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Description Presenting news as it develops, the News project is intended to provide the Gentoo community a stream of information regarding changes in the Gentoo universe.
Project email
IRC channel #gentoo-news
Last elected: 2016/01/01
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Public Relations
Project listing

Presenting news as it develops, the News project is intended to provide the Gentoo community a stream of information regarding changes in the Gentoo universe.

Time permitting, the news project will also be pursuing interviews with developers and members of the Gentoo community.

Anyone with news to announcements should ping Matthew Marchese (maffblaster) in #gentoo-news with a brief summary of the news item they would like announced.

Historically, the Gentoo Monthly Newsletter (GMN) summarized the key events in the Gentoo Linux project every month and presented them in a concise format. The News project is a direct successor to (GMN), which, in turn, succeeded the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter (GWN) project before it. News now will be released in a --oneshot stream format, rather than the @world-like monthly summaries of the past.

Syndicated news

Social media:

Our sites:




  • Create git repo archive of old newsletters?
  • New news website (possibly

Find the old Newsletter guide here.

External resources