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Firefox/Sync Server

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 As of July 14, 2015, the information in this article is probably outdated. You can help the Gentoo community by verifying and updating this article.

This article explains how to run a private Firefox Sync server instance.


Unless using a very particular setup with registration and storage servers in different locations install the www-misc/mozilla-sync-server-full package which is available through the klondike overlay.


After setting up the desired flags remove the keywords from the packages and run:

root #emerge --ask www-misc/mozilla-sync-server-full


The package is now installed and the default configuration is in /etc/mozilla-sync-server/. The configuration of the daemon can be set using the .ini files whilst the configuration of sync itself is done in the .conf files. All of them are .ini-style files.

The first step is replacing the following line by the .conf file to use on the .ini file:

FILE {{{filename}}}Log configuration
:configuration = file:%(here)s/sync.conf

Then ensure logs are saved in the proper place:

FILE {{{filename}}}Log location
class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('/tmp/sync-error.log',)

Then you may need to edit the server.wsgi file so they load the proper .ini files for that replace the following line by the correct file:

FILE {{{filename}}}ini_file
:ini_file = os.path.join(_CURDIR, 'development.ini')

Finally edit the .conf file with the desired settings. The most important ones are the sqluri which define the path to the SQL databases and the fallback_node which defines the URL to the server as seen by the client you may also want to disable the captcha.

For a list of parameters check:

Testing the server

Once configured test the server by following this line in /etc/mozilla-sync-server/:

root #bin/paster serve development.ini

This will start the server listening on the port 5000. You will need to have paster installed. In general using this approach to run the server is a bad idea so you can run it behind a web server instead

Running behind a web server


Emerge www-apache/mod_wsgi:

root #emerge --ask www-apache/mod_wsgi

Create the mozsync user on the mozsync group if has not been created.

Merge the following with the vhost configuration (the first line may require modification):

FILE {{{filename}}}Vhost configuration
WSGIDaemonProcess sync user=mozsync group=mozsync processes=2 threads=25 python-path=/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/syncreg/

<Directory "/etc/mozilla-sync-server">
    Options None
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

WSGIProcessGroup sync
WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/mozilla-sync-server/server.wsgi

External resources