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File managers

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A file manager is a computer program that allows for the manipulation of files and directories on a computer's filesystem.

Available software and articles

Here are some file manager packages available in Gentoo:

Name Package Homepage Description Console operation? GUI operation?
emelFM2 app-misc/emelfm2 A file manager that implements the popular two-pane design
GNU Midnight Commander app-misc/mc GNU Midnight Commander is a visual file manager. Yes
Thunar xfce-base/thunar No Yes
PCManFM x11-misc/pcmanfm a powerful, yet lightweight file manager application written by Hong Jen Yee.
X File Explorer x11-misc/xfe MS-Explorer-like minimalist file manager for X Yes
Nautilus gnome-base/nautilus No Yes
Nemo gnome-extra/nemo a fork of GNOME's Nautilus file manager for Cinnamon. No Yes
nnn app-misc/nnn Yes No
ranger app-misc/ranger Yes No
Dolphin kde-apps/dolphin Yes


Typically file managers are opened and configured from the desktop environment. Graphical managers usually have a Configuration, Options, or Preferences menu to edit.

See also