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PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is commonly used in establishing a direct connection between two networking nodes. It can provide connection authentication, transmission encryption, and compression.


USE flags for net-dialup/ppp Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

activefilter Enables active filter support
atm Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support
dhcp Installs PPP DHCP client plugin for IP address allocation by a DHCP server (see
eap-tls Enables support for Extensible Authentication Protocol and Transport Level Security (see
gtk Installs GTK+ password prompting program that can be used by PPP plugin for reading the password from a X11 input terminal
ipv6 Add support for IP version 6
pam Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip
radius Enables RADIUS support
selinux  !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking

Portage has a USE flag ppp for enabling support for PPP for other packages.

Enabling ppp USE flag will pull in net-dialup/ppp automatically
FILE /etc/portage/make.conf
USE="... ppp ..."

After setting global USE flags update your system to the changes take effect:

root #emerge --ask --changed-use --deep @world

Or emerge net-dialup/ppp package manually:

root #emerge --ask net-dialup/ppp


Following kernel options need to be enabled, to support PPPoE, which is used in most cases.

Using PPP compression is not suggested.
Device Drivers  --->
    [*] Network device support  --->
      <*>   PPP (point-to-point protocol) support
      < >     PPP BSD-Compress compression (NEW)
      < >     PPP Deflate compression (NEW)
      [ ]     PPP filtering (NEW)
      < >     PPP MPPE compression (encryption) (EXPERIMENTAL) (NEW)
      [ ]     PPP multilink support (EXPERIMENTAL) (NEW)
      <*>     PPP over Ethernet (EXPERIMENTAL)
      < >     PPP support for async serial ports (NEW)
      < >     PPP support for sync tty ports (NEW)
Optional PPP options
Option Driver Description
PPP BSD-Compress compression ppp_bsdcomp (Not recommended) Support for data compression. "PPP Deflate compression" is preferable.
PPP filtering - Support for packet filtering.
PPP MPPE compression (encryption) ppp_mppe Driver for Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption.
PPP multilink support - Support for PPP multilink to combine serveral lines.
PPP over Ethernet pppoe Driver for PPPoE.
PPP support for sync tty ports ppp_sync_tty Support for synchronous devices.

Finally you need to rebuild linux, install and boot new kernel with PPP support.


Provided eth0 following lines should be added for PPPoE connection:

FILE /etc/conf.d/netAdd:
link_ppp0="eth0" (Specify your ethernet interface)
mtu 9120 (Get the correct MTU (Jumbo frame) value from your eth0 Gigabit Ethernet card interface)
holdoff 3
child-timeout 60
lcp-echo-interval 15
lcp-echo-failure 3
noaccomp noccp nobsdcomp nodeflate nopcomp novj novjccomp"

Create an init script for the PPP device by symlinking to net.lo:

root #ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.ppp0
root #/etc/init.d/net.ppp0 start

See also