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This article contains a non-exhaustive list of some directories typically found on Gentoo installations that are outside the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. A few of these special directories are mentioned in the handbook.

Gentoo specific directories

Directory Description
/ By default Portage installs all files on the current filesystem to /.
/etc/conf.d Every init script that can be configured has a file in this directory.
/etc/env.d Files which contain the variables.
/etc/init.d Init scripts directory. Most services that can be controlled should install a script here.
/etc/portage The Portage configuration directory.
/etc/runlevels/boot The boot runlevel.
/etc/runlevels/default The default runlevel.
/etc/runlevels/nonetwork The nonetwork runlevel.
/etc/runlevels/reboot The reboot runlevel.
/etc/runlevels/shutdown The shutdown runlevel
/etc/runlevels/single The single runlevel
/etc/runlevels/sysinit The sysinit runlevel.
/opt/ebuilds Overlay tree.
/usr/lib/ccache/bin The ccache binary directory.
/usr/local/portage Overlay default directory.
/usr/portage Gentoo repositories' default location.
/usr/share/doc/<package> Documentation is generally found at this location.
/usr/src/linux Linux sources directory.
/var/cache/edb Portage cache.
/var/db/pkg Portage stores the state of the system.
/var/lib/portage The versions for the applications have been explicitly installed.
/var/log/portage/elog One log per package.
/var/tmp Portage temporary file directory.
/var/tmp/ccache Portage default ccache home directory.
/var/tmp/portage Portage specific build directories for each package it emerges.
emerge --info | grep CONFIG_PROTECT= Directories which should be protected by Portage during updates, see CONFIG_PROTECT article for more information.
emerge --info | grep CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK= Directories which should not be protected by Portage during updates, see CONFIG_PROTECT article for more information.

External resources