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Gentoo Cheat Sheet
This is a reference card of useful commands for administrating Gentoo systems. Newcomers and grey beards alike are encouraged to add their helpful tips below.
Package management
Sync methods
Sync all repositories that are set to auto-sync including the Gentoo ebuild repository:
root #
emaint -a sync
Sync the Gentoo ebuild repository using the mirrors by obtaining a snapshot that is (at most) a day old:
root #
Sync custom package repository and the Gentoo ebuild repository using eix:
root #
If there are overlays created by app-portage/layman, to sync them:
root #
layman -S
app-portage/layman can be installed by issuing:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/layman
app-portage/eix can be installed by issuing:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/eix
Gather more information on eix by reading its manual:
user $
man eix
Package listings
qlist is provided by app-portage/portage-utils
List installed packages with version number and name of used overlay:
root #
qlist -IRv
Package installation and removal
In the following tips www-client/firefox will be used as an example, substitute Firefox with the package of interest to perform the actions on another package.
List what packages would be installed without installing them:
root #
emerge -pv www-client/firefox
Install a specific version of a package (Use '\=' if your shell attaches meaning to '='):
root #
emerge =www-client/firefox-24.8.0
Install a package but excluding it from the world file:
root #
emerge --oneshot www-client/firefox
root #
emerge -1 www-client/firefox
Remove a package that no other packages depend on:
root #
emerge -cav www-client/firefox
Remove a package even if it is needed by other packages:
root #
emerge -C www-client/firefox
Use with caution. The
option can break software. Best if used to temporarily remove to satisfy a hard block.Remove packages no longer needed:
root #
emerge -av --depclean
As a safety measure, depclean will not remove any packages unless all required dependencies have been resolved. As a consequence of this, it often becomes necessary to run:
root #
emerge --update --newuse --deep --quiet @world
Avoid unnecessary rebuilds when USE flags only get added to or dropped from the repository and use the --quiet
flag for quicker execution:
root #
emerge --update --changed-use --deep --quiet @world
Package upgrades
Upgrade all installed packages, dependencies, and deep dependencies that are outdated or have USE flag changes (avoiding unnecessary rebuilds when USE changes have no impact):
root #
emerge -uDU --keep-going --with-bdeps=y @world
Package troubleshooting
Check for and rebuild missing libraries (not normally needed):
root #
revdep-rebuild -v
equery is part of app-portage/gentoolkit. You can obtain it by issuing this command:
root #
emerge -a gentoolkit
Tell which installed package provides a command using equery:
user $
equery b `which vim`
Tell which (not) installed package provides a command using e-file:
user $
e-file vim
Install e-file with:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/pfl
Tell which packages depend on a specific package (cat/pkg in the example) using equery:
user $
equery d www-client/firefox
Get information about a package using eix:
root #
eix www-client/firefox
Do not unemerge glibc. It is needed by nearly everything. After this you may need a rescue stick/disk.
If it happens, that you need to rebuild glibc you can fetch it from PORTAGE_BINHOST=""
Portage enhancements
A graphical user interface to use with the Portage tree:
root #
Manage configuration changes after an emerge completes:
root #
After installations or updates
After updating perl-core packages:
root #
perl-cleaner --all
or if previous didn't help:
root #
perl-cleaner --reallyall -- -av
For haskell packages:
root #
USE flags
Obtain descriptions and usage of the USE flag X
using euse:
user $
euse -i X
Gather more information on euse by reading its manual page:
user $
man euse
Obtain a description of the png
USE flag:
user $
euse -i | grep png
Show what packages have the mysql
USE flag:
user $
equery hasuse mysql
Show what packages are currently built with the mysql
USE flag:
user $
eix --installed-with-use mysql
Show what USE flags are available for a specific package:
user $
equery uses <package-name>
Quickly add a required USE flag for a package install:
root #
echo 'dev-util/cmake -qt5' >> /etc/portage/package.use
Important Portage files[i 1]
- /etc/portage/make.conf - Global settings (USE flags, compiler options).
- /etc/portage/package.use - USE flags of individual packages. Can also be a folder containing multiple files.
- /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords - Keyword individual packages; e.g. ~amd64, ~x86, or ∼arm.
- /etc/portage/package.license - Accepted licenses
- /var/lib/portage/world - List of explicitly installed package atoms.
- /var/db/pkg - Contains for every installed package a set of files about the installation.
Log management
genlop is a Portage log processor, also estimating build times when emerging packages.
Install genlop by issuing:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/genlop
You can gather more information on app-portage/genlop by reading its manual page:
root #
man genlop
View the last 10 emerges (installs):
root #
genlop -l | tail -n 10
View how long emerging LibreOffice took:
root #
genlop -t libreoffice
Estimate how long emerge -uND --with-bdeps=y @world will take:
root #
emerge -pU @world | genlop --pretend
Watch the latest merging ebuild during system upgrades:
root #
watch genlop -unc
eselect repository
app-eselect/eselect-repository can be installed by issuing:
root #
emerge -a app-eselect/eselect-repository
List all existing overlays:
user $
eselect repository list
List all installed overlays:
user $
eselect repository list -i
See also Eselect/Repository
app-portage/layman can be installed by issuing:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/layman
List all existing overlays:
user $
layman -L
List all installed overlays:
user $
layman -l
See also Layman
Obtain root shell (if the current user is listed in the sudoers list):
user $
sudo -i
Start the ssh daemon in the default runlevel at boot:
root #
rc-update add sshd default
Start the sshd service now:
root #
rc-service sshd start
Check if the sshd service is running:
root #
rc-service sshd status
Start the ssh daemon at boot:
root #
systemctl enable sshd
Start the sshd service now:
root #
systemctl start sshd
Check if the sshd service is running:
root #
systemctl status sshd
Gentoo Monthly Newsletter (GMN)
Search packages in Portage by regular expressions:
root #
emerge -s "%^python$"
Overlays vary from very small to very large in size. As a result they slow down the majority of Portage operations. That happens because overlays do not contain metadata caches. The cache is used to speed up searches and the building of dependency trees. A neat trick is to generate local metadata cache after syncing overlays.
root #
emerge --regen
This trick also works in conjunction with eix. eix-update can use metadata cache generated by emerge –-regen to speed up things. To enable this, add the following variable to /etc/eixrc/00-eixrc:
Use qcheck to verify installed packages:
root #
qcheck -e vim-core
qcheck comes with app-portage/portage-utils and can be installed by running this command:
root #
emerge -a app-portage/portage-utils
Learn more about qcheck by reading its manual page:
user $
man qcheck
See also
External resources
- Original gentoo-cheat repository
- Forum post about gentoo-cheat
- Another Gentoo cheat sheet
- Collection of Gentoo tips
- Newbie cheat sheet