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Extended File System

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The extended file system was the first in a series of file systems created exclusively for Linux. It was one of the first filesystems to use the Linux Kernel's VFS API. ext (in version 1) is defunct and is no longer used in major Linux distributions.



Be sure to have support for the needed version of the extended file system in the Linux kernel:

  • ext2 - Introduced separate timestamps for file access, inode modification, and data modification. Does not support journaling. Upgradable to ext3.
  • ext3 - Extended file system version 3. Supports journaling. Upgradable to ext4.
  • ext4 - Extended file system version 4. Supports fast fsck[1], native filesystem encryption[2].

USE flags

See the USE flags section of the e2fsprogs article.


See the emerge section of the e2fsprogs article.



See filesystem.

See also

  • e2fsprogs - Userspace utilities for ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems.
  • btrfs - A next generation Linux filesystem.
  • FAT - The original DOS filesystem.

External resources
