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Warning: Display title "eudev/zh-cn" overrides earlier display title "Eudev".
Not to be confused with udev.
eudev test
goal test
大多数Linux用户都知道 /dev/sda1 只是内核找到的第一个磁盘上的第一个分区的快速方法。这很简单,对吧?
但请考虑USB,IEEE 1394,热插拔PCI等热插拔设备。这些设备的第一个设备是什么?而且持续多久?当第一个设备消失时,其他设备会被命名为什么?这将如何影响正在进行的事务?如果一个打印作业突然从高端激光打印机转移到几乎死机的矩阵打印机,仅仅是因为有人决定拔下激光打印机上的插头(恰好是第一台打印机),这会不会很有趣?
进入设备管理器。一个现代设备管理器(包括 udev 和 eudev)必须:
- 在用户空间中运行;
- 动态创建和删除device file;
- 提供一致的设备命名;
- 提供用户空间应用程序接口(API)。
每当设备结构发生变化时,内核都会发出一个由设备管理器获取的 uevent ,然后设备管理器遵循 /etc/udev/rules.d, /run/udev/rules.d 和 /lib/udev/rules.d 目录中声明的规则,根据uevent中包含的信息,它会找到触发和执行所需操作所需的规则。这些动作可能涉及设备文件的创建或删除,还可能触发将特定固件文件加载到内核内存中。
USE 标记
Some packages know the udev
USE flag for enabling virtual/udev integration.
To avoid registration in the world set, the oneshot option should be used.
root #
emerge --ask --oneshot sys-fs/eudev
The RC name is udev, not eudev. It needs to be registered in the sysinit runlevel.
root #
rc-update add udev sysinit
* rc-update: udev already installed in runlevel `sysinit'; skipping
From sys-fs/udev-init-scripts version 29 onward, udev-trigger
should also be added to the sysinit runlevel.
Migrating from udev to eudev
Migrating from udev 216 to eudev 1.10-r2 (March 2015) is straight forward:
root #
emerge --ask --oneshot sys-fs/eudev
In case the system uses multilib and, for example, has the abi_x86_32
USE flag active against the older udev package, then don't forget to change it too:
在 package.use 从 udev 到eudev# sys-fs/udev abi_x86_32 sys-fs/eudev abi_x86_32
Keep classic 'eth0' naming
内核提供的网络设备名称 eth0
, wlan0
等可以通过 /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules udev 规则在启动时更改参见 dmesg。
为了保持经典的命名,这个规则可以用 /etc/udev/rules.d 目录中用同样命名的空文件覆盖:
root #
touch /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
Alternatively add net.ifnames=0
to the kernel command line, change the default policy or create a custom one.
An interesting resource related to the network naming is I don't like this, how do I disable this on the Freedesktop wiki.
Use new 'predictable' naming
The new network interface naming convention is not the same so interfaces will need to be re-linked. Use /etc/init.d/net.lo as a link target for whatever interface names need to be added. Be sure to replace <interface_name>
in the commands below with the Ethernet interface names present on the system. It is possible to discover which interfaces exist by running the ifconfig command:
user $
Create symbolic links for the existing interfaces in the /etc/init.d/ and /etc/conf.d/ directories:
root #
ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.<interface_name>
root #
ln -s /etc/conf.d/net.lo /etc/conf.d/net.<interface_name>
Add the script(s) to the default runlevel to have the interface(s) start automatically:
root #
rc-update add net.<interface_name> default
使用 udevadm
开始 udevadm monitor 并且观察发生的变化:
user $
udevadm monitor
Get device info using udevadm info followed by the device path:
user $
udevadm info -p /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7
Get the device path using its name:
user $
udevadm info -q path -n input/mouse1
Test an event run using udevadm test followed by the device path for which an event is to be tested:
user $
udevadm test /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7
To get a list of all udevadm commands:
user $
udevadm -h
Migrating older releases
从 udev 171-r10 到 eudev 1.2-r1
在 Gentoo 论坛上查看 这个帖子 。
Broken system switching from udev to eudev
在 Gentoo 论坛上查看 这个帖子 。
- udev — systemd's device manager for the Linux kernel.
- Gentoo eudev Project - The official Gentoo project fork of udev.
- Allow only known usb devices
- Google Summer of Code/2016/Ideas/Eudev
- Moving from udev (171-r10) to eudev (1.2-r1) on the Gentoo Forums