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Gerbera is an open source (GPL) UPnP media server that streams digital media through a home network to UPnP compatible devices. Gerbera is based on MediaTomb 0.12.1, which is no longer maintained.



Gerbera requires IP multicast support for automatic discovery by UPnP devices.

KERNEL Enabling IP multicast support
[*] Networking support --->
            Networking options --->
              [*] TCP/IP networking
              [*]   IP: multicasting

Gerbera supports inotify, which is a file-monitoring mechanism that allows Gerbera to be notified about changes to files immediately. For more information, please consult the Gerbera trail operations documentation.

KERNEL Enabling inotify support
    File systems --->
      [*] Inotify support for userspace

USE flags

USE flags for net-misc/gerbera UPnP Media Server

+exif Add support for reading EXIF headers from JPEG and TIFF images
+ffmpeg Enable ffmpeg/libav-based audio/video codec support
+javascript Enable javascript support
+magic Add support for file type detection via magic bytes (usually via libmagic from sys-apps/file)
+matroska Add support for the matroska container format (extensions .mkv, .mka and .mks)
+taglib Use media-libs/taglib for reading files' metadata
curl Support HTTP media sources (e.g. internet radio)
debug Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
exiv2 Use media-gfx/exiv2 to extract EXIF information
ffmpegthumbnailer Enable video thumbnail support with media-video/ffmpegthumbnailer
mysql Use dev-db/mysql as backend rather than SQLite3
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking


After setting any USE configuration, proceed to install Gerbera:

root #emerge --ask net-misc/gerbera



  • To set the network interface that Gerbera binds to, add the following to the GERBERA_OPTIONS variable, and substitute network_interface with the appropriate value e.g. GERBERA_OPTIONS="-e eth0"
FILE /etc/conf.d/gerbera
GERBERA_OPTIONS="-e network_interface"
  • To set the IP address that Gerbera binds to, add the following to the GERBERA_OPTIONS variable, and substitute ip_address with the appropriate value e.g. GERBERA_OPTIONS="-i"
FILE /etc/conf.d/gerbera
GERBERA_OPTIONS="-i ip_address"


MySQL support requires the USE flag mysql to be enabled for the net-misc/gerbera package.
  • To enable MySQL support, set the enabled attribute to yes for the <mysql> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <mysql enabled="yes">
  • Set the enabled attribute to no for the <sqlite3> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <sqlite3 enabled="no">
  • Set the <host>, <database>, <username> and <password> elements:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
  • Login to MySQL and create the Gerbera database and user, using the host, database, username and password values set in the Gerbera configuration file:
mysql>CREATE DATABASE database;
mysql>GRANT ALL ON database.* TO 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


Gerbera supports transcoding media files to formats that are supported by the UPnP device being used. The default Gentoo configuration file uses FFmpeg to transcode FLAC, Flash, Theora and Vorbis files. For more information, please consult the Gerbera transcoding configuration documentation.

  • To enable transcoding support, set the enabled attribute to yes for the <transcoding> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
  <transcoding enabled="yes">
  • For every additional mimetype that requires transcoding, add the following section in between the <mimetype-profile-mappings> and </mimetype-profile-mappings> elements and substitute mimetype and profile with the appropriate values e.g. <transcode mimetype="video/quicktime" using="video2mpeg"/>
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <transcode mimetype="mimetype" using="profile"/>
  • Install FFmpeg:
Transcoding support requires the USE flag encode to be enabled for the media-video/ffmpeg package.
root #emerge --ask --noreplace media-video/ffmpeg

Alternative transcoders

Gerbera's transcoding support is very flexible and any application capable of transcoding can be used. For more information, please consult the Gerbera transcoding documentation.



  • To enable VLC audio transcoding, replace the <agent> element for the audio2pcm profile with the following:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
        <agent command="vlc" arguments="%in -I dummy --sout=#transcode{acodec=s16b,ab=192,samplerate=44100,channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=raw,dst=%out} vlc://quit"/>
  • Set the <accept-url> element to yes for the audio2pcm profile:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml


  • To enable VLC video transcoding, replace the <agent> element for the video2mpeg profile with the following:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
        <agent command="vlc" arguments="%in -I dummy --sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=4096,fps=25,acodec=mpga,ab=192,samplerate=48000,channels=2,audio-sync}:standard{access=file,mux=ps,dst=%out} vlc://quit"/>
  • Set the <accept-url> element to yes for the video2mpeg profile:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
  • Install VLC:
Transcoding support requires the USE flags ffmpeg and encode to be enabled for the media-video/vlc package. It also requires the USE flag encode to be enabled for the media-video/ffmpeg package.
root #emerge --ask --noreplace media-video/vlc


  • To enable MPlayer video transcoding, replace the <agent> element for the video2mpeg profile with the following:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
        <agent command="mencoder" arguments="%in -o %out -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=4096:vrc_minrate=0:vrc_maxrate=9800:vrc_buf_size=1835:keyint=15:vstrict=0:acodec=mp2:abitrate=192 -vf harddup -af lavcresample=48000:channels=2 -srate 48000 -ofps 25 -of mpeg -mpegopts format=mpeg2:tsaf"/>
  • Set the <accept-url> element to yes for the video2mpeg profile:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
  • Install MPlayer:
Transcoding support requires the USE flag encode to be enabled for the media-video/mplayer package.
root #emerge --ask --noreplace media-video/mplayer


Gerbera is not a DLNA media server. Gerbera does have partial DLNA support for some DLNA devices e.g. PlayStation 3.
DLNA support requires the USE flag protocol-extensions to be enabled for the net-misc/gerbera package.
  • To enable DLNA support, set the extend attribute to yes for the <protocolInfo> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
    <protocolInfo extend="yes">
  • For DLNA enabled TVs (e.g. Samsung), add the following section in between the <server> and </server> elements:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <add header=" Streaming"/>
      <add header=" DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01500000000000000000000000000000"/>
Support for custom headers was added to net-libs/libupnp 1.6, but Gerbera has yet to implement it. This makes Gerbera unsuitable for DLNA devices that require custom header support[1].

Video thumbnails

Video thumbnail support requires the USE flags ffmpeg and ffmpegthumbnailer to be enabled for the net-misc/gerbera package.
  • To enable video thumbnail support, set the enabled attribute to yes for the <ffmpegthumbnailer> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <ffmpegthumbnailer enabled="yes">
  • To overlay a filmstrip border on the generated thumbnail, set the <filmstrip-overlay> element to yes:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
  • For DLNA enabled devices that support video thumbnails (e.g. PlayStation 3), set the extend attribute to yes for the <protocolInfo> element:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
    <protocolInfo extend="yes">

Raw images

  • To enable (Canon CR2 and Nikon NEF) raw image support, enable transcoding and add the following section in between the <profile> and </profile> elements:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <profile name="raw2jpeg" enabled="yes" type="external">
        <agent command="/usr/local/bin/gerbera-raw2jpeg" arguments="%in %out"/>
        <buffer size="524288" chunk-size="512" fill-size="1024"/>
  • Add the following section in between the <mimetype-profile-mappings> and </mimetype-profile-mappings> elements:
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
      <transcode mimetype="image/raw" using="raw2jpeg"/>
  • For every additional raw image format (supported by dcraw), add the following section in between the <extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no"> and </extension-mimetype> elements, and substitute extension with the appropriate value e.g. <map from="kdc" to="image/raw"/>
FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
        <map from="extension" to="image/raw"/>
  • Since dcraw only outputs to stdout, the output will need to be redirected with the following script:
FILE /usr/local/bin/gerbera-raw2jpeg


exec "${DCRAW_PATH}" -e -c "${INPUT}" > "${OUTPUT}"
  • Install dcraw:
root #emerge --ask --noreplace media-gfx/dcraw



  • To start Gerbera:
root #rc-service gerbera start
  • To start Gerbera at boot:
root #rc-update add gerbera default


Mimetype mapping

After adding or changing a mimetype mapping, media needs to be imported again since mimetype mappings are only set during import.

Gerbera (via libmagic) may identify the mimetype of some files incorrectly. A common case is where videos with the mp4 extension are identified as the mimetype audio/mp4. To override the mimetype returned by libmagic, add the following section in between the <extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no"> and </extension-mimetype> elements, and substitute extension and mimetype with the appropriate values e.g. <map from="mp4" to="video/mp4"/>

FILE /etc/gerbera/config.xml
        <map from="extension" to="mimetype"/>


  1. Stepperer. UE40KU6000UX Samsung TV not detecting a working Gerbera server, Gerbera GitHub, July 20th, 2017. Retrieved on December 2nd, 2017.