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Deluge is an open-source, cross platform BitTorrent client. It features a GTK+ based GUI, a command line interface, a web interface and also remote clients. Deluge is written in Python 2.7.


USE flags

USE flags for net-p2p/deluge BitTorrent client with a client/server model

console Enable default console UI
gui Enable support for a graphical user interface
libnotify Enable desktop notification support
sound Enable sound support
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
webinterface Install dependencies needed for the web interface


root #emerge --ask net-p2p/deluge


Headless server

  1. Create a user
    root #useradd -m -g nogroup -s /bin/nologin deluge
  2. Configure deluged
    FILE /etc/conf.d/delugedSetting the user
    # /etc/conf.d/deluged
    # Change this to the user you want to run deluged as.
    # You may specify a group too, after a colon
    # DELUGED_UMASK="0002"
    # DELUGED_OPTS="-p 58846"
    DELUGEUI_OPTS="-u web"
  3. Start the deluged daemon
    root #/etc/init.d/deluged start
    Starting the daemon on system launch can be done with
    root #rc- update add deluged default
  4. Enable remote connections
    1. Switch to the deluge user
      root #su --shell /bin/bash deluge
    2. Open the deluge cli
      deluge $deluge-console
    3. Change the configuration value
      >>>config -s allow_remote True
    4. Leave the deluge cli
  5. Set the server username and password
    deluge $echo "myUsername:securePassword" >> ~/.config/deluge/auth
  6. Restart deluged
    root #/etc/init.d/deluged restart

Remote GTK+ client

  1. Make sure that Deluge is built with the gtk USE flag.
  2. Launch deluge-gtk, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Interface and disable classic mode, then restart deluge-gtk.
  3. Add your headless server to the connection manager, filling in the username, password, IP address and port. Then click connect.
  4. Optionally, add the server as a default to hide the Connection Manager prompt.

External resources