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Project:Desktop Miscellaneous

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Gentoo Desktop Miscellaneous Project
Description Maintains various small utilities for X11 that do not fit any other category.
Project email
Lead(s) none
No lead election date set
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Gentoo
Project listing

The Desktop Utilities project manages a wide variety of small utilities and dockapps for the Gentoo Desktop. Utilities include any small programs that make the desktop easier or more fun to use. Dockapps include similar programs that fit into the dock/slit/wharf of your desktop's wm.


The goal of the Desktop Utilities project is to support all desktop utilities in Portage.

Got Bugs?

If you are experiencing a bug with a utility, we'd like to hear from you! Include all relevant information in your report to Gentoo's Bugzilla. Please assign your bug to, and include the output of emerge --info, the version of X11 in use, and the utility experiencing the problem.