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Chess is a classic board game. This page is to help players explore their options.


Games require your user to be in the games group.

change $USER to your actual user you intend to be playing games
root #gpasswd -a $USER games



Stockfish is one of the strongest chess engines in the world. It is also much stronger than the best human chess grandmasters.

root #emerge --ask stockfish


Sjeng is suitable on easy mode for beginners. It's hard mode plays hard, but loads the CPU.

root #emerge --ask sjeng


Crafty is another very difficult chess engine.

root #emerge --ask crafty


Phalanx is an engine that is more human like than others. It is extremely difficult. This engine is buggy allowing illegal moves to capture pieces.

root #emerge --ask phalanx


Gnuchess is impossibly difficult. Gnuchess has a cli front end, or the engine its self can be used for other front ends.

root #emerge --ask gnuchess



EBoard is a user-friendly chess client to play against a local chess engine, a remote Internet Chess Server (ICS) or directly against another Eboard user on a remote computer. In relation to ICS, it has a special focus on the Free Internet Chess Server. It comes with graphical themes and a chat window when playing remotely.

It is possible to automate Eboard actions using scripts. This is an example of an auto login script that needs to be placed in ~/.eboard/scripts.

CODE FICS auto login script
#!/usr/bin/env perl

# proof of life to avoid hanging
print "hello\n";

# while there is input in STDIN, read a line
while(<>) {
  print "USERNAME\n" if /login:/;
  if (/password:/) {
     print "PASSWORD\n";
     exit 0;
root #emerge --ask eboard


Gnome Chess is a high quality front end that supports multiple chess engines, 2d graphics and 3d graphics.

root #emerge --ask gnome-chess


Shane's Chess Information Database is a powerful Chess Toolkit. It can interface with XBoard engines (such as Crafty and GNU Chess), and UCI engines (eg. Fruit). Using Scid, one may play games against human opponents (on the Free Internet Chess Server), or computer opponents. Database features include a Move Tree with statistics, Player Information and Photos, and General Searches for specific endings (e.g. pawn vs. rook or rook vs. queen), positions or players.

root #emerge --ask scid


Xboard is a lightweight front end. Among its many options, it can analyse games and have two engines playing against each other.

root #emerge --ask xboard

All In One


Pouetchess is an all in one chess program. It is 3d and consumes the entire screen. It has several levels of difficulty, though it does not have an absolutely no resistance mode where you can easily check mate the opponent.

root #emerge --ask pouetchess


The pychess engine works really well with difficulty scaling, however as it is python it loads the cpu even on very easy.

root #emerge --ask pychess


some chess programs only support player vs player.


Not in portage

as far as 666threesixes666 (talk) can tell, chessdb only supports pvp mode, and no internet/networked mode.

root #emerge --ask chessdb


666threesixes666 (talk) didnt get to reviewing free internet chess server aka fics, eboard, knights.

External Resources