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Gentoo Wiki:Summer of Documentation/2012

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Gentoo has always been known for its excellent documentation, though in recent years it has suffered from an understaffed documentation team, as well as data loss and spotty availability of the unofficial wiki.

Gentoo has its own official wiki now, since November last year. So let's work together, developers and users, to make this an excellent resource to live up to Gentoo's fame.

We therefore want to announce that this summer is our wiki's first Summer of Documentation. From today, June 15, and for the next 100 days, until September 23, we will make an extra effort to improve existing articles, identify missing ones, and add new articles.


Our goal is to have at least 500 informative wiki articles by the end of this summer. As of June 15 our statistics page lists 227 content pages. So yes, our ambitious goal is to double this! But with your help and that of other users, we are sure we can make this happen!

What can you do?

  • Have a look at Gentoo_Wiki:Requested_Articles and either add to the list, or start a new article.
  • Improve existing articles. Check recent changes for spelling, grammar or content errors that you could correct. Look at Stub pages and extend them if possible.
  • Motivate other users to join our effort!


To see how we are progressing, check the Progress subpage.


In the end we reached 460 articles, which is double what we had before, even though we fell a little short of our set goal of 500 articles.