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Data compression

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This article provides a list of file compression options available in Gentoo Linux.

Available software

Click on the name to visit its respective article or the package to visit its page on

Name Package Description
7za app-arch/p7zip A command-line port of 7-Zip for POSIX compliant systems such as Unix, OS X, BeOS and Amiga. The 7-Zip compression type uses one of the highest compression ratios currently available.
ace app-arch/unace
arj app-arch/arj
bzip2 app-arch/bzip2 A high-quality data compressor that used to be the primary compression format used in distributing source code. It is slowly losing ground to the newer, tightly packable xz format.
cpio app-arch/cpio
gzip app-arch/gzip The Standard GNU compressor. One of the oldest of the group, has less compression than bzip2 format.
iso app-cdr/cdrtools
rar app-arch/unrar
tar app-arch/tar GNU's tarball generator software (used extensively by Gentoo Linux). tar has the ability to create .gz, .bz2, and .xz compression by passing different options. This is one tool all Linux users should have in their tool belt.
unar app-arch/unar The Unarchiver is an open-source utility that can extract RAR files.
xz app-arch/xz-utils Includes utilities for managing LZMA compressed files.
zip app-arch/zip Provides classic zip compression (this flavor created by Info ZIP). Nice for cross-platform compatibility with Microsoft operating systems. Must be built with the crypt USE flag in order to support encryption. Also supports the unicode USE flag.
zoo app-arch/zoo
zpaq app-arch/zpaq