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Cursor themes

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Check if you already have the cursors you need before installing any new package. Cursors can be found in the /usr/share/cursors directory.

x11-themes/xcursor-themes comes with the whiteglass and the redglass themes:

root #emerge --ask x11-themes/xcursor-themes

Additional software

Another package with some Gentoo themed cursors is available as well

x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors comes with gentoo, gentoo-blue, and gentoo-silver cursor themes:

root #emerge --ask x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors

To install all of the cursor themes available from Portage:

root #emerge --ask x11-themes/blueglass-xcursors x11-themes/chameleon-xcursors x11-themes/comix-xcursors x11-themes/gentoo-xcursors x11-themes/golden-xcursors x11-themes/haematite-xcursors x11-themes/neutral-xcursors x11-themes/obsidian-xcursors x11-themes/pearlgrey-xcursors x11-themes/silver-xcursors x11-themes/vanilla-dmz-aa-xcursors x11-themes/vanilla-dmz-xcursors x11-themes/xcursor-themes


Edit your ~/.Xresources file:

FILE ~/.XresourcesChoose a cursor theme
Xcursor.theme: redglass

Cursor size can be optionally chosen as well:

FILE ~/.XresourcesChoose the cursor size
Xcursor.size: 16


Cursor keeps going back to default X cursors

In some desktop environments the mouse theme can change when hovering outside of a window. Inside the window the mouse cursor respects the user's choice. But outside the window the mouse cursor changes into the default X cursor.

Create the symlink to your home path.

user $ln -s /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 ~/.icons

GTK+ 2 and GTK+ 3

With some GTK+ applications the mouse cursor changes to default settings when the it is inside the GTK+ application window. Users can fix this problem by setting the gtk-theme-name and gtk-cursor-theme-name variables in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and ~/.gtkrc-2.0. In the examples below the gentoo cursor theme as been chosen.

For GTK+ 3 applications:

FILE ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-theme-name = gentoo
gtk-icon-theme-name = gnome
gtk-cursor-theme-name = gentoo

For GTK+ 2 applications:

FILE ~/.gtkrc-2.0
gtk-theme-name = gentoo
gtk-icon-theme-name = gnome
gtk-cursor-theme-name = gentoo

See also

X resources — configuration options for X applications

External resources