from the list of returned keys).

user $gpg --list-public-keys --keyid-format 0xlong example@domain.tld

You want the keyID from the line that starts with 'pub' and what is after the algorithm and the / eg:

    pub   rsa4096/0x000000000000000
user $git config --local user.signingkey 0x000000000000000
user $git config --local commit.gpgsign 1
user $git config --local push.gpgsign 0

Step 3: User updates the local repository

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Say you are making changes to package app-foo/bar. Create a local branch with your changes:

user $git checkout -b app-foo/bar master

Make your changes and make sure to run repoman to check for basic errors:

user $repoman -dx full

Then commit your changes (if you're closing some bugs on Bugzilla, you can mention them here as suggested by GLEP66):

user $repoman ci

Step 4: User makes a pull request

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Now that you've made your changes and updated your local branch, it's time to send it off to GitHub and make a PR (Pull Request) to the Gentoo Developers.

Start by pushing the branch with your changes to your GitHub repository:

user $git push github app-foo/bar

Then create a pull request from your GitHub repository's local branch to the Gentoo repository's master branch. When your changes have been merged, you may delete your local repository's branch with:

user $git branch -d app-foo/bar

Step 5: Developer fetches the PR and reviews

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dev $curl -s -L "" | git am -S
dev $repoman full -x
dev $ # tests

Step 6: Developer merges to the tree

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dev $git push --signed origin master
